Beautiful wedding

Ashley patted her hair as she gazed into the looking glass. Satisfied with the results, she turned to Riley and frowned. 

"Darling, your jacket…" His formal military uniform had been cleaned and buttons polished, yet he still let a crease form near the collar. She brushed it down with frustration until it bent to her will. 

"My brave wife, conquering wrinkles like a warrior." He teased, pulling her close. 

"Don't you do that!" She swatted at his hands. "We both look perfect, and I can't have you messing any of that up before the ceremony." 

"We're not the ones who have to look perfect," He pouted, catching her hand before she could back out of reach. "Come on, let's look a little messy and make people talk." 

Ashley turned red and allowed her husband a single chaste kiss before pulling away again. 

"If you disturb a single hair on my head, that will be the end of your kisses for the time being," she warned, "at least until after our parts in this are complete." 

She'd worked incredibly hard to find the perfect bridesmaid's dresses. She and Finn needed to look absolutely stunning without outshining the bride herself, though that part would be almost impossible. 

Ashley had been to check on Mayra a few minutes before. She was gorgeous. The gown fit her to perfection, with every bit of fabric falling flawlessly into place. 

"Shall we take our places?" Riley offered his wife his arm, and she took it with a smile. It wouldn't be for long, his job was to walk his sister down the aisle today towards her husband-to-be. 

Mayra's wedding wasn't nearly so large as theirs had been, but a respectable number of guests nonetheless filled the ballroom of Ashley's childhood home. 

She had positively insisted on her sister-in-law using it for her nuptials. The ballroom never got enough use! 

Ashley could never talk Riley into dancing with her so much as she would like, and so the parties thrown in her home were not as enjoyable as they could be. 

But at his sister's wedding! He would have to dance as much as Ashley demanded. A coy smile flashed across her face as she batted her eyelashes up at him. He blanched. 

"I know that expression, and it won't work this time," He warned. 

"It's up to you," Ashley demurred, lowering her eyes. "It's just that being in your arms while we dance is so lovely, and makes me want to stay in them for longer." 

"Longer, eh? I see what this is. It's blackmail!" He cried. 

"Not at all!" She put one hand to her throat in a show of surprise and offense. "I was simply letting you know how affectionate it makes me feel when you dance with me. If you must call it something, it's bribery, not blackmail." 

"Hm." Riley narrowed his eyes at his wife. "I suppose some bribery can be healthy in a marriage. Plus, you're awfully pretty." 

"For now," She said, lowering her hand from her throat to her stomach, and then biting her tongue. She hadn't meant to say anything out loud. She didn't want to steal Mayra's day! 

Her plan had been to tell Riley after the wedding, when they were alone tonight. She grimaced.

Riley looked at her, a little confused. "Even when you are old and wrinkled, you'll always be pretty." 

"That's sweet of you to say," She smiled brightly, glad he hadn't seemed to catch on. Sometimes he was a bit dense, and she loved that right now was one of those moments. They went together to the room where Mayra's preparations were nearly complete. 

Ashley had gifted her a beautiful necklace of green jewels to bring out the bride's eyes, and the effect was breathtaking. 

"You are my very favorite sister," Ashley said, hugging her gently about the shoulders so as not to muss up either of their looks. 

"I'm your only one," Mayra smiled, "and only by marriage, at that." 

"I grew up alone, I'm not sure what you want from me," Ashley grinned. "And look at my handsome brothers!" 

Mayra and Riley's younger brothers stood in a line, waiting for their assignments to begin… except Kyler. The second-eldest brother smiled brightly despite the pain in his eyes as he sat in his chair on wheels. 

Both his legs were broken, probably irreparably. He was waiting to consult with the best bone surgeon in Klain, but the chances were unlikely that he would ever walk again. He was due to receive a medal for injury in service to the city, but that seemed a poor consolation. 

The orchestra began to warm up their instruments, and the young men scurried off to their places. It was about to begin. 


Peter's starched collar was chafing at him. 

"Deep breaths," Roland coached from his side. Peter complied, wincing only slightly at the lingering soreness in his ribs. The prince chuckled. "You'll do fine." 

"Were you this nervous for your wedding?" The groom felt like he was going to pass out from nervousness. Was everything perfect? Would Mayra be horribly disappointed if he made a mistake and ruined their special day? 

"My wedding took place in the dark in the middle of an abandoned town near a battlefield with just my wife and two witnesses." Roland smiled wryly. 

Peter blinked. "I'd forgotten that." 

He remembered the fascinating story of how they'd broken the curse on the Rhone people, but it didn't ring to mind whenever he thought of weddings. 

He'd attended Riley and Ashley's wedding as a guest, being a platoon-mate of Ashley's. It had been extravagant in the extreme. Mayra had been a bridesmaid, and he'd thought in passing at the time how lovely she'd looked. 

Now he stood up at the front of the room, sweating and nervous. Roland was very kind to be an attendant for him. 

His family was seated, watching him with beaming faces. They adored Mayra. Who wouldn't? Amelia sat with them, next to Finn's father and Gabriel, who were practically family to Mayra as well. 

"Just keep breathing." Roland whispered as the orchestra struck up their instruments, indicating it was time for things to begin. 

The officiant nodded to Peter, and the groom's attention wandered to the back of the room, where wide double doors opened. 

Finn and Ashley walked side by side down the aisle. Roland inhaled and stood a little straighter, and Finn smiled softly at him. 

Peter's eyes were fixed beyond the bridesmaids. 

At the entrance stood Riley. His normally jovial face was choked with emotion. Were his eyes moist? 

On his arm was the most beautiful vision Peter had ever beheld. Mayra, in all her finery, stepped down the aisle as if she were floating on air. The music crescendoed, and Peter had the urge to run down the aisle and catch her in his arms for a dance. 

Or a kiss. 

She almost looked too perfect to kiss, not a strand of hair out of place, every thing about her as if it had been carved by a master sculptor, and then had life breathed into her by a sorcerer. 

Mayra smiled, and seemed to glow. Peter was enchanted. She reached him, and Riley set her hand in Peter's. 

"She's your problem now," He whispered, earning a scolding look from Mayra. Her face softened when she saw the tears threatening in her brother's eyes. 

"I'll still cause plenty of problems for you, don't worry." She winked. 

Those nearest to the front chuckled at the exchange as Riley shook Peter's other hand and took a seat next to his mother. 

Peter swallowed his emotion as he gazed at his bride. This was too much, too wonderful. He was overwhelmed. He barely heard the officiant's welcome to the guests, and repeated the vows carefully lest he mar the ceremony with a mistake. 

His eyes were glued to Mayra's, and he almost missed her hand when it was time to put the wedding ring on her finger. It had been Amelia's, given to her by Ashmayne, but enough years had passed now that she felt it was right that the ring should pass to their only daughter. 

"The ring is a symbol of eternity, never beginning, and never ending. Now that these two are joined in marriage, they are as one person, forever. May their union be blessed." The Officiant seemed to be winding down to the end, for which Peter was extremely grateful. 

They'd decided that the ceremony should be as short as possible to leave more time for dancing and eating, but the wisdom carried beyond that. Peter thought his knees might give out if he stood up here much longer! 

"You may kiss your wife," The officiant announced. 

The very words Peter was waiting to hear. Though Mayra looked too perfect to touch, when she looked up at him from under her eyelashes, he didn't hesitate. 

Pulling her into his arms, he lowered his head for the gentle, brief kiss that they had decided was appropriate for such a large audience. 

Well, maybe just a little longer than they had agreed. Riley cleared his throat as laughter began to bubble up in the crowd, finally pulling the newly married couple apart with chagrined smiles.