Chapter 46: Something Date-Like

The Food Court, Westport Mall,4th and Grand Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

 There had been a lot of people around the notoriously packed food court as Charley Bayler and Nolan Pierce made their way toward one of the booths aiming for something to end their rumbling stomachs before the long drive back home. Nolan had the honor of carrying most of the bags as Charley reminded him he wanted to go shopping in the first place. He carried them once Nolan tripped and almost went tumbling with them in front of him due to the extra weight they brought on. Charley rolled his eyes and they headed for the shortest line, he had not carried what he ate so long as he ate something after that spirited romp in the restroom, he'd been as good as starving. 

Nolan had taken his time to assess the stores and what food they had for sale while Charley mostly grumbled and gave people dirty looks due to his being too hungry to care about any aspect of manners. Nolan had been pleased to be out of the apartment and with pleasant handsome company to boot. Despite his previous indecision, Nolan had finally chosen what to eat and accompanied a still-grumbling Charley Bayler to a nearby food court table with their bags. 

Charley took note that Nolan had ordered them both burgers and fries which had been fine by him so long as he'd finally gotten something in his grumbling stomach. Nolan seemed to be at peace with the surroundings despite the people all staring at them and whispering to themselves. Charley rolled his eyes and casually leaned back in his chair waiting for his food as Nolan fussed over the clothes they bought for the time being. 

They had been getting on famously when their number had been called to retrieve their order. Charley did the honors and got up to collect their food as Nolan remained putting away the bags and awaiting the order of food Charley had been on the verge of bringing to him. 

The blond lad had been quite ecstatic about how the day turned out despite his lingering bitterness about Claire having had sex with his boyfriend but he had been pleased to be spending time with Charley outside of the apartment nonetheless. As Nolan waited for Charley to come to the table, he had the unfortunate experience of seeing his younger siblings in the area and had hoped that they would simply pass by and not notice him. 

He couldn't tell if his mother and her loser husband had been anywhere near them but he had been suddenly uneasy until finally Charley arrived at the table with their food. He sat down the two trays of burgers and fries with a couple of drinks that Nolan had forgotten in the order but he added on at the counter. 

"Is that Nolan?" asked a little girl who had indeed favored Nolan as he sat trying his best to look as if he had known her. 

"It is Nolan." said the little boy who had also looked a good deal like Nolan and the girl as they rushed up to him without regard for Charley who had been curious as to why they had known him. 

"Hey Nolan." the children said in unison in only the kind of oddly sweet monotoned voice that only little children had. 

Nolan had been a bit embarrassed and honestly touched that his younger siblings had still cared for him despite everything that happened with his mother and her husband. 

"Hey guys," he said casually. "Why are you out and about today?"

"School shopping." replied the girl. 

"You know how mom is." remarked the boy. 

"Unfortunately," replied Nolan before turning his attention to hugging each of his younger siblings. 

Nolan's little brother had been curious as to who the stranger sitting with his brother had been and glared at him for a few moments. 

"Who's this?" asked the boy pointing at Charley who had been silently chewing a french fry in a meticulous fashion. 

Nolan's face turned red as he did not know how to address Charley in front of his siblings. They had not been privy to his sexual preferences and even less understanding about why they had been what they were. 

"The name's Charley, brat, and I'm a friend of your older brother's," growled Charley still chewing his french fries. 

"Nolan's got a friend?" asked the sister turning her attention to Charley at last. 

"More like a roommate," added Charley still chewing his fries. 

"He's big," said Nolan's sister observing Charley's large muscular arms and chest through his t-shirt.

"You have no idea," remarked Nolan before catching himself. "You two better get back to Mom before she throws a royal hissy fit because she can't find you and the last thing I need is to see her in person today."

Nolan's younger siblings sighed and agreed that it had been best but not before they exchanged a few hugs before taking off again back to where they had come from. 

Charley stared at Nolan for a few moments then went back to eating his french fries and burger. 

"So roommate is it?" asked Nolan biting into his own burger for a change. 

"Would you rather I tell them I was raw dogging your pasty little ass and plan to do it again real soon?" asked Charley in a form of a challenge as he took a sip from his nearby soda. 

"N-No that's..." began Nolan only to turn his attention back to his food. 

Charley smiled at how uncomfortable he'd made Nolan and decided to finish polishing off his food and drink as Nolan quietly ate beside him. It had been a fitting way to wind down following all of the previous excitement of the day, not to mention Nolan's mind had been thinking along the lines of this being the first date he had actually ever been on, and with Charley no less, of course, he had been careful not to even utter a word of it out loud, least he upset Charley who would go out of his way to either make fun of him or take the romantic aspect of Nolan's pleasant little fantasy and ruin it in any way he could.