
Now that Belle thought about it, she had never noticed any mirroring objects around the Reign's mansion too often.

Was it probably a coincidence that she saw no reflection of Lord Rafferty, and was it that the Reign family was not aware?

What if I had only seen it because I am an angel? Would it be all right if I tried telling him about it? She wondered to herself.

And for Kione, Belle had only come to realize that he might have purposely not taken her permission. But why?

Did he not want to possess great power like the others? She pondered on it.

As the endless thoughts of worry and questions swarmed into her head, while leaving an unanswered empty spot behind, she rolled over in her bed, pulling her blanket over her shoulder.

"Mother, I couldn't protect myself from being bitten after all." She cried in a hushed voice. Her eyes closed, and a tear rolled from her cheek into her pillow. She inhaled deeply.