4 v 4 Fight Begin!

The night came and went, we all enjoyed ourselves and ate some food to get us by for the night before we all went to sleep back on our ships.

So the night came and went and before we knew it the dawn was upon us, so we departed from our ships once more and made our way in land and headed straight for the direction of the Giant Amazon Tribe.

There were beasts that got in our way again which we quickly dispatched, but not as many as before so we were still able to make quick progress towards our objective.

Soon enough we could see the tribe in the distance, it was rather large befitting of their sizes but do to the tall dense jungle trees we couldn't even see it from the shore.

They had a massive stone wall surrounding the perimeter with a massive gate standing before us.

It will be hard pressed for us to siege the walls as we don't have the necessary equipment to bust down the gate or break the walls without retaliation from them so this is going to be hard to-

*Rumble Rumble*

Suddenly we could hear the rumbling of the gate as it began to open as one giant Amazon walked out and looked at us before pulling out a scroll before reading it.

"Blessed Son of Mother Terra, you and your three strongest are invited to fight in the Blood Arena of our Tribe, Lady Quetzalcoatl knows you come to us in search of riches from our tribe and wish for us to join your alliance willingly if possible, but instead of starting a War that will end in the deaths of many of our peoples, she wishes to settle this in the Arena, she and three of her strongest, versus you and three of your strongest, if you win then our tribe will listen to your demands, but if we win you shall listen to our demands and never come back lest war is inevitable." She says before finishing reading what it said.

"…." I was hard pressed to listen to that request at all, but even this Amazon who looks nothing more than a grunt was sitting at level 250, and if this is their weakest, what is their strongest then?

Eating the pros and cons and seeing the match isn't a fight to the death but until one side surrenders, I looked at the other leaders who could also see the problem with going into an all out war with them if the messenger is suppose to be their weakest, but at the same time it could be a ruse to make us think that way and this isn't one of their weakest but one of their strongest.

But seeing how her clothes are not adorned in gold or heavily armored makes me believe that the messenger is one of their weakest, and they have no reason to put on a charade of her wearing less status symbol like clothes to feign weakness as that's more of a mortal thing to do then the monster races to do.

So looking around the leaders, which were only LinLin and Shuten, left it to me to decide, so I turned back to the messenger, "Very well, we will fight in the arena!" I said as I, LinLin, Ibuki-Douji and Ruth stepped forward as we took the lead through the gate as we followed the messenger while more guards came down and let the others in but lead them to the stands.

After passing through the tribe, which was quite pretty to see, we arrived at the Arena before heading in where we saw four women standing before us three women who stood between 8-10ft with the last one sitting like a ball who was 10 meters sitting like that and if I had to guess about 50 meters if she goes and stands up.

"Good, I'm glad you took me up on that offer Son of Mother Terra, at least we can settle this without destroying our tribes in the crossfire." The one who stepped forward was their leader Lady Quetzalcoatl as she spoke to me.

"…. I see you know why we came here so let's place the stakes then, We win this battle the Giant Amazonians Join the Monster Alliance and help in our conquest towards the rest of Serpent Island gathering more Allies or subjugating them along the way." I lay out the demands we have.

"Good, then our demands are simple, your people will leave and never come to bother our tribe, but you will stay and face the punishment of our tribe, if no when you survive the punishment, your free to leave as well, but never are you to come back unless you wish to start a real war with our peoples." She said with a sharp toothed grin on her face.

"Fine, I accept this challenge of yours, what are the rules?" I say as I squint my eyes at her.

"Simple, the last warrior standing on either side is the winner, you can only fight against who you are facing until they are unable to continue before your allowed to help your allies, and this is unarmed combat only, your fists are your only weapons you can use." She said as she laid down the rules as she and the others on her side handed back their weapons to the Amazonians who came to take their weapons where we did the same.

"When the horn is blown Will the battle commence!" She said as I could see them flexing their muscles as they prepared for a fight while we did the same.

Wolbet v Quetzalcoatl

Ibuki-Douji v Kukulkan

Ruth v Barghest

LinLin v Protea


And with that the battle had truly begun!


A bit of a shorter chapter than I would have liked but I didn't want to cut it off suddenly as they were getting into their fights so this chapter will have to be shorter to compensate for that.