Lynel Negotiations & The Zora Under Threat

"So? What is it you wish to talk about with me Lynel Queen?" I say as I look down from them from the Giant Redwood I stood upon.

'Damn is she big' I thought, though she's not as tall as Gaylee in her giant form she is the second tallest woman I've seen now as I never actually saw any of the Giants at the Oni Village when I went there.

"Monster King, we wish to not fight you but instead to join you and your tribe, if your willing to have us that is." Cleo said as she parted her way forward from her protective subjects.

"My Queen!"

"Silence Shiro! I've made my stance clear, if you still see me as your queen you shall listen to my commands!" She shouted back with a growling snarl which made Shiro shrink her head back down in fear and shame.

"Hmmmm, I see no problem with allowing you Lynels to join my people, but those two have been trying to hunt me down since coming out here, that and they don't seem to agree to falling under my rule." I say pointing at both Shiro and Rouge.

"You need not worry about that Monster King, as their Queen I have full authority over them, they were originally following the orders of Lady Tier, the leader of 'Las Diez Calaveras' who is currently the temporary leader of the fallen DemonKings army, but she broke the chain of command and gave orders to my subordinates directly making me lose what little respect I had for them and thus lead me to this situation you see us in today." She goes on to explain to me exactly why she had left along with the remains of her tribe of sentient Lynels unlike the beastly Lynels used as nothing more than cannon fodder in battles.

"Hmm, I see I guess that makes sense, but I'm going to have to use one of my skills before I lead you to my home as I feel something is watching you." But it wasn't a feeling as for some reason my magic of Corruption Purification made me see what appeared to be a small demonic eye on Cleo's shoulder, but neither she nor anyone else could perceive it.

(N) it's like a tiny Eye of Malice from BOTW

"?? Sure I see no problem with you doing that then." She said a bit confused at what I was talking about but wasn't against it.

Seeing as there wasn't going to be a fight, both I and the others dropped down from our perch before I approached Cleo and raised my hand towards her as it started to glow in a bright green light as it went from me and into Cleo's body as blackish red fog left her body.

"KIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!" They all heard a piercingly loud scream as a small blob with an eye appeared before everyone's eyes as it struggled and squirmed on Cleo's body before it let go and fell off as it flipped and flopped around before shriveling up and disappearing in a puff of smoke before I pulled back my hand and looked at Cleo who looked at me with a genuine surprised look on her face.

"Told you someone was watching, now let's go back to our home, oh wait, Gaylee can you hand Cleo your size changing necklace?" I say looking over at my lovely Bokoblin Queen.

"Sure, I don't need it anymore to change sizes now so she can take it." She says as she removes the necklace adorned with mini skulls on it and hands it to Cleo.

She looks at it strangely but after she grabs it she turns to the size of a normal Lynel instead of a Giant one like before.

"Alright with that out of the way, follow me, Mother Terra will cleanse you all of the Corruption in your bodies." I said as I turned around and began leading everyone towards home.


Elsewhere in the DemonKings castle.

"…. Tch, looks like the Monster King found out about my little spy…. But now we know what he is, a Goblin King, and not only that but he's already at level 100 even though he's at most only a month old from our reports, looks like Terra really made him her favorite child…." A woman with blonde hair said as she opened her eyes while leaning on her throne while in thought.

"Seems it's best we stop sending forces into the Great Woods for now, however the Great Plains are different…." She says closing her eyes and looking through the eyes of some of her spies that are circling the skies above the Great Plains on the backs of Keese and Arracudas who are great scouts only they are hindered by the extremely tall trees of the great forest so they couldn't be used there.

"The Goblin King would have been the easiest, but it seems we miscalculated on how we treat our sentient monsters so they all but left, we can't swarm the forest with monster hordes due to the combined efforts of the Goblin King, Wood Elves and Oni being able to easily push them back so will have to focus on the Zora and take down the other Monster King, the old decrepit Zora King will have to do." She says as she mutters out her plans.

"Yin, Yang." She says as two women who look identical to each other with one with deep blue hair and the or their with bright red hair both appeared and knelt towards her.

"Yes Lady Tier." They said in unison.

"We are changing plans, forget about the new Monster King, we will hunt down the old Zora King and take down his domain and steal his Terra Crystal by force instead, they are weakened from their battle with the now scattered Orc Tribes, now is our best chance to strike while they are weakened, summon a horde of Lizalfos of all kinds, especially the electric ones along with Electric Wizzrobes and a few of those mindless Lynels as well."

"As you command Lady Tier, it shall be done." They both say together before vanishing and putting her plans into motion as she leans back and sighs while wincing a bit in pain.

"Even if the Crystal from the Goblin King would be the best to heal us up the Zora's will have to do, at least a few of us will be fully healed and we won't have to let Yin and Yang lead the charge on the front lines against Fort IronWall all the time…." She muttered to herself before she closes her eyes and rests as she ever so slowly heals from her wounds.


"Welcome to your new home ladies, let's get you girls to the temple for Purification then we can start construction on your new home…. Actually do you guys want to live in a house or something else since…." I say while moving my hand up and down about how their bodies are.

"Oh no no, we don't need a house, it's best if you just gave us a large stable that we could live in instead, maybe close to the farm area you have over there." Cleo says as she points towards the farm area.

"I see, then I'll get that set up after the purification." I say as we reach the Shrine and head inside as the entrance easily accommodated them to let them all in with room to spare as it was just me and the Lynels while the rest went off to do other things.

Soon enough a bright green light came from the statue and covering them all, including Cleo since I could only cleanse so much at once, as plenty of the corruption was removed from their bodies before they were completely cleaned of it all.

'Go…. Unite the Monster World….' I and everyone else here heard the ethereal voice of Mother Terra before it faded away.

'I will mother, soon enough the Great Forest will be ours with the forging of the alliance between the Three Major tribes alongside us.' I said in my mind with a nod before we all turned and left the Shrine.

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