
The four stood atop the wall, flanked by nervous soldiers who were wary of Duncan and protective of the General. Those nearest to the group held shields to jump in the path of any arrows the enemy might shoot. On the sides, Klain archers warily scanned the terrain for any threat to their military leader.

On the way, they had allowed Duncan to retrieve his crow and send his message to the citizens of Rhone who were not in the army. Blessedly, the creature found a flock to blend into as it left the city and did not attract undue attention.

Riley squinted out into the morning light, still finding it hard to believe that what had seemed like an eternal night had come to an end. He had lost more sleep since leaving his village than in the rest of his life combined. Days passed so much more quickly than nights did, in his experience. To stay awake all night seemed interminable.

"There!" Mayra said excitedly, pointing to a not too distant hill. From the brush came a subtle flashing, like a spark that could not quite take hold of any kindling. "Is that them?" She turned hopeful eyes on the General.

"It's Klain military code, yes. All the swordsmen are taught it during their year of training."

Riley cut his eyes over to the older man. Though he recognized the language, he hadn't yet been taught it in his service. He'd always just thought it was a clever way his father came up with to communicate across a field during harvest or during a hunt without having to raise their voices. This was something all Klain knew?

The General raised a mirror and signaled that he was ready for the body of the message to begin. As the flashing commenced in earnest, he translated slowly for Duncan and Mayra.

"It's... the real Provider, Lysander," He spoke with surprise. He had only been told that a message awaited via code. "He's with Roland, Finn, and a Rhone aide. They... broke the curse and are trapped outside the wall. They saw the Void and want to know the plan."

"We don't have a plan," Duncan said gruffly, glad that his son was all right.

The General raised the mirror.


"The General has come. Prince Duncan is with him," Lysander translated as the little group watched the wall with anticipation. "They need us to... get rid of the Void's followers. Convince if possible, kill if necessary. Having subjects is what allows it to be in this world."

"Surely the Rhone soldiers aren't very enthusiastic followers at this point," Finn said softly, not wanting to interrupt if the message went on. "Can we persuade them all to follow Roland instead of the creature?"

"I think we have to try. If we need to get rid of its followers one way or another, convincing would be the preferable route." Roland shared a look with her.

"They are taking care of the women, children, and laborers of Rhone," Lysander continued after a moment. "Duncan has sent a message to them. Our task is the soldiers here."

"I suppose we tell them we will do our best." Roland decided.

Lysander conveyed the message and ended the conversation with Klain. A future check-in might not be possible, but he would attempt it before sundown. The four considered the best way to go about it.

"The Void is at the far end of the wall, near the lake. We should start on this side and try to build our following as we go. After the first few, it should be a waterfall of more joining our side. If we can present a strong front, then those nearest to the Void will either abandon it or fight and be killed." Roland puzzled out the plan.

"That seems wise," Said Finn. "I would say we should split up to cover more ground, but I doubt Lysander or myself would be able to convince Rhone soldiers of anything. Maybe Ezra, but if it comes to a fight, I would rather have both of you."

Roland turned to Finn and took her hands, and the other men looked away, partly out of embarrassment and partly out of respect for the newlyweds who had just spent their wedding night fighting a curse and trying to save lives rather than enjoying it together, alone.

"I would ask you to stay hidden, to lock yourself away in one of the houses of the town until this is over and not move a muscle," She almost interrupted him and he placed a finger on her lips. "However, I know that would be against your nature, and wouldn't even guarantee your safety. Walls are nothing to Titania and she can move through the Darkness to get to you no matter where you are. You are in danger everywhere, and you may yet possess some knowledge in your brilliant mind that will prove fruitful against the evil we face.

"So, I must ask you, my love, to come with me into danger, to stay as safe as you can, and to bolster my courage with your presence. I need you more than I should. Will you stay by my side?"

Finn's eyes shined as she looked at her husband. It softened her heart considerably that, despite how safe he wanted her to be, he recognized her worth and value as a partner.

"Forever," She answered softly.

The four made their way to the far edge of the wall to begin, hopefully, with the two guards who already recognized Roland as Prince Derek and had not been hostile to him. With four approaching now instead of two recognizable Klain soldiers, the guards were on edge and raised their spears.

"Peace," Roland said, holding his hand out. The two exchanged a look and slowly lowered their weapons, remaining tense. "There is a solution to the Void's tyranny, and I have come to urge you to join me in fighting it off."

The more talkative of the two bowed his head in fear and shame.

"Your Highness, we do not want to follow the Queen, but... it is powerful. Those who dared disobey were killed almost immediately. What can we do against such power?"

"It is your obedience that keeps it in this world. You must turn away from it, and follow myself and my Father instead. Once it has no followers left in this world, it will be banished from our realm and trapped in the Darkness once more." Roland depended on these first two as a litmus test for how the rest of the Rhone army might respond to his leadership.

"Can it be so?" He asked, his face lifting to meet Roland's eyes. "Is that all it takes for freedom?"

Finn blinked as she realized the man's eyes were becoming slowly lighter.

"Follow me, not it, and I will do everything in my power to secure your freedom from the Void." Roland promised.

"I pledge my life to you, Prince Derek," The soldier knelt suddenly, his hand over his heart, and his companion followed suit.

Roland smiled, "Now let's go convince the rest of Rhone."

Hope sprung up in Finn's heart. Though the two new soldiers looked curiously at her, they did not question their prince and leader. Roland took her hand and her heart thrilled at her husband's touch.

Running towards danger, not alone, but with her heart's dearest love, left her oddly at peace. He had not eradicated what she considered a character flaw, but instead came alongside her and protected her through the trials that buffeted their world. It grew her love for him ever stronger.

The next pair of patrols were easier to convince, already seeing their comrades following Prince Derek and being subject to a strong sense of kinship that bonded the Rhone together. Fear of the Void seemed to diminish when the men linked arms to march to battle together.

The little group's courage flourished as more joined them. From the information acquired from Roland's new soldiers, they surmised that the Rhone patrols were spread fairly thin around the edge of the wall, but were concentrated around the Void to support it in battle when it eventually broke through the magical barrier.

After all, the breach was still by far the most vulnerable place in the wall. To patrol elsewhere was simply a siege measure and not a plan of attack.

Eventually, with steadily growing ranks, Roland could see the Void around the curve of the wall.

In the sunlight, it was all the more menacing. No longer simply a darker spot in the black night, it was now a foaming, roiling cloud of darkness that licked at the barrier and devoured any light that tried to shine against it. There was no shadow, only Void. The sight of it was terrifying and ominous. Several of Roland's soldiers shuddered, remembering how effortlessly it struck their fellows in battle.

Roland squeezed Finn's hand and steeled himself for what was about to come.