Sound Medical Advice

A knock at the door wasn't unusual for this time of day. It was within clinic hours, and some people didn't follow the sign that directed them to the side door where Dr. Sherman performed most of his work. 

Victoria had skipped the announcement since she already knew its contents, and she didn't really feel like she wanted to be out in public. The Shermans had gone, being respected members in society who would be calming, steadfast presences within the crowd of listeners. 

Gabe was in the attached clinic this morning, and Victoria was determined to ignore him. He'd hurt her badly with his words the day before. If he didn't want to be cared about, she would do her best to oblige. 

Wiping her hands on her apron from the morning's baking, she made her way to the door while putting on a smile that was brighter than she felt. 

"Good Morning!" She said cheerily, opening it. "Oh! Shayn! And… Simone? Is that right?" 

"You're kind to remember me when we only met for a moment," The pretty blond said. 

"She nearly fainted at the announcement. She's not feeling well. Is Gabe around?" Shayn cut in, and Victoria blinked at him. 

"Y-yes, he's in the clinic right now since Dr. Sherman is out." She stammered slightly. 

"Can you show us?" Simone glared at Shayn instead of looking at Victoria. How strange.

"This way." Victoria led them through the inside of the home to the adjoining entrance, since Shayn was sort of family. 

Even though Gabe would insist otherwise! She seethed inwardly but tried to prattle to cover her emotions. 

"There's an outdoor entrance you can use during clinic hours. Mrs. Sherman doesn't like people coming through the house all the time, especially on days when it's raining or snowing–but she's not here right now and would like seeing you anyway."

With a firm rap on the adjoining door, Victoria waited a moment before Gabe called that it was clear for her to come in. 

"You have a patient," She announced formally, leading the pair in. 

Gabriel looked at her in surprise at the cool tone, but turned his attention to Shayn and Simone. The former stepped aside, sending the lady forward. 

"What seems to be the trouble, Simone?" Gabriel asked, moving a chair forward for her to sit. 

"I got dizzy, and lightheaded at the Council Announcement," Simone said quietly. 

Gabriel retrieved the required instrument to listen to her heart and lungs as he continued asking preliminary questions. 

"Have you had similar spells before?" 

"In crowds," Simone nodded. "I feel pressed in, and begin to feel nervous, and then panic." 

"How do you feel now?" Gabriel continued, checking her pulse with two fingers on her wrist. 

"Somewhat better," She hedged. 

"What have you eaten today?" 

"I… often forget," Simone grimaced, and Victoria didn't miss the glance Shayn tossed at the woman. That was interesting. 

"We're scheduled to travel out into the wilderness tomorrow, but I'm concerned she may not be well enough," Shayn interrupted. "Would you recommend that she stay behind and rest?" 

"If crowds are the trigger for the episodes, perhaps wide open, unpopulated places would do her a lot of good," Gabriel contradicted. "Simone, do you feel well enough for the tasks ahead of you?" 

"Not at the moment," She looked down. 

"Well, the episode just occurred, but your outlook seems to be good. If you had been carried in and were unable to walk, my assessment may have been different." He chuckled slightly, and Shayn's face darkened a little. 

Simone turned an oddly apologetic glance on the man. "I suppose you'll have to find a chaperone after all." 

"Chaperone? You need a chaperone?" Victoria perked up at the word. 

"Not a courtship chaperone, Victoria," Gabe shook his head. "I'm assuming for the journey. It would be improper for a single woman to travel with a non-related single man unaccompanied. They would need another woman along."

Victoria pretended he hadn't spoken. Always with the blood relations, as if that was the end-all thing in the world! 

"I'll come!" She smiled broadly. 

"What?" Gabriel burst out.

She ignored him again, and addressed herself to Shayn. Didn't they just say he was the one responsible for finding the chaperone? 

"I'm not needed here, and my studies are practically complete. Depending on how soon you're leaving, I can take my final exam either before the departure or after the return. Papa keeps telling me I need to think about what to do next with my life, and what could be better than travel? Please say yes!" 

"Victoria, it might be dangerous–" Gabriel tried to interrupt again. 

"You just gave Simone the all-clear to go despite her not feeling well. If it's not too dangerous for her, than I, in the peak of good health, can't be barred from doing the same and making myself useful." Having dressed down the apprentice, Victoria once again addressed herself to Shayn. "Look no further, I'm sure Papa will say yes! When should I be ready to leave?" 

Shayn eyed the younger woman for a moment and cut a glance over to a flabbergasted Gabriel. 

"In the morning. Bright and early. We will meet at the main gate of the city just before dawn when it opens. Pack summer clothes, but some for cooler weather too, as we may be gone for weeks. Close to the Northwestern Mountains." He said, waiting for her response. 

"Yes, sir!" Victoria cried gleefully, ignoring most of what he said after he agreed. "I'll go pack right now. Do I need to bring my own food? I'm an excellent cook–" 

"The food supplies will be provided, pack for yourself what you will need." Shayn clarified. 

Victoria smiled broadly. An adventure! That would help her stop caring one bit about Gabriel and his snooty blood-obsessed ways. 

"Shayn, surely you're not serious," Gabe turned to his stepbrother. "Victoria's not–"

"Don't you dare badmouth me, Gabriel!" She snapped at him. "And if you try to interfere and keep me from going, I'll never forgive you!" 

She wasn't sure the threat would hold any sway, but he seemed cowed by it, if only slightly. 

"I just want what's best for you–" He tried. 

"I have parents for that," She glared. "Not blood parents, of course, but at least the next best thing. Now stop talking about it or people will think you care what happens to me." 

Gabriel was stunned into silence. Finally. But so was everyone else in the room. Victoria huffed a breath and turned to Shayn and Simone. 

"What are we waiting for? Let's get ready to go!" 

Shayn looked resigned, Simone confused, and Gabe… well, still stunned. 

The other travelers bid a short farewell before leaving, and Victoria made her escape back into the house. She needed to finish the bread for Mrs. Sherman before she could get ready to go. 

Kneading the bread more firmly than strictly necessary, Victoria let her mind wander. Where would they be going? What sights might she see? What would her tasks on the journey be? 

If she and Simone were the only women, the role of cook might fall to her. She'd learned well under Mrs. Sherman, and was well up to the task of feeding hungry people. 

Simone would likely be busy doing whatever tasks required her presence on the journey in the first place. It was unlikely she was going for her own entertainment! 

Victoria had never been useless, and she wasn't going to start now. Even when she was little she would help with whatever tasks she was allowed to involve herself in. 

They would be glad she was along, she was sure of it! 

"Victoria," The quiet word came from the door. 

"I don't want to talk to you," She said, as calmly as she could. 

"You don't have to talk," Gabriel sighed. "If you would take a moment to listen to me, that would be enough." 

She didn't particularly want to listen to him either, but even if he'd said some terribly hurtful things yesterday, he'd been her friend for over a decade before that. Setting the bread dough for its second rise, she turned and crossed her arms, leaning her back against the table she'd been working on.

Raising her eyebrows silently, she waited. He stared at her a while before speaking. 

"I cannot unsay what I said yesterday. I realize my phrasing was less than ideal, but I meant well in broaching the subject. I strongly dislike the idea of you leaving so suddenly on a significant journey. Please don't go impulsively throwing yourself into danger. That's Finn's job." 

He quirked a small smile, but Victoria remained unmoved. Slowly, his smile faded as he observed her resolve. 

"... if you must go, please forgive me before you do." He swallowed. 

His request was reasonable, she conceded. It would be cruel of her to withhold forgiveness when she would be gone. It wouldn't be good for her own mind, either. 

She nodded, once, and his shoulders sagged slightly with relief. 

"Thanks, Victoria, I'd hate for us to leave our friendship on bad terms." He said. 

"Are we still friends?" She shook her head and whispered as she turned to go. "Or would that be caring too much?"