Chapter 5: A Fond Farewell Party

The Bateman Residence, Main House, Grand Dr., Conyers County, District Of Colombia...

  After a good deal of deliberation and driving, Charley found himself once more at the large house where The Batemans had all stayed and himself included prior to finally being able to afford his place where he and Tiffany had gone to lounge about on lazy afternoons with a good deal of peace and privacy since their relationship began. Carter had been just pleased that Charley had decided to humor them for a bit longer determined to remind the young man how much his family had cared for him even if most of them had not shown it when the going got tough. Jennifer had been silent as she sat in the back seat of the car occasionally stealing glances at Charley and clearly still upset about him turning her down when she'd been so close to her fantasy. 

Charley tried not to think about how close he'd been to taking her amid the dust and old bricks as her lovely body pressed against him. He took a moment to put her out of his mind before his erection returned with Carter driving in the car. He glanced at the familiar structure of the two-story six-bedroom white house with blue trimming and fine-cut grass as he moved passed the old brown fence that lined the property and into the front yard. 

Jennifer climbed out of the back of the car and made her way inside without another word as she moved passed a rather concerned Charley who watched her disappear past the large black screen door that kept the flies and other unwanted bugs away from the interior of the old house. He had wondered if he should talk to her but given her effect on him as of late, he opted to steer clear, less complication than it already had been with him leaving and her being head over heels in love with him. 

Charley made his way into the house where he found himself taking a can of beer out the back ice chest as custom whenever dinner had been on at The Bateman house. He looked down at the icy cold water and sighed realizing that it had definitely been some time since he'd had the chance to go rummaging amid the ice although he had not been too fond of beer before his sentencing he had been quite fond of soda which had not been in the cooler this time around. 

He had not been a big fan of beer in the past, despite being of age to drink it due to his only experiences of having it being with his drunken father forcing him to drink it down as a means of "making him into a man." Charley had not particularly liked his father nor anything that he approved of given the numerous times he'd come home drunk and reeking of sex with strange women just to cause an argument with his family and start beating on them. 

Charley most of all. 

A quick pop of the top saw Charley drinking down some of the rather odd-tasting beverage as he moved through the rest of the house. He noted the place had been packed for a family dinner with the exception of Julian who'd been in rehab apparently and Holly who had been at school so everyone said. While Charley was better off without Julian around, Holly had been someone he had not seen in a long while and the chance to clear the air about what he'd been accused of had been gone with her. 

In the end, he supposed it was for the best, Holly had not liked him much either and often sided with her brother on matters that usually ended in her hatred of anything Charley attempted even polite conversation. 

Charley continued to make his way through the house and a good deal of familiar faces had been there with balloons and banners all happily welcoming him home despite the fact that he'd been fresh out of prison and only lingered until he could collect his final paycheck and hit the road. 

There were quite a few co-workers present and people whose cars he'd fixed in the past as the place became more filled with chatter, music, and dancing. Charley hadn't been much for parties of any sort in the past but had allowed himself to let loose for the time being. 

The interactions became more of a blur after eating and drinking while the dancing increased and the beers kept coming. Charley had been nearly tipsy when he finally located Edna in the kitchen and hovered by the door where she turned and glanced at him with a wide smile filed across her lovely aged face. She'd been the only mother he'd ever known and the only person who had genuinely cared about him other than Jennifer and Tiffany in the past. 


The Kitchen, The Bateman Residence, Main House, Grand Dr., Conyers County, District Of Colombia...

  Edna Bateman had still been quite a beautiful woman, with her long graying locks pulled back into her signature bun and her blue eyes greeting the young man who had become like a second son to her with a fond sadness given the situation and what he'd been through. She had not seen him in person in five years and noted the changes in him almost immediately. She wore a long flower-coated dress and square framed glasses as she moved about the kitchen stirring pots and shaking pans in the process of whatever she'd been in the midst of whipping up and it smelled great to Charley as it always had when she'd been in the middle of cooking. 

It oddly reminded him of his birthday when he had not wished for a party out of habit of never having one growing up and she threw him some of the biggest he'd ever known. Standing at the doorway and peering inside the kitchen as nerves began to get the better of him, it had occurred to Edna that despite his looks and age, Charley had been the same timid young man she'd always known and it made her smile to realize it. 

He sighed as he watched her work and then forced himself to step inside knowing that he had not been the disappointment that he feared she'd see him as when he returned to her home. 

"Hey Mama," he said in something of a sheepish tone. It had been a force of habit to refer to her as Mama when it came to his being around her as she'd been the only one he'd ever known truly, the woman that gave birth to him had been something else entirely and knew next to nothing about rearing children. 

Edna stopped working with her pots and pans and walked over to him swiftly bringing the handsome young man into a full-on hug. She had wagered that it was the first hug he'd had in a long while as she held him tears beginning to stream down her aged cheeks. She wiped her tears and let him go as she turned her attention back to her pots and pans. 

"Carter tells me you're still planning on leaving," she said composing herself as she got back to cooking. 

"I am," replied Charley rather sadly but adamant about going his own way. 

Edna nodded in the wake of his words. She had understood why after all but it didn't mean she wasn't sorry to see him go or that she wouldn't worry about him. 

"Just because you leavin' doesn't mean you can't make your way back here when you need to, ya hear?" said Edna still having her attention on cooking. 

"Yes Ma'am," replied Charley understanding in full. 

"Good," replied Edna still cooking up a storm. "Just because you leavin' don't mean I don't still consider you my go on and enjoy your party while you got the time."

Charley nodded and took his leave of her. He knew she'd be the hardest one to leave behind but he was glad they talked and that she understood his position and reason for leaving. 

The handsome young man headed back out into the living room and was tossed another can of beer by his rather jovial former co-workers and they chatted about old times and what their future plans had been. Charley had to admit the party hadn't been as bad as he imagined and found himself enjoying his welcome home send-off of sorts.