Their not the Slaves, You are….

Someone pointed out the Karen's aren't that attractive, I'd like to point out that's the point they are just women from a rich family, their not meant to be hot besides their body shape that is squeezable.

Most of the women their are drops dead gorgeous who have the fetish while the Karen siblings just being their as the not as attractive but very rich noble ladies types.


"Rachnee, can you make us a rope to get up top?" I ask the arachne named Rachnee who decided to come along with us for our raid on the fort.

"Fufu, for you? Alright, plus they need to pay for what they did to me in the first place." She says as she licks her lips before making a strong thick silk spiderweb rope up the wall.

Soon enough me, Ruth, Lynn and several of my Orc women who began to climb up the rope onto the battlements.

The mortals have gotten lax after the arrival of the Great Sage and the lessening of Monsters in the Monster Range and thus as the Slave Auction was more interesting for them to watch and cover.

So it made it very easy for us to get inside before we split up, Rachnee, Lynn and a few Orcs went for the gatehouse on our end to deal with the few guards and to open the gate while me, Ruth and the rest began to sweep and clear the walls of the fort as none of these lazy guards thought they would be invaded like this.

So with us blitzing through the fort and taking out the rather weak guards with ease we had gotten the entire forts walls under our control along with the gates as we had them open on our side to soon let the rest of my forces into the fort.

They all had one objective in mind, Kill the Soldiers, Free the Slaves and capture any and all of the nobles while killing all of the Mortal Men, that was their objective so with a heavy charge my army stormed the fort.

"E-Enemy Attack!" A soldier finally had a chance to scream out but even if he did it was already to late, they had no time to make defensive formations, or to lead the nobles to safety deep into the Keep they had no real time as my army began to cut through swaths of them.

Meanwhile in the Auction, which was inside the mess hall/Auditorium was still underway as the auctioneer was still auctioning off the various slaves that were captured.

Zora, Goblins, Orcs, Halflings, Cave Dwarves, Oni's, even some of the Gerudo from the oasis town of Gerudo Town had been captured to be sold off here along with more demihumans, Beastmen, Lizardfolk that had been captured as well.

Even though the Queen of the Gerudo was one of the Great Hero's of the Hero's party, it didn't stop slavers from going out of their way to capture the beautiful Carmel skinned warrior women of the Gerudo for themselves.

Not only that but even the hard to find centaurs were caught and brought here as well as their cousins the satyrs as well as plant girls and even several of those of the undead type as well.

"Now ladies and gentlemen I would leave these ones for last but under the constant demands of the lovely audience it's time we show some of the main event!" The auctioneer shouted out as they brought in the next slave.

It was a 7ft tall strong looking catlike BeastWoman, with brown fur with light blue stripes in her fur as she stood before them with an irritated look as she looked at her heavy chains and the crowd.

Now the one thing that stood out to them all was that under her cloth slave rags was a rather large bulge on her crotch, she was definitely a rare futa BeastWoman.

"That's right folks, our men have gone out of their way to capture this beauty for all of your pleasure! So let's start the bid-" but suddenly.

*Woosh! Thwack! Crash! Splash!*

A large axe was thrown at such speed and ferocity it slammed straight into the skull of the Auctioneer, splitting it in two before the man crashed to the floor as blood and brain matter splashed across the floor.


"H-He's dead!"

"M-Monsters! Monsters are attacking!"

They began to shout out in fear as they realized the auctioneer was killed before some turned to the entrance where the guards lied dead on the ground realizing monsters were attacking.

"Kill the men, capture the women and rescue the slaves!" I shouted out as my group rushed in to begin the slaughter as I along with Ruth, who threw the battle axe like a hand axe came up and freed the girl on stage as she went to get her weapon.

"Ruth? Man am I glad to see you here! And who are these guys?" The woman, named Chancey, said as she had her slave collar and shackles easily broken by Ruth's brute strength.

"He's Wolbet, the Goblin King, he decided to stop the mortals from having their way with all of our kind, he saved my tribe, I'm his now." She said simply and got to the point as that's just how she is.

"Well looks like I won't need to do anything, let's just get all of these ladies out of here." Chancey said as she decided to help out with the rescuing of the rest of the slaves at the auction.

By the time we had finished here today the number of slaves was around 80 to 100 women saved while we also captured and enslaved 15 noblewomen who were to be taken home with us.

That and we had discovered a literal treasure room full of gold, jewels, and rare items, these were a mix of the soldiers future wages along with the overwhelming amount of wealth from the nobles that had come to spend it on buying the slaves but….

"…. Death was too easy for these bastards…." I said as I saw a rather unfortunate sight before me as their wasn't just the auction slaves pens but also the sex slaves pens for the monsters that were caught and brought here to satisfy the lusts of men staying here.

The girls eyes were completely lifeless as they lay in their cages, some were actually dead, I could see it that they wanted to die and my anger was further increased when I was shown the 'Trophy' room and the monster bone pit.

"…. Make it quick and painless, they at least deserve that much." I said as I looked to my mages who had learned Deaths Embrace that makes it easier for those who wish to die to go in peace.

They didn't argue with me as they could see that they were barely alive but didn't want to die in pain so they cast their magic to give them the death they deserved.

"Burn the 'Trophy's' and the bones while we bury these girls, let them return to another Terra's embrace and may they have a better life when they are reborn." I say before I turn away before I and some of the strongest of my women go up to the ramparts and look out to the Vast Dunes.

"This will make it clear, Mortals are not welcome in the Monster Range." Fort Aegis has fallen, Now monsters have a foot hold to get into the Mortal Realms once more.



(All the other Ex-Slaves)