Satisfy the Glutton & Goblin Progenitor (R-18)

'Holy shit! Her mouth is sucking the life out of me!' Out of all the women I've ever had in my short life, Aila is definitely the one who can give the best head and can hold it all in without gagging and choking on my length.

Not wanting to be out done I began to move in and out of her heavenly mouth pussy while I dug my face deep into her pussy as I swirled my tongue around going after her clit and quickly finding her sensitive spots as I played with them as her pussy kept getting more and more wet.

Seeing how skilled I was and how quickly she was getting to cumming she picked up the speed for me by actually grabbing my hips before making me rapidly thrust in and out of her mouth as she had her tongue swirl all around its length bringing me very quickly to the edge.

So it was a race to see who could put do the other with our tongue skills, but it was obvious she was much better at this than I was, but my strong will was what kept me from losing and when I finally felt the taste of her thick nectar I gave her what she wanted.

*Gulp Gulp Gulp*

An endless torrent of cum kept going down her throat and into her bottomless stomach, after all she did have the combination of skills called 'Large Stomach' and 'Extreme Metabolism' giving her basically the sudo-skill of 'Bottomless Stomach' slowing her to eat and devour massive quantities of anything and still not get entirely full.

'Itsh shooo gooood, moooore, give me moooore' her thoughts became blurry in her head from the rich and delicious cream going straight down her throat and into her stomach, and to make him shoot out even more she began to fondle his balls making his constant orgasms even more intense as he kept cumming.

But not wanting to be out done like this I dug in even deeper and kept hitting her weak points making her constantly cum to get everything I can out of this as the sounds of leveling up could be heard again before I promptly muted them as I got serious.

'I'll fucking make you my bitch soon enough and make you my personal nut drainer if you think you can take advantage of me.' So we kept going at it to see who could put do the other, could she handle the equivalent of me emptying my fully packed balls into her over 200 times? Or could she make it to the end.

(N) His stamina currently could make it so he could fuck 200 women nonstop without needing a break at this point, and as he's leveling up that cap is increasing as well.

'Shooo mucsh cum…. Shooo gooooodddd' she was losing her mind in ecstasy as her belly was starting to get filled up with the endless supply of cum that keeps filling her up while she was losing feeling in her pussy as it was becoming overly sensitive from all the work he was doing on her to the point as the torrent of cum going in her was endless while she was squirting more than a sprinkler with how good he was with his tongue work on her was.

'Finally! Her belly is starting to get bigger, soon enough she'll be at her limit, but damn my nuts are feeling sore.' All this constant cumming isn't something I've had to do before so it hurt a bit from doing this nonstop with no breaks in between to give me even a slight breather like when I had big orgies with my lovers.

"Guuuuguuu" and finally she couldn't hold it in anymore as her mouth puffed up full of cum before not being able to hold it in anymore as her face got completely covered in cum as I slowly pulled out and let thick ropes shoot out and cover her face in even more cum before I finally completely pulled away to look at my prize.

"Haaaa, looks like I win." I say as I rub her juices off my mouth as her eyes are clearly cross eyed with her pupils turning into hearts as she left her mouth open as it was overflowing with copious amounts of cum as her tongue moved around wanted to keep licking and sucking my cock still.

"How about you rest up, but don't forget your mine now and your gonna help the others get stronger faster alright?" I said but she was barely there as she just nodded, so I left her there so she could recover.

"But hey I immensely profited from this didnt I?" I say with a grin as I look at my new level I had achieved through all that.


Name: Wolbet

Race: Goblin -> Goblin Progenitor

Titles: Goblin King, Son of Terra

Lvl. 70-> Lvl. 100

STR: 200-> 245

PER: 100-> 130

END: 200 -> 240

CHA: 30 -> 50

INT: 35

AGL: 100 -> 120

LCK: 30

MAG: 35/35

STA: 2050/2050 -> 2450/2450

HP: 20,000 -> 24,000


Magic: Cleanse Corruption

Skills: Bulk Up, Peak Strength, Giants Punch, Bronze Body, Night Vision, Blink Step, Kings Banner, Kings Charge, Kings Call

New Skills

Hard Negotiator: You have hit the first threshold in the CHA stat, Now you are more likely to make deals that profit you more in the end.

Kings Territory: The King and his Castle go together like salt on Meat, When within your village the walls that protect you and your people are strengthened five fold, and those inside your village walls are boosted up to the strength of the King to be able to defend themselves.

Race Change! Goblin to Goblin Progenitor!

Goblin Progenitor: Allows the owner of this racial trait to take on the aspects of every type of Goblinoid, from standard Goblins all the way up to Giants, note that clothes won't grow with you when you change size.


"Huh, I didn't really feel any different from my race change, if I didn't look I don't think I'd notice, but since I'm nude I can test it out." I say before I think of what I want to become.

Soon enough my body changes to fit what kind of Goblinoid I'm thinking of as I switch through all the types of goblins there are and being fascinated by the wonderful natural abilities my daughters and others have love the natural affinity I have in these forms.

"At least taking on these forms doesn't hurt or anything, it suck if it was painful to grow a tail only to get rid of it." I say as I switched between my swamp/frog Goblin to Sea Goblin forms before reverting back to normal.

"Now, how about Orc?" I say as I look at myself in the stand up mirror before my body shifts and enlargens, my muscles becoming more buffer and noticeable, my jawline squaring out as my lower fangs enlarge and stick out of my mouth but my lips get a bit larger so they are hidden in my mouth once more all the while growing up to seven feet tall as I look at myself over.


"…. I look like an idiot, handsome, but an idiot, and gods my voice! It's so deep and husky! No! No no I hate this! Is this me if I was an Orc? I went from cute, squishy and huggable to rugged, buff, rock solid, and stupid! Nope I'm not using this form if I can help it!" I shout out before going back to normal.

"Huuu, soft and squishy is best…. But I should try one more…. What about Oni?" I say as I soon began to change.

My green skin turns to a light tan as my hair shortens and turns white while a pair of horns grow out of my head while my sclera turns black and my irises turn golden yellow as I grow up to only six feet tall while gaining what I look like when I activate Bulk Up but it's just on all the time with this body type.


"…. Compared to the Orc I hate this much less, I could bare looking like this and if I can hide my horns and make my eyes normal I'd look no different from a human, so from now on this shall be my disguise should I ever venture into the mortal world for some fun." I say with a smirk before I return to normal.

"Now then I know what should do, tomorrow it's time to remove one more threat from my domain." I say as I grab my bear pelt and put it on along with the rest of my clothes as I step back out with a bright smile on my face.

"It's time to Hunt some Lynels"