Riley's Stare

It was several minutes before either of them could go back to regular conversation. Peter was running everything back over in his mind, wondering if he'd pushed too far, glancing over at Mayra to assure himself that she had enjoyed the kiss as well. 

She looked deep in thought, which was either very good or very, very bad. 

He reminded himself that he should be looking after the couples ahead of them, but everyone seemed fine. Gordon was holding his match's hand. A good sign. Practically a proposal of marriage. 

In fact, he probably already had proposed.

Several of the men likely had, if history were any indicator of how things were going this evening. 

Kind of put one in a romantic mood… but he imagined Mayra would slap him in the face if he tried to propose to her right this second. He was a little amazed that she didn't try to hit him for kissing her. 

He had just told her not that long ago that he would wait until she was sure… but she was the one who wanted honesty. She had asked him, pressed him, even, on what she could do to ease his misery. 

Well, it was certainly eased for the moment. He felt like he could fly. Perhaps going for a swim was more practical, though. Maybe he would find a bit of time before sunset to do so. The weather was cooler, but not prohibitively chilly. A brisk dip in the ocean might clear his head. 

He glanced over at Mayra again, who was still unreadable, her mind far away. He decided to let her alone to sort out everything. After all, it was his fault that her thoughts were in disarray. 

An irrational pride filled him at that. If he didn't matter to her at all, he wouldn't have any effect on her thoughts. He would be like Gordon, who she avoided and was kind to, but felt nothing for but a sort of fondness and maybe pity. 

This power to affect her mind in such a way was pleasant, but also sobering. Irritating her was something he was used to, but he would need to be careful not to abuse this ability. 

"Oh." She said suddenly. Her eyes had wandered up towards the settlement, and he followed her gaze. 

Riley stood there, staring at them both. The expression on his face was one of keen displeasure, bordering on anger. 

Peter swallowed. 

"Do you think he–" 

"Saw? Yes, I'm certain he did," Mayra finished his sentence. "I'll never hear the end of this." 

"You? You think it's you who will never hear the end of this?" He exclaimed. "He might kill me!" 

"Ha!" Mayra rolled her eyes. "He's been cheering you on this whole time! He's probably waiting up there to congratulate you and share a drink to discuss your triumph." 

"Have I triumphed?" He smiled slyly at her. 

"Haven't you?" She challenged him. "If not, what would you consider triumph?" 

"Is that a serious question?" He didn't want to answer incorrectly. 

"It is now that you asked," She eyed him curiously, and he forgot about Riley's glare for a moment. 

"Winning your heart. That would constitute triumph in my eyes." He held her gaze as long as she let him. 

"I still don't understand why you would want it," She whispered. 

"You're ridiculous sometimes," He shook his head. It should be painfully obvious why he wanted her heart. 

"You want my heart because I'm ridiculous?" One corner of her mouth tipped up. 

"Yes. Amongst other reasons," He teased. 

"Perhaps you'll get the chance to explain them all to my brother shortly," Her eyes roved back over to where Peter's commanding officer still stood, unblinking in his observation. 

"Any advice on that front?" He asked her, a little nervously. 

"Not a word of it, I'm afraid. I can't imagine why he looks irritated, unless he's angry that you haven't already proposed and carried me off." She said lightly. 

"Would you want me to?" He raised his eyebrows at the suggestion, and she frowned. 

"Don't push your luck, Peter." 

"I've already pushed it as far as I dare for one day. Especially now that I realize he's watching us." Peter gulped. 

Mayra sighed. "You'd better go see what he wants. Pretend like you think he must have orders for you or something." 

"That's not a terrible idea." He admitted. "Have fun with the couples. Make sure the wedding plans include dancing," He winked at her, then jogged up the hill to where Riley stood like a statue. 

Peter stood at attention and saluted formally, despite his knowledge that the man usually rebuffed the formalities. 

"Sir! Are there new orders?" He asked with deference. 

"Oh, I have plenty of orders," Riley muttered. 


"Drop the act, Peter. I saw everything." 

"I… You're upset? I thought…." It was one small kiss! Hadn't the man advised as much? What caused this change of heart? 

"Yes, I'm upset! You can do better than that. Get it together, Peter." Riley rolled his eyes. 

"Better?" Peter blinked at him. 

"Fine. Do as you will. Move at your own pace." Riley threw up his hands in frustration. "I wash my hands of the whole affair. Don't blame me if she shies away because you're giving her too much space." 

"I'm confused." The younger man admitted. He was afraid that he was moving too quickly, pushing too hard. 

"Really? She loves you, you love her, neither of you are willing to admit it out loud, and that sorry excuse for a kiss is going to get you nowhere!" 

"With all due respect, Sir, I disagree with your assessment," Peter was getting annoyed with Riley's flippant interference. 

"Are you saying you don't love my sister? You're kissing her just to toy with her affections?" Riley stood taller and his face darkened. 

"Of course not!" Peter's voice rose. 

"Of course you don't love her or of course you're not toying with her?" The older man matched his volume. 

"Of course I love her! I'm not toying with her!" Peter yelled, and then was confused. 

Riley's face had suddenly dropped its angry expression. He wasn't looking at Peter, but behind him. 

Peter had a sinking feeling, and closed his eyes for a moment before turning around. 

Mayra was standing only a few feet behind him, obviously having decided to come to his aid when it looked like Riley was getting angry at him. 

There was no way she hadn't overheard that final exchange of shouts. 

"I'm suddenly not feeling well," She said. "Peter, could you make sure the brides get back to the bridal hut safely? Remind them to let me know if they've accepted a proposal this evening so I can update the records." 

She turned and fled, and Peter almost chased after her, but Riley's hand on his arm stopped him. 

"Not yet. Now you have to let her realize she loves you too." He advised. 

"You're worse than she is about these things," Peter muttered, shaking off Riley's grasp.

Mayra had all manner of theories and philosophies on how people fall in love, but Riley was giving her a run for her position as matchmaker. 

"Only until I get her settled." Riley shrugged. "Our brothers will have to fend for themselves." 

"You think she'll ever actually settle, or just find someone to drag along on all her adventures?" Peter smirked. 

"You might be surprised." Riley shrugged. "But if you're willing to be dragged along, then that's what she'll do." 

Peter looked after her retreating figure, thinking to himself that he was willing to let her drag him almost anywhere. He caught the older man's eye roll from the corner of his gaze and sighed. 

"Was there anything else, Sir, or were you coming solely to torture me?" He asked. 

"Oh, there was something else. Two somethings, actually. I got word from Klain that Brenna's been captured, so you can let your men know they don't have to keep looking for her."

"That's excellent news!" Peter declared. 

"Secondly, The Cetoans have a problem. The fishing's changed. Not a catch to be had anywhere in the region." Riley frowned. "Cora is worried, and has asked if there is any magical help to be given by Mayra's herbal knowledge." 

"How would Mayra have any knowledge of fishing herbs?" Peter shook his head. 

"That's what I said, but they're desperate." Riley responded. 

"Surely this has happened before. They should know what to do, right? Just look for fish in a different spot?" The younger man was concerned that this problem wasn't a familiar one. 

"That's the thing. Cora said the fishing has been getting gradually harder since that initial voyage Caspian and Naomi took with Haf and Edmar. Fish have been harder and harder to find. It turns out that all the schools of fish have been gravitating toward the place where Edmar's nets were cut and dragged into the sea. They're all there now… but so are all the other sea creatures. They've been driven mad and attack any vessel that tries to come close enough to catch a single fish."