Chapter 7: Jack

Jack Hollow was a man shrouded in mystery and terror, many knew of his infamy within the cult of the Blind Eyed. He was tall and appeared to be a well-respected member of his group, as he was often seen consulting with the leader. But on that fateful day, he stood in the middle of a room, surrounded by police officers as he was interrogated for his crimes against the small town of Sleepfield.

He was asked why he had shot Jolly Summers at her son's funeral. Jack calmly replied that the cult he was part of intended to pursue a strange agenda and wanted to cause fear and panic among the people. They had the plan to gouge out all of the eyes of the people in Sleepfield.

After hearing this, the police officers were disgusted with Jack's words and began to take him into custody. Jack was not going quietly, he took a knife from his sleeve and with a quick movement, stabbed one of the officers in the stomach and ran off.

The Blind Eye cult had succeeded in getting Jack away and out of police custody, but the town of Sleepfield was thrown into a state of panic. With the cult trying to aim their terrifying agenda of eye-gouging against the inhabitants of Sleepfield, the townspeople became desperate in trying to find a way to save themselves. A few brave souls started to come together to form a plan to fight off the cowardly cult and the people of Sleepfield swore to protect each other until the end.

Jack Hollow was never seen or heard from again and the Blind Eye cult eventually had all members arrested and their agenda put to an end. But the people of Sleepfield never forgot his gruesome actions, nor his mysterious and foreboding presence in their town. He was a man of great malice and terror, but also a man who was part of a dark chapter in the town's history that eventually won out. The people of Sleepfield moved on, living their lives the best they could and learning to never take their eyes off those that weren't to be trusted.