Chapter 2 – New School

Chapter 2 – New School

Walking down a small road were three young teens. The time was still early morning and the weather was calm and relaxed. The falling cherry blossoms petals promised a pleasant spring day. Each one of the youths were presenting their individual quirks.

The three were adorned with navy blue blazers with matching ties and white shirts. The only visible difference in their attire was that two males were in long pants. And the only female in group was wearing a skirt and black tights underneath. Doing little to hide her slim and powerful legs.

The tallest one, was a young man with straight and strong back. His slightly masculine face had simple yet warm smile. He was as always walking on the edge of the sidewalk closest to the road. Like a protective mother bear, protecting its cubs from danger. His navy blue uniform was clean and pressed. It would be hard to find a single spot or crease in his clothing. In the middle was a beautiful female with waist length hair that was slowly flowing with her every step. She had a slightly aloof expression but her eyes were both on the road and on the person that was closest to it. And finally to far left was a boy with a face that would make any women blush. But his back was slouched, and his expression demanded more sleep.


Saito - "Mom made the best breakfast today. I was so hungry. What do you think Sayori?"

Saito says with his happy smile, almost still savoring his meal.

Sayori - "Aunty always makes the best breakfast. She is perfect after all."

Sayori says in perfect agreement. Even though she says the meal was perfect she believes that one person can make food better than even "perfect", but she doesn't bring it up.

A loud sigh is herd in the middle of their conversation from the otherside.

Jessie - "I wish I could just eat Aunty's food and go back to sleep, but she told me I have to go to school otherwise she will start putting diarrhea pills in my food.So scary."

Jessie said in a depressed voice that could make anyone feel sorry for the handsome boy.Unfortunately the other female who his charms were useless against was currently walking with him.

Sayori - "You slept at 8 last night and woke up at 7. How are you even tired. Rather if you don't want to eat diarrhea pills why not just cook for yourself?"

Sayori said with a harumph that highlighted her irritation at her brother's laziness.

Saito - "Hahahaha"

Saito laughs at his best friends blight

Jessie - "I can't cook. Do you really not like our house that much. Anyway my best friend is a great cook. Won't he cook for me ?"

Jessie looked at the tall youth with an expression that could be seen on puppies asking for treats.

Just as Saito was about to express his agreement. His eyes caught a look from the love of his life. The look says he could say goodbye to his head if he even utters a word of approval.

The words he was about to say get stuck in his throat.

Sayori continues, "I will let Aunty know if someone's meddling interfere with Jessie's behavior".

A loud gulp is herd from the gentle giant and he looks at his friend with a apologizing look.

Jessie says in a even more hopeless voice. "Well it's diarrhea for me from tomorrow on, I guess"

The banter between the solo victor and defeated duo continued until they were about to cross a street near their destination. They stop at the corner of the street when the light displays the "STOP WALKING" sign.

On the other side of the street a strange sight could be seen.A beautiful women with braided light brown hair could be seen. She has average height, a slim and mature figure. Her elegant suit and high heels only highlighted her beauty. But what was strange was not how otherworldly beautiful she was.It was what she was holding. On her back was not only a small grace purse, but a large sack of potatoes.

This sight left the three more than a little confused. Knowing what the giant was about to do. Sayori spoke first.

Sayori said in a monotone voice. "I know you want to help, but we are walking in the opposite direction. If you help her, not only you but all three of us will be late."

Saito scratches the back of his head slightly annoyed at his helplessness.

Saito - "Uncle says if you see someone, you should help."

While the two were focusing on their conversation Jessie was left stunned for two reasons. Both these reasons were the rather high shiny black heels this woman was wearing.

Jessie - "Just looking at her feet makes me feel tired. *haaaaa* Like I thought the outside world is not for me. I am going to try to convince dad and Aunty to homeschool me. Even Aunty can't feed me diarrhea pills for more than a week... right?"

Just as the signal changed to "WALK"

The beautiful woman looks at their uniforms and smiles. She nodes at them, then follows a hunched-back elderly women.

The three were thinking that this woman was not normal already thus anymore strangeness was not really an issue. Just to be polite they bow back to her and continue on their way.

A few moments later a grand building came into view with many teens wearing similar clothing as the three could be seen.

In front of the grand building was a magnificent gate welcoming all the young scholars to this prestigious place of learning. On top of the front gate was a large golden-colored plaque that arrogantly displayed "RISING SUN ACADEMY OF THE GIFTED"

Standing besides the bold and beautiful plaque was a smiling male that was posing his great height and perfect physique. Dressed in a bright white dress shirt and black long pants. The only thing standing out as much as the man's perfect body and handsome face was his right shirt sleeve. Which was swaying slightly in the wind.

As the three were walking closer to the gate. The smile on the handsome man grew noticing brighter. Leaving both the female students and the female staff members with slight redness across their cheeks.

Kuro - "Welcome kiddos!!!"

Kuro said in a loud voice that everyone in the plasa heard.

In an almost equally loud voice to the man the tall adolescent in front of him replied.

Saito - " Morning Coach!!!"

Next to the two over-excited males two long sighs were heard. That owners of the sighs knew that this would not affect the excitement of the two. But it was still done in an effort to display how exhausted just listening to these two screams left them.

Sayori - "Dad, are you going to stand at the gate everyday?"

Sayori said as if giving up on the hope of having a peaceful high school life.

Jessie - "Dad just so you know, if you are here every morning. I will give up on school even if that means dying from an exploding butthole."

The girls that were trying their best to get as close as physically possible to Jessie were left stunned for a while.

Then as if on cue their faces were burned red, but they unanimously noted their head vertically as if they were proud soldiers ready to die on the front lines.

Kuro - "No the higher ups just want me to stand at the front of the school on the first day every year.They say that doing this commercializes the school and what not."

Another two sighs were heard again. But unlike the hopelessness sigh these were without a doubt a sigh of relieve.

Still confused at the whole affair Saito was look at the building in front of him.

Saito - "So big, so this is where I will start by showing the world that I am the best. "