Set Sail!

"What about Dragonia? We've been attacking their territory for years and haven't to many problems with them?" While we were discussing future areas of Attack, Shuten posed the idea of raiding Dragonia.

"That's not a terrible idea, but at the same time most of the large Treasure hordes are deeper within the territory, and that's where the High Dragons, Dragon Kings and Ancient Dragons reside, sure we would get a good haul from dealing with the lesser Dragons, but the logistics of moving through the winding mountains will be an issue." I say about her idea, but unless we have a well known pathway, or have a cave system that gives easy access for everyone, Dragonia raids would have to wait.

"While we do have Fort Aegis under our control now, trying to raid into the Vast Dunes isn't a very great idea as we have no maps that give correct routes to take to safely reach Cancara or Gerudo Town through the massive desert as path ways change all the time due to the winds blowing the sand over the paths making hard for those not familiar with the desert to lose their way." Dorephon said as he shook his head.

"If it wasn't for the fact their was a small spring nearby the fort for fresh water, my people wouldn't be able to stand staying their due to the heat, our people would be of no help whatsoever if we tried raiding the Dunes as a result." He said as he lay out the problem his people now faced as well.

"My workers wouldn't be much help in any of these raids, the dunes have barely any flower life, and pollen is not only used to create our honey, but can be used as a strong stimulant to boost our strength for battle." The Queen Bee said as she made it clear that her people would have difficulty raiding any of the nearby areas do to their distance from any sources of pollen.

And the fact that insectoids are terrible swimmers for the most part, makes them want to do any naval raids even less, so unless we attack Dragonia we can't expect aid from them then.

"Mama mama! Then this just leaves us to attack the seas then! So it's either the IronClad Isles or Serpent Island that we must attack!" LinLin chimes in with her iconic laugh.

"Looks that way, and it's not like we lack ships for us to attack now." It has been sometime since LinLin arrived so not only is her main ship fixed, but they have also built up other ships for me and my women to attack in large numbers.

"If we are attacking anyone, Serpent Island would be the easier of the two, while the Dwarves would have more materials and rare items to plunder, their defenses are as thick as dragons hide making it hard to attack them as is, where as the Tribes are not unified on Serpent Island, making it easy for us to attack them and get their goods, and make them join us, might makes right in our world and the law of the jungle reigns supreme." Shuten said as she gave her opinon on it all.

And she made a good point, the only way to attack IronClad is if we went and slowly took over the smaller islands before making our way to the main island all the while gaining more heavy weaponry to deal with their forts, but right now we don't have the luxury of time to keep doing that so Serpent Island is our best chance gaining anything.

"So let's put it to a vote, are we attacking Serpent Island?" I said as I watched everyone unanimously agree on the attack, "Then it's settled then, let's prepare the ships, we sail for Serpent Island!" I said as I along with the other leaders raised their weapons and pointed them to the center.

The War of Serpent Island has now begun!



"Hoist those sails! We're heading off to the seas!" I shouted out atop my grand ship known as the Argo, a ship supposedly sailed by hero's of legend long ago.

This trip was going to be a couple of days before we reach Serpent Island from the docks we have set up in Pirates Cove.

I along with 200 of my strongest women were aboard our ship as we began to leave the pier and head northward.

Following us were LinLin and her daughters as some of my other women would stay back to look over the cove as we left.

Not only that but three ships holding large numbers of Zora, Witches and the Oni Tribe were coming along with us on our journey.

While we would be gone the Wood Elves would stay back and help fortify Fort Aegis even more as well as spreading World Roots into the Northern Border mountains to make and already dangerous journey for Demons into a nearly impossible one instead.

Meanwhile the Queen Bee and her hive would negotiate relations between the other Insectoids in our absence to help bolster the Monster Alliance even more.

Once we are strong enough and have subjugated or allied with those of Serpent Island and let them settle or be forced into servitude by us.

But in the end there a whole lot of coin to be made in this war of ours, the plans Simple, start from the southern tip of the island and make our way north, dealing with any tribes in our way.

There are 4 to be precise, The Giant Amazonians, the Amazons, The Lizard Men and the Serpent Tribes, the tribes are related to one another in a sense, but they have been at war with each other for years as who is worthy of the title of Snake Emperor/Empress.

As of now only the Amazons lay claim to that title, but the other tribes don't see their leader as worthy of being called the Snake Empress and thus battles happen constantly.

But due to the decreasing birthrates thanks to the Great Sage to all of those that are not of the Mortal Races, most of their battles are no longer fights to the death if they can help it.

With their slowly dwindling numbers and the losses suffered from their dragon raids, now is the perfect chance for us to strike.

So now all is left is for us to make this journey and see what these tribes are made of, will they kneel and surrender? Will they join us willingly? Or will they fight until they lay battered and beaten on the ground?

Who knows, but in this world, only the strongest have the right to choose whether one can live or die, and the weak can only fear and follow the strong to survive.

As it has been, and how it always shall be.