The next morning, Belle didn't get the chance to let Philippa know of her final decision because the councilwoman left really early that morning because of one of the recurring death cases.
Belle left for work as usual, but clocked off early so that she could return Ms. Brigham's gloves as requested.
The inn where the vampiress was supposed to be was a thirty minutes drive away from the Reign mansion, and Belle hadn't been into that part of town.
"So, you are going to that place alone?" The coachman said over the sound of running horses' hooves and carriage wheels.
"Excuse me?" This time, Belle moved forward to the coachman's window to hear what he was saying.
He repeated, "I said it is dangerous to visit that part of town alone, especially as a human if you know what I mean." He paused and added, "Crazy stuff and people are plenteous there."