New Arrivals

The riverboat found its way to shore just short of where the river widened to embrace the sea. The wind was beautifully crisp and salty as the sun rose.

"Isn't it amazing?" Ashley breathed deeply as she looked out at the vastness of what surely was the edge of the world.

"Amazing," Riley echoed, but he was looking not at the ocean, but at the way the sea air combed through his wife's golden hair and brightened her cheeks with fresh life.

She caught his eyes and smiled in that special way that a wife smiles at her husband when she can read his thoughts. He grinned back at her, unashamed, and she was tempted to hit him even though he'd said nothing suggestive out loud.

His gaze had told her much.

"Behave," She murmured, and he held his hands up in surrender.

"I didn't say anything," He defended himself, but the twinkle in his eyes remained.

"Mmhmm," She hummed at him.

"It's just as I remembered," Dierdre stepped up behind them. "Isn't it lovely?"

"We were just discussing that," Riley said, tossing a playful look at his wife, who suppressed a grin.

"How small one feels here," Lysander walked more slowly than his wife, and Riley wondered whether it was a physical or emotional difficulty that plagued his steps.

"Yes, it's quite overwhelming." Ashley took her father's arm. "Let's ask if there is a place for you to rest."

The journey had been short once they left; the river was swift and the wind had been with them most of the way. It was far smoother than riding horseback or in a wagon, and Ashley thought it might quickly become her favorite method of travel.

Although, she did fleetingly wonder if going upriver would be so smooth and simple.

"After that, we'll find Mayra, poor thing. I'm sure she's been lonely here."

"We should make the Rhone brides comfortable first," Dierdre chastised her daughter. "After all, they are the primary reason we are here."

The ten Rhone women who had accompanied them on the journey were young, all between 15 and 20 years old, and seemed to be either shy or standoffish.

Ashley had tried to get to know them, but had a hard time breaking through the cultural barrier that separated them. She had even worked hard to find Rhone-appropriate wedding gifts to give each of the girls when they found a husband… but of course, none of them knew that yet.

"Of course, Mother," Ashley replied, stepping back towards the boat as her mother and father continued towards the settlement. "Everyone all right?" She called musically as the young women came ashore one by one.

One or two had gotten terribly seasick on the river and had a miserable journey as a result. Those, at least, should have a much nicer time being back on dry land.

"We are fine," One of the older girls that Ashley had mentally dubbed 'Surly' replied.

She wanted to learn all their names at first, but they all kept their faces covered and rarely spoke to anyone but each other, so it was hard to tell them apart and also difficult to get to know them.

As a result, Ashley had depended heavily on mental nicknames to keep them straight in her mind.

Almost none of the nicknames were terribly kind, but that's what happened when people refused to talk to her just because she wasn't one of them.

She felt on some level that it served them right, even as she knew deep down that they must be incredibly nervous about being married off to men they had never met and would barely get to know before the ceremony.

If the tables were turned, she might be a little surly, too. She couldn't help but think that she'd hit the jackpot with her husband. Though he was a shameless snark at times, she enjoyed how he kept her on her toes.

She gazed at him now, a picture of masculinity in his uniform, tall and muscular, a great warrior, but also extremely kind and funny. Yes, these poor women would have to make do with far less fantastic husbands than her own, and for that they deserved her compassion.

Riley walked up beside her after noticing her thoughtful look.

"Were you feeling sorry for all these women because their husbands won't be nearly as good as yours?" He asked, puffing out his chest to strike a subtle, but prideful pose.

"You're awfully full of yourself, aren't you?" Ashley teased. She didn't want to admit that he was exactly right. His ego was large enough without her feeding it.

"You were, weren't you?" He winked, and she laughed. "I knew it!"

"How could you know such a thing?" She rolled her eyes as if he were wrong.

"Because I've been feeling sorry for the Cetoan men who have to make do with lesser wives while the most gorgeous woman in the world stands beside them, unavailable," He lowered his voice to a whisper.

"You're terrible," Ashley nudged him with her shoulder.

"You love me anyway," He smiled into her eyes.

"I can't imagine why." She teased again, but lifted on her tiptoes to plant a quick kiss on his lips.

"Mmmm, I'll have to remind you later," He wiggled his eyebrows. "But right now, to business. Let's get these women where they belong, find my wayward sister, and get this whole marriage-fest started!"

"That's one way of phrasing it," She laughed.

The couple led the line of single women into the settlement. Riley had been teasing before, but was nonetheless gratified that Ashley had taken his arm for the walk.

She was receiving many admiring looks, while he got the sharp end of jealous glares. Quickly, though, all gazes turned curiously to the women they led, who had all kept their faces covered as Naomi had.

Ashley had heard the girls agreeing that they didn't want to be picked solely based on their appearances, and so collectively agreed to remain veiled at all times, at least for the first day or two of their presence at the seaside.

"Welcome!" A Cetoan woman took Dierdre's hand said and smiled at the newcomers as they neared. "I am Cora, the Commodore's wife. We did not expect you so soon; my husband is out fishing."

Riley smiled and gave a half-bow, and Ashley curtsied. Lysander gave a deep nod of deference. The Rhone women behind them remained still.

"We have ten brides now, and more will come as they are gathered," Dierdre gestured to the girls.

"Excellent," Cora beamed at them. "I have the honor of having the first Rhone bride already as my daughter-in-law. She is an excellent woman, virtuous, diligent, and kind. If she is an accurate sampling of the women of Rhone, we are blessed indeed to have you all come to us."

"Already married?" Ashley asked. The caravan would have been slower than the boat; Naomi couldn't have arrived more than two or three days ago. She'd been all too happy to help outfit the young woman with new dresses for her marriage, she just hadn't expected it to be so… immediate.

"Yes, Naomi married my son Caspian the day she arrived." Cora nodded to Ashley, "I would call her now, but she has gone out with him and my husband on the ship."

"Isn't that highly unusual?" Dierdre seemed concerned.

"Yes, an exception was made for her," Cora admitted, but her brow furrowed slightly. "They were to arrive back last night, but I am sure everything is fine. Sometimes delays happen at sea."

"When do you expect she'll return?" Ashley asked.

"Anytime, I should think. But as I said, delays happen at sea. There is no cause for concern; there have been no storms nor signs of trouble." Cora assured her. "Come, we have made arrangements for our visitors. Huts have been constructed to house the brides and visitors with Mayra until their marriages. Come this way, please."

The Rhone women looked around at each other briefly, and followed the woman's lead.

The 'Bridal Hut', as Mayra had dubbed it, stood near the edge of the village. It was very large, with a great number of beds. It was not meant as long-term housing by any stretch, but the women needed to sleep somewhere until they settled into a home.

As they neared, the self-declared matchmaker emerged and delightedly embraced Ashley and Dierdre.

"I didn't know you'd come!" She exclaimed, "I would have met you at the river! How exciting to have you here."

"What am I, a stray dog?" Riley claimed a hug from his sister.

"I've always thought so, but Mother would never admit it," Mayra smiled at him. "At least Peter will lay off my case now that you're here. He's taken on the protective big brother role in your absence and is driving me crazy!"

Ashley and Riley exchanged a knowing look that irritated her.

"It's not like that," She glared at them.

"Not like what?" Peter asked curiously from behind her.