Negotiations & ???

"…." I furrowed my brow as I looked at this scene before me as I watched this drunk party going on between the four leaders of the Oni Village with only one being slightly sober for the most part.

"Hmmm? Oh your back, and you brought the Goblin King too, seems like your much stronger than I thought." One of the Oni's who wasn't as drunk as the other three said as she looked at me before she took a sip from her sake cup.

"I'll take that as a compliment, though besides making the link between the villages why else did you want to bring me here?" I was a bit confused on that part, Oni, Ogres, Trolls and Giants all find strong men attractive while I'm not really strong from there perspectives, well they like the combo of big dicks and strong but there are maybe a few who don't care about strength and want a good dicking but still that's the minority.

"Well besides your the only King of our race there are other reasons, see our hunting grounds have become scarce and the woods around here have thinned out to much that we can't really cut down any more trees or else our home will be easy to spot from our enemies, and seeing as your home is deep in the Great Forest where both wood and food is plentiful I was hoping to set up a stable trade between our villages, you provide wood and food, and will ores, ingots, armor and weapons for the right price of course." She goes onto say before she pulls out a very long pipe as she places some crushed tobacco in the end before lighting a match and taking a long puff from it after saying her part.

"On top of that a lot of the ladies here are…. Frustrated to say the least and I know a few who would give plenty of goods to your village just to have a full day to have fun with you, especially the giants, they are starting to get desperate from what I can tell, but you don't need to worry, our mages have made necklaces for them that let them alter there sizes at will, if they didn't this village would be the size of a city from their massive huts." She says as she rubs the blonde Oni's hair who is using her lap as a pillow.

Now this was a good deal, a really good deal in fact, we could have a steady trade route between our village and allow us to get the materials that were in short supply for us along with surplus of weapons and armor as there are only three blacksmiths at home and they can only do so much at a time but….

'Am I really going to turn myself into a ManWhore for profit?…. Of course I am!…. Well with some conditions of course.' I mean if you haven't noticed I like having a lot of sex after all.

"Hmmm, I'm not against it, though I have conditions." I said stroking my chin as I looked at her, by now all of her sisters as I believed them to be were dead drunk and out cold on the floor with her being the only one conscious due to her extremely high alcohol tolerance from what I can tell.

"Oh? And what might that be?" She said before taking another swig from her sake bottle.

"Any of the women that decide to do that are exclusively mine, I'm the only one that can be their partner, and if they want to keep living here but they are my women from that point onwards."

She looks at me and squints her eyes a bit, "That isn't an issue, but you know some of the girls here are already in relationships with each other so I don't think they would be happy breaking those off to have a good time with you."

I rub my chin, "Then let me rephrase that, I'm their only male partner that they can have, I don't mind them having relationships so long as I'm the only one with the dick in the relationship." Hell some of my women were bisexual and had their ways with one another when I'm busy with others so I don't care.

(N) Somebody says he's getting cucked that way then all I have to say is your an idiot for even thinking that, and don't pull in the futa shit now as that hasn't happened yet and if you want to see what I mean by the relationship between him and the futas it's him -> futa -> futas girl, he gets to fuck his women and the futas pussy and the futa gets to fuck her girls but they don't fuck each others girls and share them, just to make shit clear in case you guys don't get it in the future for some reason.

"That's not a problem then most of them haven't had a man for themselves in years, and only having each other to please themselves isn't enough to itch that scratch so unless they really want to go live with you they shall live in my village until I have given the okay, only Nina and her daughters can as they wanted to see if your good husband material and by coming back so soon must mean you are so they have my blessing to go live with you in your village." She says as she looks over to Nina and her daughters with a slight nod who get on their knees and bow to her.

"Thank you Shuten-sama for taking care of us all these years." Nina and her daughters said back to her but she just waved it off.

"You have been looking for a husband for a long time Nina so who am I to stop you when you really decide to find one for yourself?" She says back making Nina show a shy but happy smile on her face at once.

But then-

*WARNING! WARNING! EXTREME THREAT DETECTED! EXTREME THREAT DETECTED!* I heard blaring in my ears making my eyes go wide as my body tensed up.

And not just me but Shuten and her sisters, who instantly sobered up felt a threat they have never felt before then-


A massive pressure wave hit the entire village causing all of its inhabitants to collapse either unable to move or just straight unconscious, I was forced to my knees as I was sweating buckets as I felt someone was staring right at me and into my soul.

"Sorry little guy, but this world doesn't need more Monster Kings." I could here the voice of a man say as magical runes surrounded me on the floor as the ethereal projection of a man all dressed in a white hooded robe appeared before me.

I was visibly shaking as sweat was pouring down my face in fear, 'Lvl 900?!?! Who the fuck is this guy?! Wait…. Don't tell me….'

I had to use what little strength I had to look up at him, "The Great…. Sage of…. Mortalkind…." I was having trouble speaking from his unbearable pressure he was releasing.

"Yes, Now goodbye Monster King." He Simple said before he took his staff and pointed right at my chest and-