Sufferable help

The girl had already noticed the vampire standing in front of the magistrate office, and if only she could have warned Belle.

"Is it her fate to always be in death's grasp or what?" The girl sighed dramatically as she picked the invisible dirt on her nails. "Now I have to report to him." Her words intended to mean Kione.

She waited patiently for the two men, who were currently speaking in hushed tones, to leave the path before going after Belle.

Belle stepped inside the Reign's mansion as relief flooded her. If she had delayed a moment further, she would have really arrived late.

"Right on time, Miss Thornhill. Her lady calls for you in the drawing room." Merle was the one to inform her when she was making her way to the sewing room.

The lady calling for her didn't come as a surprise to Belle. It was part of the reason why she had been worried that she would arrive late.