Chapter 19: Another Fine Round Of Disappointment

Milliken's Bar, Fourth and Brand Ave, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

  The moment Charley Bayler walked into Milliken's Bar he had a feeling he'd been wasting his time. Still, he had known that it couldn't hurt to try and so he mustered up the courage to at least attempt to ask for work even if he'd be laughed out of the building. The main barkeeper had his eye on him from the very beginning and despite all the whispers and stares he managed to reach the bar and spoke to the main guy, Mike who looked him over as if he'd been garbage off the street and soiled the good atmosphere of his bar just by being around. 

"Hello," said Charley in a rather calm and charming tone. "Name's Charley Bayler and I'm more or less looking for a means of gainful employment, would you be interested in offering some or should I be looking elsewhere?"

"I don't hire off the street kid," said Mike in a rather gruff tone. 

"Understandable," replied Charley evenly. "Was worth a shot anyhow."

He got to his feet and headed toward the door having been right about this establishment as it closed behind him. 

He took a moment to survey the area before heading back to his truck where he'd been not in the least surprised to see four thugs who had been watching him inside the bar huddled around his truck intending to do him harm. He had not known what he'd done to upset them, and he got the feeling they simply didn't like the look of him, either way, they'd been spoiling for a fight and Charley was in just the right kind of mood to give it to them. 


  Nolan Pierce's Apartment, The Wellman Complex, West And Kelling Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

  Nolan Pierce had been sitting rather comfortably as he awaited his guests and opened the door for them. They had been a couple of co-workers from his previous jobs and two new friends he'd made at the club he'd been working at in the late hours. Dancing for money had been a far better deal than his ill-advised prostitution of himself and as a result, he'd been all the better for it and richer if one looked at how far he'd come from when he first ran away from home. While it had been nice to chat and catch up with his friends, especially considering his ordeal the previous night, all Nolan could think about was Charley Bayler and how he'd been fairing in his unofficial job search. 

He had been looking forward to the party for weeks but now that it had been time his mind had been much too focused on Charley to enjoy it. Nolan ended up calling it an early night much to his friend's shock as he gave the excuse that he'd been more tired from the week than he'd realized but wanted to keep up the tradition of the party. 

They exited about five o'clock leaving Nolan alone in his apartment to put away the decorations and extra food as he showered and slipped into his pajamas while watching television on his black leather sofa. He'd been watching more than the television as the hours passed and there had still been no sign of Charley nor the loud angry roar of his pickup truck. 


Open road, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

  There was a good deal of blood coming from Charley Bayler's nose as he attempted to keep it at bay long enough for him to reach Nolan's apartment complex. He'd taken a few good hits from the more burly of his attackers but in the end, he managed to put them all down before hopping into his truck and speeding off before any more could show up. He had only wanted to look for a job not deliver a beat down to the fools brave enough and stupid enough to challenge him when he'd been trying to do right for a change. He knew his day had been a bust aside from waking up in Nolan's apartment and giving him the clothes and the key. 

It was rather odd that the only thing good going on in Charley's life at the moment had been due to the sixteen-year-old blond he'd rescued from an assault at the hands of two middle-aged stalkers. He wondered how long Nolan's party had been going on and took a moment to gather himself before parking his truck and entering the building with the doorman once more giving him a side eye before he made it up the stairs to Nolan's apartment. 

He had been quite thirsty and in need of getting cleaned up with all the blood on his clothes as he put his key into the lock and the heavy door opened. He was shocked to see the party had been over and that Nolan had opened it before he'd even got in good. 

"Charley!" said the thin pale blond lad as he excitedly hopped into the taller older man's arms. 

On instinct, Charley caught him and stepped inside as they exchanged a series of heated kisses before Nolan figured out that he had blood on his shirt and that it was coming from his nose. 

"Oh you're bleeding," said Nolan in something of a whine as he noted Charley's nose and shirt. 

"Nothin' serious just caught a couple of fists to the face during a scuffle is all," replied Charley casually as he let Nolan down and walked toward the bathroom where he took off his shirt, tossing it onto the floor in the hallway. 

Nolan followed behind him and watched as he kicked off his boots and jeans before reaching the bathroom stripped down to only his navy blue boxer shorts as he stood over the sink splashing water on his face and pinching his nose until he stopped the bleeding. 

"Must have been some job interview you went on," said Nolan collecting the discarded items and putting them in their proper place before coming back to mop up the blood trail and see to Charley directly. 

"Wasn't the job for me apparently," remarked Charley almost bitterly as he finished up in the bathroom. 

He casually strolled into the kitchen and opened the fridge, fishing out an ice-cold silver can of beer, and popped the top. 

"What happened to your little party?" he asked with an arched brow. 

Nolan sighed. 

"Didn't feel much like partying today," he replied. 

Charley looked at him for a moment before taking a sip from his beer and walking around the aisle toward the thin pale blond. 

"On account of me?" asked Charley with an arched brow once more. 

"Well yes and no," replied Nolan. "I wasn't in the mood to party much after last night but then I couldn't go and cancel after waiting so long and then when I was at the party all I could think about was you and what was going on with your interview so I ended up kicking them all out at five o'clock and just sat here flipping through channels until you came home."

Charley smirked at this. 

"Don't you dare judge me asshole I've never had a boyfriend before, let alone a live-in one," admitted Nolan annoyed. 

"Boyfriend?" asked Charley surprised to hear those words. "We just met last night and fucked right after and I'm your boyfriend now?"

Nolan sighed.

"Shut up I know it's irrational and all that but I think we can make a go of this," he said rather seriously. "Besides I know you can't get enough of my tight pussy and we both know I'm in love with your big dick."

Charley turned up his can and finished off his beer in one gulp before slamming the can onto the countertop and swiftly moving toward Nolan scooping him about the waist and pressing his lips into his. 

"Guess ain't no need for pretense when we know we both want it," replied Charley in a rather gruff voice that made Nolan weak in the knees. 

His rough touch had been all Nolan needed as he threw himself into the older man's arms feverishly kissing his lips as Charley lifted him off the ground with ease and he wrapped his slender pale legs around the larger older man's well-toned waist. 

The instant of their bodies touching had sent shockwaves through Nolan's young body and he moaned in Charley's mouth as the older man's rough hands gripped the soft flesh of his pale ass through his underwear. Charley's cock had been as hard as flesh-covered steel as he carried Nolan all the way back toward the bedroom where they first got together. 

As far as they had both been concerned with the day they'd been having prior, being in the company of each other had been the only thing going for the two of them.