
As the second day wore on, the three people walked beside the horse once more. The night had been restless, with every little sound startling them. Although less and less likely, it was always possible the army or the wolves would overtake them. The darkness had intensified those fears. Now, as the day had began again, they felt simultaneously safer and more vulnerable.

While, logically, wolves were just as likely to find them in the dark as in the day, the increased visibility made them easily spotted by human eyes in daylight. They stuck to the main road both out of fear of getting lost in the woods and the thought that an enemy army might choose to avoid a main route for strategic reasons, as well as the practical consideration that the cart would move more quickly and easily over an established road.

"You're a good girl, Peach." Riley patted her nose as he led her. She snorted her agreement. "I know, I don't tell you often enough," He conceded, "I just wanted you to know you're appreciated."

The horse went silent and paused, ears swiveling and nostrils flaring. She seemed to be focusing on something ahead of them instead of behind, which gave Riley some comfort. As far as he was aware, the enemy was entirely behind them... unless they'd been flanked and surrounded while they rested in the night.

"Mayra, Finn, hide in the cart please." Riley said quietly. Without a word, the women obeyed.

Deciding that continuing forward in a nonchalant manner was the best option, Riley climbed onto the seat in case sudden speed was needed, and flicked the reins softly. Perhaps the lone peddler he now appeared to be would be beneath the attention of bad actors. Or make an easy target for bandits.

Peach continued her subdued surveillance, her keen ears having targeted the sound. Soon, Riley could hear it as well. There were horses and what sounded like a large number of people walking. Through the next group of trees, they came into view and Riley sighed in relief.

"Girls, Klain has come." He said back to the cart. Their heads peeked out and he pulled the cart to the side of the road to let the army pass.

A rider on horseback who appeared to be in charge approached them and signaled the soldiers to halt behind him.

"Riley, Serafina, and Mayra?" He asked.

"Yes," Riley's eyebrows rose. He didn't expect the soldiers to know their names.

"I am Captain Grayson. I have orders to debrief you of any information you have and then dispatch a small contingent to escort you safely to the city."

Serafina jumped out of the cart and approached the rider. She began speaking so rapidly that he had trouble keeping up.

"They burned our village to the ground. Our families are hostages. You have to help them! There are at least fifty soldiers and a dozen wolves, maybe more. It was dark and difficult to see all of them. They have the children! They said if the village men don't join their army they will drive everyone out into the wilderness or kill them!"

Riley, who had also climbed down, put a hand on her shoulder to calm her.

"Please tell us, are you headed to deal with this threat?" Riley asked.

The mounted soldier eyed him warily. It was against protocol to reveal much to civilians, but he understood their extreme concern for their families. He gave one short nod.

"Then I'm coming with you." Riley's tone was resolved.

"WHAT?" Mayra and Finn exclaimed in shock.

"What purpose would you serve? You are not a soldier." The Captain narrowed his eyes at Riley.

"If I have to join the army for a year to be entitled to accompany you, so be it. As long as you are making sure the girls get to safety, my obligation is to help the rest of my family however I can. I want to fight. I know the area better than any of your soldiers possibly could since I've lived in the village my whole life. I've seen the enemy personally, so I might have information that would be helpful, and I've seen the wolves twice now and have insight into their behavior. I'm also not completely useless with a sword." He patted his at his side.

Captain Grayson dismounted and indicated the blade. "May I see that?"

Riley drew the sword and held it out to the man.

"How did you come by this sword?" The Captain examined the sword, then Riley with a shrewd air.

"It was my father's."

"And you know how to use it?" The Captain's gaze bore into Riley's.

"He taught me." Riley would make no claim as to talent, as he'd never sparred with anyone other than his father. He had no idea how his skills would compare to the average soldier's.

Grayson held up a hand and gestured with two fingers. Another soldier ran forward and came to his side. "Sir?"

"Tell me what you see." The subordinate took the sword with wide eyes.

"A Valor Sword, sir?" Captain Grayson nodded, then took it back and handed it to Riley.

"Do you know what it is you have?" Grayson asked, tilting his head.

"Is it special? My father never spoke of his past." Riley admitted. The curiosity which had been in the background of his mind his entire life surged to the forefront at the possibility of new information.

"No matter. I will allow you to pledge your year of military service, effective immediately." Riley straightened as Grayson spoke.

The girls both jolted out of the stunned silence they'd been trapped in and each took one of Riley's arms in protest. He smiled gently at each of them in turn and removed their hands.

"This is best. I couldn't fight until I had gotten you to safety." He paused and looked at the Captain. "They will be safe now?"

Grayson turned his head. "Ashley! Peter! Roland!"

All three travelers-turned-refugees reacted to the last name as three uniformed soldiers stepped forward and removed the helmets which had been obscuring their faces.

Grayson turned back, "Roland, collaborate with Riley and share the intelligence you both have concerning the enemy we face. Ashley and Peter, you will escort the cart and these two young women to Klain and then report to the main gate for reassignment by the commander there until our unit returns."

All three soldiers saluted, "Yes sir!"

"Everyone else, ten minute rest before we move out!"

The entire group of soldiers simultaneously knocked the heels of their boots together and saluted. "Yes sir!"

The unified sound was startling and a little mesmerizing.

Roland moved forward and took Riley's hand. The two men nodded at each other in mutual relief and measured respect. Riley's lips tightened into a flat line, but otherwise he did not react as both women hugged the other man. Somehow Mayra doing it too made it more sisterly than anything else, and he relaxed a little.

Roland's face held a mix of emotions, "I'm so, so glad you're safe--all of you--" he looked away from Finn to include Mayra and Riley in his statement before gazing back at her. "Were you hurt?"

"Not this time," she smiled wryly.

"Not through any good behavior of her own," Riley added in, earning a sharp glance from Mayra. Roland turned questioning eyes on Finn.

"I tried to run into a burning building. But I'm fine, nothing happened to me." She cringed.

Roland closed his eyes and sighed, "I suppose I shouldn't expect anything else from you. I'm just glad you're ok." He turned to include his fellow soldiers in the conversation, "You may remember Ashley, but I don't think you met Peter. They are both excellent soldiers who will make sure you get safely to Klain. Dr. and Mrs. Sherman will be glad to have you back."

Both Mayra and Finn smiled at the soldiers, Mayra a little more shyly than Finn. The two nodded in response as another soldier approached.

"I have retrieved a spare uniform for you." He handed it to Riley. "You should change before we march onward."

Riley turned and took his little sister in a tight hug. "Be good. Stay with Finn. Don't cause mischief." The last instruction was one he had often given her when he left for the fields during harvest season. She smiled up at him with tears in her eyes.

"You either." She used all her strength to squeeze him tightly. "Please save Mama and our brothers."

"That's the plan." He grinned and let her go.

Finn stepped in for her own hug. "I want to yell at you for your recklessness, but I don't think I have a leg to stand on." She tried to mask her heavy emotions behind the humor.

Riley took her by the shoulders and ducked his head to bring his eyes level with hers. "You're right. I'll come back to you. Wait for me."

Finn's eyes widened and would have cut towards Roland if Riley's gaze had not held hers so securely. She nodded in agreement with his command, helpless to do anything else, and he slowly dropped his hands.

Roland held a smile frozen on his face as he absorbed the scene and heard his request echoed from Riley's lips. Had Finn told him about it? As Riley turned away from the girls to go change into his new uniform, he gave Roland a small shrug and a friendly slap on the shoulder that seemed to be a non-apology for his display.

Mayra turned back to the cart, possibly to hide the tears she was shedding for her departing brother. Peter and Ashley were exchanging a few parting words with their platoon mates as they rested, leaving Roland and Finn relatively alone.

"Are you all right? I mean, really?" He asked, stepping closer to her.

She took a deep, shaky breath. "No, not really. Once my family is safe, I'll be closer to all right."

"I'm sorry, Serafina. I wish I could do more, but I'll make sure that if it's at all within my power, they are rescued." He started to reach toward her, but pulled his hand back in indecision.

Finn gave him a watery half-smile that revealed how much she was holding back. Almost everyone she'd ever known was captured or hurt, her home was in ashes, and Roland and Riley were marching off to meet the danger, possibly to their doom.

Unable to bear the turmoil on her face, Roland took another step closer and opened his arms in invitation. She fell into them and sobbed against his chest.

Just then, Captain Grayson sounded a whistle. "Time's up! Fall into line and move out!"

Roland squeezed Finn tighter. "We'll be back. I'll come back and I'll bring Riley and your family and everyone I can." He pulled back and looked into her face. "Please be safe."

She shut her eyes tight as tears spilled out of them.

"Oh, I have something for you," He added quickly as he saw that all the other soldiers were already falling in line. "I get to deliver them myself this time, but here are the promised letters." He reached into his coat and took out a short stack of neatly folded and sealed letters, and pressed them into her hand as her eyes popped open. "I've written one to you every day." He cringed. "I hope that's not too much. You didn't specify how many I could or couldn't write. I have to go now. I'll miss you, Serafina."

"I'll miss you too, Roland." For as terrified as she was to express anything stronger, this simple truth came easily from her lips. Her eyes held worry as they met his hopeful ones.

He placed a gentle kiss on her hand and ran to his place in line.