
After another moment, Finn pulled away, dizzy and gasping for oxygen. She really would faint if not given the chance to breathe. Sensing this, Roland loosened his hold slightly and chuckled.

"I'm sorry," He apologized as he watched her try to get her bearings.

"I'm not," She ducked her head, her face flaming bright red, causing him to laugh.

"Then I'm not either, although," He cringed, "It was not proper form of me to kiss you so publicly and so ardently."

"What do you mean?" Her mind was still not fully functional, having been thoroughly dazed by his kisses.

"I mean, I should have waited to get an answer to my question before doing that." He smiled wryly.

She tilted her head, "Don't you think that was answer enough? Goodness!"

"I would still love to hear your voice as you promise to be my wife." His eyes pled with her.

"You know I don't make promises I can't keep," One corner of her mouth tilted up, and his face registered a moment of shock before she continued, "So, I promise to do everything within my power to become your wife and make sure you never know a moment alone, ever again."

He laughed, and pulled her back tightly into his arms, then paused.

"I'm not sure what kind of life I'll give you," He admitted, "are you prepared to be a doctor's wife, or a prince's bride, or anything in between?"

"I'll be whatever it is that keeps me by your side, come what may." She rose on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, but he turned his face and caught her lips with his once more.

"Stop that," She said, gasping as she pulled away. "I'll faint right here in the street."

Thankfully, the jail was not on a particularly well-traveled street, or they might have attracted a number of stares for the public display of affection.

Roland released her from his hold, but as she swayed slightly, took her hand and put it at the crook of his left elbow to escort her. He left his right hand covering hers, and she shivered slightly from his touch.

She put her other hand on his to further steady herself as they walked toward the Shermans' home.

"I... I should talk to Riley, before we announce anything," Finn said. She wasn't sure exactly how much Roland knew about Riley's feelings.

"I understand," Roland squeezed her hand, "Though I think you might be surprised how easily that conversation might go."

"Why do you think that?" Finn watched him from the corner of her eye, unwilling to admit just how explicitly Riley had once expressed feelings for her.

"Let's just say that I have a feeling Mayra might be right about more than just us," He chuckled. "Even after catching me proposing yesterday, Riley was shockingly unbothered. I think his time in the army has changed him."

"That's interesting," Finn thought it over. It would be nice not to hurt her childhood friend. "Any advice on how to approach the topic?"

"A letter is always a nice form of communication," Roland winked at her, "but I imagine he'll be at the house waiting to catch up with you and Mayra. Perhaps you could talk to him when we get there. I doubt I'll be able to keep our secret for too long."

"I think you're right," She blushed under his gaze that made no effort to hide his feelings.

She cherished the short walk together, knowing that life and the war would separate them soon enough. It would be a difficult time, but easier now that the air was cleared between them.

"When do you want to be married?" He asked after a few minutes.

"Hm?" Finn had been distracted by her own wandering thoughts.

"I've never planned a wedding. How long will that take?" Roland repeated.

"Oh! I'm not exactly sure, myself. I would like my father and brother to be there, of course..." Her mood suddenly became more solemn, and Roland felt a pang of sadness.

"Of course, I'm sorry. We should wait until I can properly ask your father for your hand. I hope he approves of me, as I haven't even met him yet." Suddenly nervous, Roland wondered what his future father-in-law was like.

"He'll love you," Finn insisted.

She, too, wondered about her future in-laws. The Shermans were lovely people and she was sure they would be delighted to welcome her into the family. Roland's biological family, however, could be a different matter entirely. It made Finn uneasy to think about Queen Titania, who she'd come to imagine as fearsome and imposing, looking her up and down and judging whether she was worthy to bear an heir of Rhone.

She turned red at the thought of bearing a son or daughter for Roland, and he noticed her change of color. He lifted one eyebrow in question, but she averted her gaze and he chuckled slightly. Over time, her face was becoming incredibly readable to him. He liked that.

They arrived at the house, and Finn was passed around in a sea of hugs. Mayra had already received all of hers and was settled at the table with a cup of tea. It seemed as if everyone wanted to talk at once, sharing stories, catching up on the lost time, and expressing a general thankfulness that everyone there was together again. It was a bright spot for all of them to achieve the victory of the day, despite the coming challenges of the next.

Eventually, Finn found a semi-private moment to talk to Riley as she went to get a drink of water and he came into the kitchen to sample another of Mrs. Sherman's miniature tarts.

"Riley, I'm so glad you're ok, and thank you for rescuing Mayra and me from jail." She said sincerely.

"It was nothing, just my run-of-the-mill heroics. It's become my new hobby," He grinned broadly at her.

"I want you to know that I'm very grateful to have you around," Finn continued, her tone causing Riley's face to scrunch up in distaste.

"Now, don't start that, will you?" He rolled his eyes. "I got the message. I got it a long time ago, in fact. You should have seen your face when I brought Roland's jacket. You would have thought the world had ended. Don't worry about me, Finn. I found my place, and unfortunately, there's not room there to have you by my side. No hard feelings, yeah?" He winked at her to punctuate the good-natured jab.

Finn smiled broadly at him. "You're incredibly irritating and I'm glad you're in my life," she responded happily. "But I hear there might be a place at your side for one newly retired young soldier..."

"Who's starting those rumors? I'm a hero, blast it! A lone wolf, life-saving, traitor-revealing hero! I don't need anyone..." He blustered, then fell back into his lazy lopsided grin. "Well, maybe."

Finn impulsively hugged him, and he held her in a brotherly embrace for a brief moment before letting her go.

"But first, I have to make sure she doesn't become your stepmother-in-law. Wouldn't that be quite the awkward thing?"

"Yes, quite," Finn wasn't worried about Ashley now that no one was around to force her to marry against her will, but the mental image of having Ashley as a mother in law caused her to giggle.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll go check on the lady and her mother now. They've had quite the day and I want to make sure they're all right." Riley bowed slightly and smiled at Finn. "By the way, I'm glad you're ok too. Stay that way, all right?"

"I promise that I'll try," Finn gave him a half smile.

"And invite me to the wedding. Maybe I'll catch the bouquet," He winked at her again, and she laughed. It felt unreasonably good to have their friendship intact after she was so afraid of hurting it beyond repair.

They re-entered the main room for Riley to bid everyone else farewell, and Roland sent Finn a questioning glance. She smiled at him and nodded, and he cleared his throat.

"Before you go, Serafina and I have an announcement to make," Roland extended a hand, and Finn walked over to take it.

"Oh, everyone already knows," Interrupted Mayra. "We all guessed ages ago."

Mrs. Sherman swatted the younger woman on the shoulder with the back of her hand. "Hush, Mayra. Don't steal other people's moments, or you might not get your own one day."

"I don't need a moment of my own," Mayra whispered loudly, "I'm really happy just making sure others get them."

"Then for goodness sakes, let them have it now!" Mrs. Sherman turned piercing eyes on a finally-repentant Mayra.

"This lovely woman has consented to be my wife," Roland ignored the side conversation between the two women, concentrating solely on Finn's glowing face. "We are engaged."

The home erupted into cheers and congratulations, with hugs and exclamations of joy all around.

Except for Riley, who with a final smile at the happy scene, slipped out the door and went on his way.