Side Chapter: The World Beyond the Monster Range

Far to the North of the Monster range, well past the DemonKings Lands stood the holy Kingdom of Vatacino, and in their capital best known as the Holy City, deep within the Holy Grove the Hero's party are ever so slowly healing from their wounds.

After fighting and defeating the DemonKing with his dying breath he launched a massive curse on the hero's party before he self destructed and unleashed a wave of corruption that was meant to kill them were only saved with the help of their parties main mage who used a stone of return brought them all straight to the Holy City where they appeared in the temple of healing before they lost consciousness from their wounds.

And since then they have been in the sacred grove of the Holy City to use the power of the God of Light himself to slowly and naturally heal their wounds.

This is where the hero's party was recuperating at from the deep curse that has afflicted them all, some more than others with the Hero of the Mortal races the most afflicted of them all.

It had been months since then and none of the hero's showed signs of awakening anytime soon.

The hero's party are as follows.

Urbosa, Queen of the Vast Dunes and the one known as the 'Tempest' (BOTW)

Orion, a man with such power with the Bow that Dragons fear to fly in his sight. (FGO)

Lindel, the Great Wandering Healer and one of the disciples of the Great Sage. (The Ancient Magus Bride)

Tatsumaki, The Great Mage of Gravity and the youngest but most promising Disciple of the Great Sage. (OPM)

Reinheart, Leader of the Chivalric Order of the Kingdom of Alcina and the one who charged headfirst into battle alongside his comrades with his Great Tower Shield protecting them from all attacks. (Overwatch)

And last is none other than the hero of all Mortal Kind as he lay motionless in a deep sleep with only the holy of the sword that sealed the darkness left in his hands.

His name is Arthur, Arthur Pendragon of the fallen noble house Pendragon from the Dukedom of what is better known as the Merchant Alliance with his only living relatives being his older sister Morgan and his younger sister Artoria. (FGO)

Here is where the hero's party lay as they slowly kept on recuperating from their great final battle while they were watched of by the Great Sage himself as he watched them slowly recover.

He was known as the Sage of Flowers in his younger years before he obtained eternal youth for himself as he sat and watched as they healed as time passed, making sure none would come and harm them in their most vulnerable time for them all, for he is Merlin and he will not forsake those that went out of their way to save the world. (FGO)

"Haaaa…. I do hope you recover soon young ones, I feel a new darkness brewing in this world, not just one, but many from all around the world are hoping to bring an end to the peace that was just made by you all, Raiders from the Frozen North and the Amazons from Serpent Island are harassing our merchants, the demons keep pushing against Fort IronWall to invade our lands, those from the East see our lands as easy plunder, the Dragons are getting restless and a shining star was born deep within the Monster Range." Merlin said to himself as he listed off all the problems that the mortal world was facing externally and not to mention the constant tensions between the major countries of the continent have between each other.

"This Peace you have fought for is so fragile, something soon will break the glass that this piece lays on and the world will be in turmoil once more…. Haaaa I feel like this is all some sick joke that a god up there has thrusted upon us….." He sighed as he leaned back on the great tree that was in the center of this holy grove as he talked to himself.

But he's not wrong with his thoughts, the Gods can be very whimsical with the lives of mortal beings after all.


Elsewhere at Fort IronWall.

"Major General Armstrong! A horde of demons is making their way here!" I soldier said as he rushed in before saluting to the woman who was already looking outside towards the Demon Horde that was approaching.

"What are there numbers and what do they have?" She says as she keeps looking at the Demon Horde that's approaching in the far distance.

"Are estimates say around 5,000 with Bokoblins and Moblins taking up the most of the force with several Boss Bokoblins, a few Hinoxs and... One Flame Gleeok….." the officer said with a grim look.

"There starting to put in some actual effort now, they must have expended plenty of dark magics to summon that beast, but it doesn't matter!" She said with a wave of her hand as she quickly turned around and began to walk to the door as her officer made the way for her before she pulled out a magic speaker that connects to the entire Fort.

"Everyone! A force from the DemonsLands is heading our way! Everyone to your stations! Squads Alpha through Foxtrot are to prepare to enter combat!" She shouted out to everyone to make sure they knew what jobs they had to do.

"Finally an actual battle! I was getting sick and tired of all the stupid ass training we've been doing.... Though I still hate wearing this outfit!" A rather rowdy girl said as she looked at her outfit that was normal now but when it goes into battle form it gets more…. Skimpy with the increase in power.

"How pathetic, get over the embarrassment as it makes us stronger in battle after all." Another woman said who looked like her older sister.

"Oh piss off Satsuki! Your also embarrassed wearing it as well so don't act all high and mighty with me!" The younger sister, Ryuko, shouted back at her sister before an argument commenced.

"There they go again, Vargas should we deal with it?" A guy with long blonde hair said as he looked at his red haired friend.

"Best to stay out of it Eze, you know how they get with each other, now come on Selena and Lance have already gone on ahead, those two will join up with us soon enough, we don't need to get chewed out by General Armstrong again." Vargas said with a shiver as he hoisted his great sword over his shoulder as the two guys quickly made there way out to the barracks and out to the field where all the fighter squads were meeting up.

This might be the first time the new members of Foxtrot have entered into a battle with the other squads of Fort IronWall, but for the others this is almost a weekly occurrence for them, but that didn't mean they took it any less seriously as one slip up will mean death.

*Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!*

The thunder of artillery could be heard from the ramparts as cannons kept firing on the approaching Demon Army as the forward squads had assembled past the safety of their fortifications as they looked upon the approaching army as they readied their weapons for a bloody battle ahead.

But that is a story for another time.


This chapter is a small celebration chapter for hitting 500k views here on Webnovel as well as open up the world a bit more outside of Wolbet's current area so you guys can get to know what other characters from other series are out there in this world of his.