Unofficial Meeting

Outside, the sun was peeking out of the sky; there were only a few hours until sunset. The sky now had a fine hue of orange and blue. As it was not too late, Belle was currently getting ready to take a stroll with Jade.

"What do you think with it tied up?" Belle asked for Jade's opinion on her hairstyle, as she wondered if the tying was too messy.

"You look beautiful even with your hair down, Miss Annabelle." She complimented.

Annabelle offered a genuine smile at the girl before saying, "Thank you. Mother says to put it up when I fina-- go out... that it helps me look mature."

Jade's eyes widened in realization as to why Ms. Annabelle was so zealous about putting her hair up, and she must certainly agree with what the woman she had never met told Belle—tying her hair up did really make her look mature.

"Let me help." Jade offered and gathered Belle's hair in her hand before placing a pin to hold it. "There you go," she sang.

The angel went to stand in front of the mirror. "This is amazing." She smiled appreciatively. "How old are you, Jade?" She asked now looking at her.

Jade gave a nervous laugh. "Oh, I'm twenty-eight. Quite old, aren't I?"

She hummed with a thoughtful look. "Nothing like that. How come you are not married?" Belle was aware that most women were already married before twenty-five, and it is a surprise that Jade is still working here with Philippa.

The girl blushed, using her hand to cover part of her lower face as she giggled. "Ms. Annabelle, you just missed my wedding. It was only a week ago."

The information made Belle gasp in shock, but still, confusion marred her adorable face. And as if reading her mind, Jade added, "I would be staying with Lady Philippa for another week. She has been so kind to me, and it pains me to leave."

Nodding in understanding, Belle said, "I thought I finally had a friend, but I am happy for you."

The maidservant curtsied blithely. "Thank you very much, Ms. Annabelle. I'm elated that you see me as a friend.

"Miss Annabelle, the carriage is ready." Luther called.

As they started descending the flight of stairs, Belle inquired curiously, "How was the wedding like?" as she had never seen an wedding before.

"It was nothing serious. A simple wedding, and only our families were present." Ever since the girl began working for Philippa, the woman has treated her as family. "If you don't mind me asking, what kind of wedding do you want to have?"

"Haven't thought of that yet. I think anything is fine as long as we are in love." ha! I doubt that I would even get the chance. 'Nobody loves the angels anymore.' She remembered her mother's words.

Belle saw the small tint of red that painted the girl's cheek at the mere mention of love.

"You talk as if you have had an experience. Have you had any experience with love?"

Her face turned warm at the question. "No! Nothing." Answered Belle in a rush. "But I presume you have." The tints on Jade's face deepened as she nodded vigorously.

Though Annabelle had not had much contact with many people in the past few years, she was not barren of knowledge.

Stepping into the prepared carriage, they soon started heading further into the town, as Philippa's house was somewhat closer to the outskirts of the town.

Thankfully, Lady Philippa had stayed-in the whole day, and the carriage was free, giving the two women access to it. Luther drove them into the town, where they stopped to take their stroll by foot.

She viewed the streets, which had both men and women walking and a few children roaming about. She asked, "It is really crowded here, isn't it?"

"It is, and more when there is a fair happening." Belle hummed as they continued to walk down the street.

With Belle's silver-gray eyes following a luxurious carriage that was passing by, she inquired of Jade, "It seems like many wealthy families stays here."

"Visits are quite frequent since Bevylore is closer to Winstol." She explained to the Miss. "And the great Lord also lives here."

"Great lord?"

"Yes. The Reign family." Jade stared at a stunned Belle before asking, "Don't you not know the Lord of Winstol, Miss Annabelle?"

At the question, Belle shook her head. Knowing about the lords, dukes, and councilmen was not something that would have benefited her, at least not while she had been hiding from society then.

"The present lord of Winstol is Rafferty Reign. Kione Reign is the Lord's son, but he is not someone to be trifled with. The number of dead bodies on his plate is great." Jade's voice lowered an octave, as if she were telling a secret no one was supposed to hear.

"This man you speak of, is really evil?" She raised an eyebrow at Jade with her head tilted a bit.

"Not really." Jade said this because she had heard some good things about him. But the evil is always bigger than the good when it comes to humans' judgment. "I just don't think he is safe to be around."

They stopped walking to look at the other side of the street, where some stalls were set up. "Do you think they have sweets?" Belle asked absentmindedly while her mind was trying to recall an old memory, dragging her into a short reverie.

"Allow me to check."

Annabelle just stood on the same spot until Jade returned with two sweets in her hand and handed one to Belle. "Thank you." She said while she took the puffy thing from her.

Jade beamed and said, "It's really hard to see a lady like yourself with a likeness to sweets."

She chuckled lightly. "Everyone, in their own way, tries to find sweetness to savor in their life, even for a brief moment."

"I agree." Jade replied, biting into her own puffed sweet. "It's really good."

"Come on," she said in merriment.

As they twirled around to move in the other direction, Belle's shoulder grazed someone's arm a bit too much. She swung her head to meet the person with her lips parted.

"I apologi…" Her words hung in the air for a longer time when her eyes met the person's. The emotions that weaved themselves into her gray eyes were those of surprise and fear.