
At long last, Ezra finished braiding the head coverings together into a rope. Finn felt like it had taken hours, although in actuality it was likely minutes. She also realized that her open anxiety was probably cause for one or two of his mistakes as he worked under her near-frantic gaze while she tapped her foot with nervous energy.

Despite Roland's intermittent attempts to calm her, she could not be content until it was over. Waiting was worse than any other task she could be given. As long as she was working towards something, her energy could be contained. But now, finally, Ezra was holding aloft the braid he had so diligently slaved over.

Finn beamed at him, relieved and elated that they could continue with the ceremony now.

"Take her hands in yours, please," Ezra directed Roland, and he was eagerly obeyed. Wrapping one end of the braided rope around their joined hands, the young aide began walking in circles around the couple, tying them slowly together. He hummed a soft, enchanting tune as he did so. Finn couldn't make out any words, but the melody was captivating. She made a mental note to ask about the song when the situation were a little less dire.

As Ezra reached the end of the song and the rope, he wrapped it again around their hands and secured it to the first end, completing the circle around the bride and groom.

"You promise now to be together until the end of your days, with courage and with honor."

"We promise," Roland and Finn spoke in unison.

"I witness your bond, and your pledge. You are now man and wife. You will hang this rope over the entrance of your dwelling place as proof to all of your eternal ties." Ezra smiled. His first assignment as a prince's aide was certainly not at all what he had expected. The military had not taught him to braid nor to perform the marriage rites of a witness. If his sister hadn't married a year earlier, he would likely have failed at this task entirely.

Roland pulled Finn closer within the embrace of the braided rope and kissed her passionately, causing the young man to look away in embarrassment and clear his throat.

"That, um, that is not necessary to seal the ceremony, Your Highness." He said sheepishly, causing the newlywed couple to break apart in chagrined laughter.

Roland turned to him, "Thank you Ezra, I--" He stopped speaking in shock, and then looked at Finn, who was still staring at Ezra, making him feel uncomfortable. Had he done something wrong?

Finn broke the tense silence, "We have to get to Klain. Now."


Prince Duncan stood beside Titania as she sent the men forward. Either his taunt to lure her so close to the city had worked, or there was something in it she wanted badly enough to come this close. She'd stopped short of the wall, to his disappointment. He assumed this is where whatever protective spell the Klain were using began. He needed to get her across the line somehow.

He didn't rush forward with his troops, choosing to stand by Titania's side as a presumed bodyguard of sorts. Duncan watched his mother carefully with his peripheral vision. When she had demeaned the Fae for following the sorcerer's will, he knew for sure that she was not acting in accordance with the prophecy.

If she was inhibiting Rhone from the will of the Sorcerer, was she what needed to be destroyed? He observed his soldiers battling valiantly, striking down the Klain in their paths, many of them falling in their efforts. Was all of this wrong? Even though Titania's interpretation of the prophecy made sense, the deaths of his men--

His thoughts were cut off as he watched an injured Klain soldier rush forward from the line, wounding and immobilizing his opponents, but oddly avoiding killing the Rhone around him. Duncan's eyebrows came together as he watched the talented warrior battle against three Rhone at once, striking them all down.

"You finally brought your witch out, did you?" The man called out in a taunting voice. "She's doing you a lot of good right now. Won't even protect her men from a simpleton like me! Useless old crone!"

Duncan's eyes cut to Titania. No one he knew of had ever insulted her and lived to talk about it. Her mouth was flattened in irritation, but she still did not step forward.

"Kill him," She said to Duncan.

"Your Majesty," He bowed. To defy her here, in the heat of battle, risked much. He considered his options, and decided to take his chances with the taunting warrior.

"Awww, sending your dog to clean up the mess? Can't fight your own battle?" The soldier called, fending off another Rhone attack. "Come and get me yourself, you old hag!"

Duncan suppressed a grin at the foolhardy man. In the midst of the carnage of battle, somehow this young idiot found the energy to ridicule and bait a deadly and powerful sorceress. The bravado would be impressive if it weren't quite so suicidal.

The Prince approached the warrior with his spear raised in a fighting stance. The younger man heaved with the exertion of battle, while Duncan was fresh. Not even a spot of sweat marred his royal brow.

Riley's face settled into a determined expression. He was very likely about to be killed by an older version of Roland. The irony was not lost on him at all. Yet, hadn't Roland expressed hope that his father could be reasoned with?

Riley lifted his sword into a defensive position as the other Rhone backed away from their crown prince's opponent. They would not interfere in this fight and rob their heir of honor.

The rest of the battlefield seemed to fade away as Riley focused on this moment, this adversary, and this fight. He was unwilling to kill Roland's father if it could be at all avoided, but he doubted he would be given the same courtesy. He swallowed and wondered why he continually let his mouth run and get him into this much trouble.

If he survived, he would have to work on that character flaw.

Duncan spun his spear rapidly between his hands an in impractical, but impressive display meant to intimidate his opponent with his dexterity and speed. Riley's mouth tightened in response, but he maintained his defensive position without otherwise flinching.

The prince suddenly lunged forward and the two clashed, spear on sword, whirling and sparring in a fierce series of attacks, blocks, and strikes fast enough to make lesser warriors pale. Still, at this stage the two were discerning each other's styles rather than aiming for a quick kill. The real display was yet to come.

Duncan knew the fight was attracting the attention of many others. The rest of the battle seemed to have slowed considerably, which was to his liking. The more he could delay, the more time he had to--

"Prince Duncan, I presume?" Riley panted after a set of four rapid strikes, all blocked deftly by the older man's spear.

"What of it?" Duncan retorted with a set of five varying jabs and swipes, one narrowly missing the top of Riley's head as he ducked.

"Your son-- saved my life--I kind of owe him one." Riley's sentence was broken by his dodges and feints, while Duncan still seemed at perfect ease, raising one eyebrow at the news of his son's exploits.

"And?" Duncan responded again, giving little away as to his feelings on the matter.

"Let--me help," Riley sidestepped another swipe but noticed he was slowly gaining ground on the older man... or was he being lured further from the protection of Klain's line?

"Help what?" Duncan narrowed his eyes.

"Kill the queen," Riley whispered as he blocked an overhead strike.

The Crown Prince did not reply, but his barrage of attacks increased in intensity. Riley was sweating heavily now, his injuries aching and his muscles protesting the duration of the fight. His footwork was beginning to suffer; the rubble was unforgiving in its jagged and uneven nature.

His right foot slipped as he eluded another blow, bringing the tip of Duncan's spear close enough to slice off a lock of his hair. Riley instantly realized the opening his stumble had created. He was less than half a second from death, should his opponent choose to take his life.

He locked eyes with Duncan, silently pleading for mercy in the moment it took to regain his footing. Duncan spun his spear and brought it down swiftly.

Directly onto Riley's raised sword. The impact made Riley's unsteady stance collapse beneath him. His knee hit the ground, and the butt of Duncan's spear struck him in the chest, throwing him onto his back and driving the breath from his lungs. A blinding pain shot through Riley's head as it struck a stone.

Riley looked up, utterly dazed as the tip of Duncan's spear hovered just above his throat.