Family Reunion

The plans for the brides' welcome were dashed as the settlement ran to the shore. The ship had dropped its anchor in the cove and rowboats were already being lowered with people aboard.

Cora stood at the forefront of the spectators, though many men retrieved more boats to row out and help unload men and cargo more quickly.

Mayra came up behind the woman and took her hand.

"I'm glad they're back," She said sincerely, but Cora's eyes were still glued to the ship.

"We will know whether they are back when they arrive at the shore," She replied a little woodenly.

"It won't be long," Mayra smiled.

"No, it won't be long," Cora murmured. Mayra had no idea that the woman had been carrying this much weight and tension in herself. She had repeatedly assured everyone who asked that it was all right and they should be back soon.

Now, faced with the imminent arrival of news on the safety of her loved ones, she looked on her verge of collapse.

Mayra turned and tilted her head at Peter, who stepped closer.

"Peter, would you mind showing the new Rhone ladies to the Bridal Hut?" She sensed Cora might need someone to support her when the news came, either way.

"Not at all," He gave her a smile of encouragement. "We'll wait for you there."

He turned to go and Mayra looped her arm through Cora's.

"You're a sweet girl," The older woman said. "Outspoken and perhaps even brazen, but your heart is good,"

"Thank you," Mayra beamed at the mixed compliment-insult, "It's what I'm known for, I'm sure."

They watched together as the rowboats came closer, and Cora straightened her shoulders.

Mayra wondered how many times she had waited thusly for her husband to return from a too-long voyage. Deirdre's painting came to mind as she considered the emotional toll that must take. And then to watch her sons go off on the same dangerous adventures!

The courage it must take to let someone you love sail away to danger, knowing they might not come back.

There seemed to be fewer men in the first boat, until Mayra realized that there was someone laying down in it, being attended by others. A sharp inhale from Cora made her realize it was Haf.

"They're taking care of him. That means he's alive," Mayra whispered. At least it wasn't a body.

The boat reached shore and its occupants set to work stabilizing Haf and carrying him to his hut. Cora left Mayra's support and dutifully walked alongside Edmar, who was leading the group to the proper dwelling.

His face was solemn but stoic. The gathered crowd's energy dissipated into tense silence as it wondered how their leader would fare and what had transpired on the voyage.

Mayra's expression tightened as more boats arrived at the shoreline. She scanned them and spotted Caspian among them, supporting a miserable looking Naomi.

Running to her friend across the sand, she wound her way through the spectators to help the woman in whatever way she could.

"What happened?" She murmured desperately to Caspian as she assessed her friend's condition.

"There was an attack. Gargoyles. She has wounds across her back, and I think a sprained ankle." Caspian explained. "She says something's wrong with her shoulder too."

"Let's get her to bed," Mayra's training as a nursing assistant took over. With Mrs. Sherman raising Victoria, and Roland off doing his governmental duties, she had become Dr. Sherman's primary assistant these past two years.

She also knew that any doctors among the Cetoans would rush to help their unconscious leader rather than the foreign bride of his younger son.

"I'll grab my medical things and meet you there," Mayra mentally tallied the collections of medicines and ointments she'd brought in her bag as she took off running toward the Bridal Hut.

She encountered a scene of mild chaos as the Rhone women settled into the large dwelling. It could hold all the women, but only barely. Another shelter would have to be erected, and soon. The quarters would be cramped in the mean time.

Mayra flew by Peter, who stood at the entrance, unwilling to intervene in any squabbles between the girls over sleeping arrangements. He looked about to speak but the worried expression on her face stopped him.

She made her way through the crowd of women to her bed and quickly located her medical kit.

A few recognized her and tried to stop her with questions.

"I'm so sorry, there's a minor medical emergency, but I will be back soon!" She threw her heart into a reassuring smile. It wasn't their fault that they'd arrived in a moment of chaos, and they deserved to feel welcome and comforted.

On her way out, she stopped and whispered the situation to Peter.

"There might be some chaos since Haf is in danger. Please keep the peace here as best you can. I need to treat Naomi and then I'll be back to help." She looked at him uncertainly.

"Go. I've got things under control here," He nodded at her. She reached over to squeeze his hand in thanks before she took off running towards Caspian and Naomi's home.

She didn't bother knocking as she came in, but called out a friendly, "Hello?" When there was no one immediately visible in the main room.

"In here!" Caspian called from the bedroom.

Mayra made her way inside, where Naomi was lying on her stomach on the bed. Caspian was rather familiarly lifting the back of a loose shirt away from her skin.

The nurse's eyebrows rose. Apparently they had grown more comfortable with each other while they'd been away.

Naomi blushed at Mayra's expression and she made an effort to school her face into a more professional appearance.

"Thank you," She said as Caspian moved aside to make room for her.

She assessed the wounds quickly as she carefully removed the bandages already in place. Naomi flinched, but did not cry out as Mayra applied an herbal mixture to ward off infection and promote healing.

It wasn't quite magical, but it worked very well.

"What did you say made these wounds? It looks like a large animal mauled her." She asked Caspian.

"Gargoyle. A flying creature like something between a bat, and a bird, and a person," He said.

"And the ankle?" Mayra moved onto that next.

"I'm not sure. We were thrown into the ocean by the beast, slammed against the ship, and pulled back on board caught in a fishing net. She was unconscious for some of that."

The woman's hands paused and she turned very sternly on Caspian.

"I must have misheard you. It sounds almost as if you put my very dear friend into great peril." Mayra lifted her chin in challenge.

"And then saved her from it," Caspian shrugged. 

"Well, that's a mercy," Mayra turned back to her work, delicately testing the ankle and then binding it with another bandage.

"What's wrong with the shoulder?" She asked, moving her attention there next.

"I don't know. Perhaps it is dislocated," Caspian winced at Naomi's pained expression.

"Move your fingers for me please," Mayra knelt down and directed softly, and then put her friend through a short series of little tests as she probed the joint gently with her fingers.

"I don't think it's dislocated, perhaps just very badly sprained. She should try not to use it until it feels better. When she's up and about, she should use a sling to support that arm." Mayra directed Caspian.

He nodded solemnly, but his eyes wandered back to his wife.

"I noticed she hasn't spoken a word," Mayra commented. "Do you want to tell me the reason for that? Has she spoken at all since it happened?"

Curiously, Caspian's lips lifted into a slight smile. "She tries. I've directed her to keep quiet as much as possible. She swallowed a lot of seawater and vomited repeatedly. Her throat is sore and she sounds like a frog."

Naomi's mouth had pinched into a displeased expression while she glared mockingly at her husband, confusing Mayra further. She had not sensed any sort of connection between the two before they left, but now it was practically screaming at her.

"I'll make a bit of tea to help with that, and leave you with the remainder. I'll be back shortly," Mayra packed up the rest of her things quickly while the couple spoke softly. 

"Soon you'll be back to talking my ear off," Caspian teased, and Naomi grinned in spite of herself, shaking her head a little. "All right, maybe not that, but at least be able to ask me your questions instead of just stare them at me. Although, that is startlingly effective. You have a very expressive face, you know." He continued.

Mayra glanced over. 

Naomi was giving her husband a long-suffering look, and he laughed.  "Don't say that," He chided, "I'm growing a little fond of it."

Mayra slipped out with a smile.