Chapter 4 - The Empath's Pain

Chapter 4 - The Empath's Pain

Many young teens were sitting in class A-1 waiting for their homeroom to start so that they can finally begin their high school life and some just wanted to go home. Rising Sun Academy was known to be the best in both academics and sports. Particularly in basketball. The school has won countless national championships. This was due to their head coach and basketball coach, Kuro Hasegawa. Many high schoolers wished to come here. Many high school students would often say it is impossible for them to lose because: they even have a retired professional basketball player as their coach. Of course, the school fees and entrance exams just to get into this school were not to be taken lightly.

Even in Japan in this humble rural area, many students come from far and wide to attend this school. The president of this school was often asked why to open a school in the countryside.

She often would say "Of course so students can't focus on anything else but school. HAHAHA"

But even students that are this serious about their education that they left their exciting city lives to attend this academy have their limits.

Saito was slumped over his seat. After sitting for an hour and a half in the assembly; as well as sitting here for another 10 minutes he was well passed his limit. Just as he was about to get up for the tenth time a small slander and fair hand dragged him back down. Other students witnessing this scene would question how this Goliath get vanquished by such a small hand. But for them, it has become a comedy skit that has been happening every minute thus far so even this small distraction has become mundane.

Saito - "Sayori please can I go look for Jessie? Doing anything at this point is better than just sitting here."

Saito said with hardly any energy.

Sayori kept her arm close to his collar just in case he tries to escape again. But even her patients was running low. Sine homeroom was supposed to start 10 minutes ago. Thankfully for her dragging this guy down was her favorite pass time…

Sayori - "Today is supposed to be just an introduction to the school and its facilities. Then at 12, we are released. So regardless you still need to be patient until 12 anyway, so just sit there."

She said this in a tone as monotone as possible but even she was happy to be released at 12. Sayori and Saito were already on the basketball club and on the women's and men's teams respectively. So after school was over they would change into their jerseys and advertise basketball. And the only way that coach Hasegawa knew how to advertise is to get the best players and have them compete with one another in a punishment game. Where the winner takes the glory and the loser gets the punishment. Kuro Hasegawa was a friendly and kind-hearted man, however, when it comes to competing he would not let his daughter go.

Just as Sayori grabbed Saito another time. A woman rushed into the class and sat down at the teacher's desk, closely followed by Jessie.

Saito was happy to see his friend made it to class without any problems. But Sayori seeing her brother raised an eyebrow to the roof, but Jessie pretended not to see and sat in front of her. Sayori and Saito sat in the back close to the windows on the right side of the classroom. Saito has always been tall so he would like to sit in the back corners of the class to not inconvenience anyone else.

Of course, he did not know this, so he was dragged to the back of the classroom by Sayori on the first day of every year. In middle school, Jessie had mercy on his friend and told him that people wouldn't be able to see from behind him. After learning that he was being a bother Saito cried while thanking Sayori. Watching the giant cry made even the sadist Sayori have mercy and she told him "Now you know".

Only Jessie knew if he told his ignorant friend the true reason why his sister dragged him to the corner of the class every year.

Kaori - "So sorry class I was having trouble walking today, hehe. My name is Kaori Izo. I will be your homeroom teacher for the next 3 years here. You can call me Izo-sensei or just sensei. This is my first year teaching so I hope you would take care of me. Thank you."

Kaori laughs at herself during her introduction. But no one disliked this cute and humble teacher of theirs. One gaze especially was different from the rest, but he kept his back straight and provided his sensei his full attention so no one noticed him. However, two people in this class have known him since birth and he was doing two things he has never done before in class. He was attentive and kept his back straight.

Sayori who was sitting right behind was so shocked at how straight his back was, that she started to question if she got shorter. Then quickly denied that fact. Saito was using his powers of deduction and thought that his mom must have put more laxatives in Jessie's food.

Saito asked his friend "Hey Jessie you ok?"

There was no response. Not even a subtle reaction demonstrating that he heard anything. Jessie was without a doubt always asleep in class. The only reason he was able to come to this high school was that every day after school at 6 pm there would be a mandatory study session. The instructor would be a genius lioness, the students would be consisting of an idiot donkey and a lazy sloth.

But today this sloth was so full of energy that he did not know what to do with it. Even Sayori was starting to get worried for her brother.

While Sayori and Saito were thinking that the iskai trope happened to Jessie, Kaori continued explaining the school rules and procedures. Another hour went by and it was time to introduce the school facilities to the students. Just when Kaori was about to stand, Jessie stood up first and made sure to make enough noise to attract everyone's attention.

Jessie - "My dad, Coach Hasegawa does not have anything to do until school is out. So how about I get him to show me around the school and while we wait for him we do introductions? Sensei can I call my dad really quick?"

Kaori showed a grateful smile to Jessie and said, "Ok if coach Hasegawa has nothing to do then he can show the class around. After all, he would be a better host than me since I am still new to the school."

Kaori's smile enchanted almost everyone in class regardless of gender. Sayori looked to her side at the silent giant to see his expression. He was still slumped over the desk slightly shaking like he was having withdrawals from lack of physical activity. There was a small smile that no one in the classroom saw. However, sitting in front of her was a person that can almost read minds so when he turned around and looked at her face while his lips were twitching. Her face became bright red.

She grumpily said, "I miss when you were in different classes from us."

With his unnatural expression, Jessie said, "I couldn't agree more."

While the twins were in complete agreement for the second time today. A dark-haired man dashed in with his large strides. Seeing the embodiment of masculinity, all the females, except two started to get red.

Kuro - "Hahaha. Hello Kiddos, and nice to see you again Mrs. Izo".

For some reason seeing no reaction on Kaori's face upon his father's overly dramatic entrance. Jessie felt at peace.

Kaori - "Thank you so much Coach Hasegawa-san, I will leave the children to you."

Kuro - "Of course. Let's go kiddos, let's explore the jungle."

His overly excited voice for every little thing he did, made all the students excited about their new adventure. Of course, some students simply wanted to walk around after being to sit for more than 2 and half hours.

Finally released from his chains, which were Sayori's hands, Saito stands up. Looking at Jessie who was still seated he said, "Let's go Jessie."

Watching her brother remain seated Sayori did say much because he was acting very different today. She simply could not understand the reason for his odd behaviors today.

Jessie - "Go on without me I am going to remain in class. Besides, do we really need a tour of this school where Dad's been dragging us around for years?"

Saito laughs, "Your right. Get some rest and, oh, drink lots of water. Take care bud. be strong."

Still convinced that all of Jessie's strangeness is related to his mom putting laxatives in Jessie's food.

Sayori looks at Saito like a newly discovered animal and thinks to herself: does he know something I don't?" She then looks at Jessie's equally confused face and confirms that besides basketball, her childhood friend's judgment could not be trusted in anything else. She then recalls his fantastic cooking skill but then shakes her head believing there is no judgment required in 'his' cooking. He just follows his mother's recipes. Then she wonders why does it always taste better then? As she was walking out of the classroom she stops to look at the only other person in the classroom. Kaori was still seated wearing her black suit but unlike in the auditorium, she had bright white sneakers. These also looked like the ones that her brother wears. When she looks at his feet to confirm her suspicions she immediately gets upset. He is wearing her favorite slippers. Just when she is about to turn around and yell at him Saito comes back to her and grabs her hand saying, "Let's go Uncle says we should go already."

When she looks at Jessie's face a small smirk is seen on his face that makes her even more upset.

To appease her or make her more upset Jessie says to Saito "Hey bro Sis doesn't feel that well today, you need to hold her tight so she doesn't fall."

Saito - " Huh, you don't feel good? Don't worry we can walk slowly while we are following behind the rest of the class."

The sharp look in Sayori's eyes is dulled significantly, while she mouths "only this time" to Jessie.

Jessie laughs but quickly reverts to a serious look. He loves teasing his overly serious sister while helping his best friend, but the reason why he stayed back in class has nothing to do with them.

Jessie is still feeling the positive energy from Kaori, but he also knows she is in pain. He also does not understand why this hurt him so much. Even though he is empathic the burden he feels from his surrounding is like energy leaving. With negative emotions, he feels energy leaving him with positive emotions he feels energy coming inside him. However, people generally have more powerful negative emotions than positive ones. This is what is making him so confused.

He suddenly recalls when he was in first grade…

Years ago…

Young childhood Jessie is crying while sitting on the playground.

Young childhood Saito walks up to him. "What wrong friend? You hungy?"

Jessie looks up at the large child that looks like he has been held back twice but is actually younger than him by a few months.

Jessie - "No I m just tired, too many people are sad. When people are sad around me I feel like my life is draining out me. And then I can't move."

Saito makes a face like he understands everything from the beginning. Then says "See I knew you hungy." He grabs Jessie's hand and calls "Sayori him hungy".

Sayori who was playing with her friends hears him and runs over with him after picking up a granola bar. She breaks it into three parts. The first part she stuffs into her brother's mouth despite his protest. Then feeds the second one to Saito, who happily accepts. Then places the last one into her own mouth. She then proceeds to hold her brother's hands. Now with both of his hands held by his family energy returns to Jessie and he begins to smile…

Present time

Jessie thinks to himself, "Now why do I feel so filled with energy, but still in so much pain? Not just pain I also feel so much anger and guilt. Why do I feel almost responsible? Compared to the pain that she is physically feeling, I feel so much worse. Ugh, My heart hurts, what is this?


Thank you so much for reading this. I know for sure no one reads the author's notes. I rarely do. But I feel so grateful that I got the chance to write this novel and someone actually read my book. I honestly am writing just because I wanted to write something I would enjoy reading. But never did I think I would get so obsessed with writing. Thanks again for reading. If you're super rich and would like to donate the link to my PayPal is here:

And again thank you so much. Please critique me as much as possible. I would love to learn from my betters and become a much better writer.