A Marital disagreement

Finn balked at her husband's decision. It was so rare that he put his foot absolutely down about anything with her, that she was taken completely off guard.

She couldn't openly defy him in front of the Council, if at all. His eyes told her there would be no change.

"Caspian will lead the expedition. Gwen, will you stay with us here, or lead them into the mountains? I imagine since that is where Faeland most closely touches our world, that you are familiar with the area." Roland turned to the grey-haired woman with the almost-impassive expression.

"What would you have me do, if you were given the choice?" The grey-haired woman stared at him unblinkingly.

"I believe the final battle will be in Klain," Roland watched her face closely for signs of agreement or refutation, but the Fae gave neither. It was Finn's theory, and she'd told it to him some time before.

It made sense to her that the final battle would take place here. Its bubble of protection, its role as keeper of the portal-makers, everything pointed to the city being important to the Sorcerer's will. She couldn't imagine a more central place, but then, she hadn't traveled as extensively as some others.

"And?" Gwen raised one eyebrow.

"And I would have you fight with us, you and all your kind." Roland frowned. "But I sense… that you will not do so, yet."

"I must wait for the rest of us, for I am little alone, easily allayed and defeated." Gwen said.

"But a good guide and helper." The king said thoughtfully. "Then I would have you go, protect and guide our refugees."

"As you wish," Gwen nodded her head slightly, and Roland sighed in relief. 

"I will stay." Jarnsaxa declared. "I do not back down from war, and the Beast has no hold on me. Perhaps there is still hope for the other giants to be saved from his grasp."

Roland's mouth firmed, but Finn could see that the reminder of two giants being against Klain was wearing on him. A monster, two giants, and any number of enthralled humans were headed their way... and who knew what else? 

Kyler had taunted Shayn that they were coming, and Beast had said as much to Riley as well. It was only a matter of time. Probably not much time. 

"I am not so mobile as I once was," Duncan said. "I, too, will stay. If I perish, it is with the knowledge that I have given my grandchildren a chance to get many of our people further from danger."

"I stay and fight." Riley said. "Finn, please take Ashley with you, and Mayra, and all the children. I'll assign Peter to the guard detail. He will keep you all safe."

Finn's eyes burned with hot tears. To see her friends and family drawing these lines, which felt far too much like deciding who was to live and who would die, was more than she could comfortably bear.

She opened her mouth, but Roland's sharp glance warned her against impetuosity. If she objected, she could bring it up with him in private, later.

"The creature, will it stay with us or go?" Jarnsaxa pointed to the corner where Judah lay napping.

"It is his decision," Roland gave a half smile. "He has been my friend and ally through many dangers, but he has a mind of his own."

"I will send copies of our histories with the departing group." The treasurer said quietly. "If we are all to die, our stories should survive."

"We are not all going to die." Riley rolled his eyes. "Have you no confidence in me whatsoever? Sure, I'm against fighting this war if we can help it, but that doesn't mean we're doomed. A few of the shallower tunnels are still traversable. Not enough for a mass evacuation, but there's a chance of escape for you in an emergency."

"Could I leave our people behind?" The Treasurer asked with a hint of judgment in his voice.

"If they're all ensorcelled by an evil creature who commands them to kill you, absolutely you can. Unless you want your murder on their consciences when they come back to themselves." Riley sighed.

"Is that possible?" Finn asked Gwen before the Fae could get her stoic expression fully in place.

She noticed that being caught by surprise was unusual for the Fae, and sometimes an unexpected question spoken without forethought could garner a visible reaction. Gwen pursed her lips in mild irritation, and Finn blushed.

"You are too perceptive for your own good sometimes," the Fae criticized. "I do not know if it is possible without the Sorcerer, and I do not know the hour of his return. None do."

"But he's coming back soon?" Roland leaned forward with interest.

"He's always coming back soon." Gwen said evenly. "Time means nothing to him."

"That's not terribly comforting. Time means a great deal to us, and can be the difference between life and death." The Peacekeeper put in.

"You should be comforted that his will is best." Gwen decided after a moment's contemplation.

"Best for whom?" Riley shook his head. "Not for everyone. There are people dying in the North, enthralled in the West, starving and perishing of dehydration… is this what is best??"

"All I can tell you is that, if you were the Sorcerer, you would do the same." Gwen turned away, apparently done talking to the humans for the moment.

"I think that concludes today's meeting," Roland straightened his shoulders. "Caspian, begin preparing to leave. Finn will help you work on a list of the people leaving. There should be a census kept so that we know which citizens are here in case of the army needing to muster for defense. Coordinate with the General to get enough platoons to guard the column of pilgrims based on the number of people willing to go."

"When should we aim to leave?" The king's cousin glanced at both Finn and Riley.

"The sooner the better. Peacekeeper, please have your forces assist in packing supplies for everyone who wants to go, and spread notices that all who are willing and able need to pack enough for themselves to last months away from Klain. The caravan should leave day after tomorrow." Roland sighed.

Finn bit her lip to keep from getting onto her husband. She knew how very stretched he was, how stressed, how anxious. Was he thinking entirely straight? To send his wife and children away without him was not something he would normally think of doing.

"You're all dismissed." He waved his hand, and the doors opened to release the people inside.

Finn wanted to give Roland a piece of her mind, but she felt it best to calm down a bit first. She didn't feel like going straight home and facing her children's perceptive little faces, so she decided to walk Jarnsaxa to the library. Tom followed, peppering the former giantess with questions about transformation.

"What is different about being human? Are you less magical? Are you mundane? You are rather tall for a human, is that because you were once a giant before?" He asked.

"I know not." Jarnsaxa replied.

"You don't know any of the answers?" Tom pressed.

"Perhaps if you want to read a little of the human legends about halflings in the library, it might help you figure things out." Finn suggested. She didn't want the kingdom's guests to upset each other, but the halfling was not the most empathetic person in she knew of.

"I will do so." Tom said with a slightly furrowed brow.

When they arrived, Simone was waiting with materials lying about her table, ready to cross reference several possible topics in her conversations with Jarnsaxa.

"Oh! Your Highness!" The young librarian quickly curtsied. "I didn't know you would be joining us today!"

"Only for a few moments," Finn smiled at her. "I have things to attend to, but…"

She hesitated before plunging ahead with the idea blooming in her mind. She wanted to keep as many of her friends and family safe as she possibly could. Riley had taken care of assigning Peter to guard the caravan, and Gabriel and Victoria were already North, out of the city.

Roland seemed like he would let anyone volunteer to leave who was willing, and so Finn would set out to get everyone she loved to come along, if she possibly could. She cared for this young librarian, and also trusted Mayra's infallible matchmaking intuition that Shayn would fall for the woman, if he hadn't already. 

Why not save two people with one move? Simone had a task here, and Jarnsaxa had already said she was staying in Klain, but maybe…

"Would you be interested in a slightly different job?" Finn asked the girl with a bright smile. "I think you haven't yet had your fill of adventure, but more is to come, and I think you would be a valuable asset!"