Burnt dress

Mayra looked down at her ruined dress. The cooking lesson for the newest brides had gone terribly awry. Apparently the girls were completely disgusted by the tentacled creature she showed them and refused to touch it whatsoever. 

So, she alone demonstrated, imitating Cora's prior instructions, how to clean and cook the odd creature. Peter kept his distance with the stoic expression he always used while guarding the City Hall. 

The one he used when he was avoiding laughing at her antics. 

Unfortunately, when invited to step closer and inspect the process more intently, one of the girls had reacted very poorly. 

"It's STILL MOVING!" She screamed, lurching away and upsetting the table near the cookfire that Mayra was using for a preparation surface. 

The table fell towards the fire, knocking the pot aside and sending a spray of sparks and hot embers directly onto Mayra. 

Though she'd escaped being burned, her apron and dress could not boast the same good fortune. Scorch marks and holes across the front of her skirt made it unwearable. 

"That… concludes the lessons for today, girls. Thank you for your attention. For the rest of your afternoon please practice sewing traditional Cetoan clothing." She brushed at her skirt to make sure no last live sparks would fan into an unfortunate flame. 

At least she'd given lessons and patterns for making sea clothing a few days ago. She'd just finished sewing her own calf-length dress with shortened sleeves in the local style. It would have to do to replace this one. 

It was too bad, the green day gown was one of her favorites. Perhaps some of the fabric around the back could be saved and repurposed into a new apron. 

The Rhone girls dispersed, and Peter stepped up behind her. 

"You're sure you're not hurt?" He asked quietly. He had jumped into action when the embers had hit her, smothering the flames that had sprung up with a calm efficiency. 

"Yes, thank you," She replied, a little tersely, but when she looked up at him his eyes held only concern, and none of the amusement she'd feared. "Sorry. I'm just a little flustered." 

"Completely understandable." He gave her a half smile. "What are you going to do now with your day off?" 

"Pardon?" Mayra's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.


"You concluded lessons for today. That means you have the rest of the day off, right?" He pointed out. 

"Oh, I hadn't thought that far ahead, I was just frustrated and knew I wouldn't be able to teach them any more today without going a little crazy. But, I suppose there is a lot I need to do." She could change and start cutting up this dress to sew a replacement apron, or update her notes on the potential matches; several girls were now engaged to be wed at this week's wedding, and should be moved off of the available list.

Then again, she hadn't found the chance to try her skills at diving yet as research for an advanced lesson for the Rhone girls. She had also been meaning to visit Quilina to make sure the little girl refrained from talking to the Void, but had yet to make it back to the little girl's home. 

Peter was watching her with a bored expression. "Those things all sound like work. You should take a walk with me instead; it'll do you good." 

"What things?" Mayra blinked at him. She didn't think she'd spoken out loud. 

"Whatever things you were considering just now. You had on a 'work' face, but after nearly being burned to death by one of your charges, I think you should take a few minutes to relax a little." Peter responded. 

"As a matter of fact, I was considering visiting little Quilina, or going for a swim." She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to make both things sound like fun instead of work. 

"Were you indeed." Peter's lack of inflection implied he didn't quite believe her characterization of her thoughts. 

"You don't think playing in the sea or visiting a sweet little girl count as relaxing?" She challenged him. 

"Oh, sure. Mind if I tag along? Sounds like a lot of fun," He raised his eyebrows. 

"I don't care, Peter. Come if you wish." She shrugged. 

"Wonderful! Which one are we doing?" He asked. 

"Visiting Quilina, I suppose." The lady replied thoughtfully. It would be around midday when they arrived, and the girl's mother would be happy to have them. Mayra had done enough cooking for today. "Let me go change out of this." 

Peter nodded, and Mayra slipped into the bridal hut and quickly changed into her new Cetoan dress. It was much lighter than she was used to, and though the length of it made her feel a little strange, she had to admit it would be lovely not to drag a hem through the sand. 

She opted out of going barefoot since they would be walking up into the forested area where Quilina lived, and opted for some low slippers one of the Rhone girls had given her as a thank-you gift for her help in finding a good match. 

Redoing her hair for good measure, for she was sure that it had gotten mussed in the fiery turmoil, she was finally satisfied. Slipping the new doll she'd purchased for Quilina into a satchel, she went back out to meet Peter. He was standing looking out toward the sea and ignored her for a few moments until she cleared her throat. 

His double take amused and embarrassed her in equal measure, but she lifted her chin a little defiantly. This was the same design of gown that Cora wore; surely it was not inappropriate for her to do the same. 

"Do you have something to say, Peter?" She asked. 

"Um, you look nice," He said after a moment of searching for words. "The style… suits you." 

She blinked at the unexpectedly diplomatic words. 

"Thank you," She responded. "I just finished sewing it yesterday. Shall we be off?" 

He nodded with an easy smile and a teasing bow, sweeping his arm to indicate she should lead the way. However, instead of following, he took up a place at her side as she walked. 

She looked down, trying to reassess the dress through fresh eyes. She'd worked hard on it, purchasing the brightly-colored fabric at a shop in the settlement. Cora had negotiated a good deal on a large amount of fabric for the new brides to be taught with, and had paid for most of it as a wedding gift for each of the girls. 

Mayra had insisted on purchasing this for herself. It was a vivid blue with haphazard streaks of white and green, and reminded her of the sea's waves as they lapped up to shore. She wanted to learn exactly how they dyed it to make such a pattern, but there was already enough for her to learn already. 

Klain dresses had several layers of petticoats and undergarments, particularly at this time of year as the weather got colder. More elaborate than her farming gowns, but similar in style, there had not been too much difficulty making that transition. 

This was far different. The layers of Klain volume were cumbersome at times, such as when one was trying to scale a cliff. That task would have been simpler, though unquestionably colder, in this breathable fabric. 

The style was freeing, she realized as a mischievous smile crept over her face. 

"Want to race?" She asked Peter. 

Without waiting for an answer, she took off running for the tree line. Her legs were able to move so much more easily, and she could pump both arms without worrying about tripping over her hem. Wonderful! The wind brushed her face and her exhilarated breathing found pace with her pounding heart. 

She'd gotten a headstart with her impromptu suggestion, but could hear Peter behind her gaining rapidly. Throwing her full energy into the sprint, she made her final dash for the trees and tagged the nearest one with her hand, nearly crashing into it with her uncontrolled speed. 

"First!" She declared, just as Peter's hand met the same trunk next to hers. 

"You cheated!" He declared breathlessly with a chuckle. 

She turned to grin up at him in victory, suddenly realizing how very close he was. 

"Your legs are much longer than mine, I deserve a head start," She teased, but her voice was soft. 

They were both breathing heavily, hearts pounding from the run. Or was it something else? 

"You just fixed your hair, only to mess it up again," He brushed a strand back from her face with a smile. "How very like you." 

"What does that mean?" She frowned slightly. 

"The call of adventure lures you much more than the call of being a prim and proper lady." Peter chuckled. 

Mayra couldn't deny that, but felt she should put up a show of being offended anyway. "Are you saying I'm not a proper lady?" 

"I'm saying, whatever you are, I like it." He replied.