Good News & Bad News and How to Deal With It

I also made another map and put it in the world map chapter on the Great Plains where I have decided that the Zora Kingdom resides on western coast of the Great Lake so their is a point of interest to going their besides the random Orc tribes scattered across the plains.


"Raven…. Did you even tell them where I went…." I said as it looked to me she hadn't left her spot ever since I took a trip to the Wood Elf Kingdom.

"Yes I did dad, I'm responsible enough to do what you say, I just came back to keep working on my weapons is all." She says as she looks up at me after she stops sharpening her spear.

"Well that's good, oh and I'll tell you this now since your here, but you gals can all fast travel between here and the Wood Elf Kingdom and see the sights and when we have more valuable stuff, you girls can go and trade things with them for stuff." I said to her a bit of what they can go do during their free time.

Currently we don't really have anything of value within the tribe, we have those Crystal Antlers from the Crystal Deer we hunted, some nice animal pelts, some pearls from some freshwater clams we found in the river, and some precious stones we have found through our mining efforts, though not that much however, and that's basically all we have of value right now.

"Okay." She said with a nod as she was moderately interested in going out and seeing new places, as she and the rest of her generation of sisters will officially be adults tomorrow and will be able to go out and do their own things without being confined to the village unless they want to stay at home and be blacksmiths or tanners and the like.

So long as my women are strong enough I wouldn't mind them heading out on their own normally, but I will tell everyone that a group of ratmen(Skaven) and a small Lynel Squad are out their searching for me and our home, so we have to be careful.

'Though if I was able to bring those women to my side, wouldn't have have the coolest ride that's also my woman?' I thought to myself as I pictured myself riding on the back of a Lynel, sword in hand.

'If I can get them then our future raiding party's we send out to the mortal world will be extremely strong, though maybe I could find the DemonKings old horse that went missing after his defeat, after all that is an optional Kings Mission to complete.' I say to myself as I look over the several Kings Side Quests that I could ultimately do, and one is breaking and Taming the dark horned steed of the old DemonKing.

But that's for another time, currently I need to tell everyone what's going on, tell Regina our sister is coming to join our family and to warn them of the actions of the DemonKings Army.

So I went over and grabbed the gathering horn, one that I had fashioned out of a goats antler we hunted a few days back, and blew on it.


I then put it back in its spot going up and standing on the platform before Mother Terra's statue as soon after my daughters and women all came together to gather with Regina joining me at my side.

"Good everyone's here, now I called all of you here for some news, both good and bad, but let's start with the good news first." I said as I tried to ease their worries on there faces.

"There are three good news, first of all is you probably heard about this but I have had our Waystone connected to the Woodelves Waystone and have signed a nonaggression pact with them to not only declare no hostilities between our kingdoms but to also make way so you younger girls can travel and see more of the world instead of being cooped up here on your days off and see the Wood elf kingdom for yourselves."

"Next is that Mother Terra spoke to me personally and said that me and my lovely wife Regina here now have a new sister and the second queen to our growing tribe, she is none other than the Queen of the Imps, Midna, and she should arrive at our home tomorrow." This surprised most of the girls especially Regina, but at the same time she was happy to have more people join our growing family.

(N) It should be obvious by now but because Wolbet and Regina were made from the same patch of ground as each other they are blood related brother and sisters, same can be said for Midna as she was born the exact same way as them making her Wolbet and Regina's Sister.

"And lastly due to my growing power my strength has attracted another tribe for the Great Plains to start migrating over here and to join us in most likely a few days to a week from now so will need to start prepping for that…. Now for the bad news…." I sigh as I scratch the back of my head as I was having a hard time saying what was to come, but Regina squeezed my hand.

"Don't worry Wolly, it's gonna be alright." Is all she said to ease my worries a bit, which they did a little so I turned to look at the crowd made by my family.

"There two things of bad news, both related to one another, after the tribe was formed a every shockwave was sent out that only those of the goblin race could sense and that's suppose to be it, but it seems a group from the DemonKings army got wind of this, specifically the Skaven, and told their superiors who told them to go search for our village and are thus scattered around the Great Forest, but they can be dealt with so it's only a minor problem in the end."

"No the real bad news is that they didn't just send the Skaven after us, but two of the strongest most fiercest monsters in the DemonKings army are also hunting for me and our village…. It's the Lynels…." And as I said that I could feel the tension rise in the air from the Bokoblins, Gnolls and my first generation of daughters had tighter grips on their weapons where as my youngest daughters, the second generation, were confused as to what a Lynel really is.

"For of you that don't know, a Lynel is what happens when you take a centaur and merge it with a Lion and give them great skill in all forms of physical combat, as well as being able to breath fire and exploding the very ground from the shockwaves of their massive attacks, they are extremely dangerous, but one is a redmanned Lynel which the strongest of us can handle, it's the White Manned Lynel that's dangerous to fight as she is the leader of the two and her level is anywhere between lvl. 80-90, so unless one of us gets to at least somewhere around level 70 we will best steer clear of them if we can help it."

"Good thing is they have no clue where we are at for the time being, but if the Skaven find us we have to stop them to keep them from relaying that message back to the Lynels or worse the DemonKings Army, so for now we will focus on our activities to the south, west and East and stay clear of the Great RedWoods for the time being, so I want you girls all to be training your skills to the best of your ability, and for my mages/Witches I want you to go to the Wood Elves Kingdom and learn from their mages as they will definitely be able to help you get stronger with your magics instead of what you can learn on your own, in the future I'll go out of my way to make contact with the Witches Coven of the Dead Woods to the East in hopes they will take on some of you as disciples for training as well." As much as it pains me, my magically inclined daughters will get stronger away from our home then them trying to learn from it here on their own.

"So here's the plan, we will stay out of the Redwoods and hunt to the southwest instead for food for the time being, but besides that everything else is normal, and if you spot any Skaven, hide and run home to tell us where you spotted them so we can hunt them down and get info where they are all at in the Great Forest so we can take them out for good, whether through conversion or slaughter, they will be dealt with soon enough." I say as I lay out our plans for the foreseeable to everyone in the village.

"Alright that's all I have to say, now get some rest, we have plenty of work tomorrow." I say before dismissing them as they go back to what they were doing, but a bit more solemn atmosphere could be felt in the tribe.

"Haaaa…. I shouldn't have told them…."

"No you did the right thing, both as a father and a leader you need to tell your children and people both the good and bad that can happen, but don't worry honey, I know in the end everything will work out in the end, and so long as we're careful we will get stronger soon enough to deal with them with ease, and one day The Great Forest will be completely under your control, but not everything will go easy on the road of Kingdom Building as it's a long and bumpy road we must take, but we will do it together." Regina says as she reassures me as she holds my hand as she leans on my shoulder.

"…. Did mother tell you to say that?"

"... Maybe..."

"….. Well it's good advice nonetheless, so thanks babe." I say with a smirk as I wrap my arm around her as we start to walk back into the village.

A lot of work needs to be done and plenty of things to do before I have the strength to make the Great Forest mine.


A Slowish chapter but it's to prep everything that will happen later on in this chapter and hints that lead to all near future events.

Can't have every chapter be sex chapters all the time after all.

This story has both plot and PLOT at a 40/60 split after all.