Some interesting developments

It was two more days before the mist cleared. When it did, there were several surprises to take stock of.

First, was that all the orphans Naomi cared for had remained healthy. It had been difficult to traverse to the town through the fog, and so it didn't happen often. Victoria had feared for them, but there was little she could do about it. The woman now boasted an adoptive brood of over twenty children that no one in the town had the ability or desire to take in.

Second, was that now that sight was fully restored, David had synthesized a treatment that effectively shortened the illness and reduced its lethality. The relief that spread through the town was a balm to the heavy grief over the loss of so many of its citizens.

Finally, and perhaps most surprisingly, when the fog finally drifted away, a strange woman stood outside the healing tent. Victoria knew all her patients despite the large number of them, and she had no memory of this person whatsoever.

At first she thought a Fae had appeared to come help them. Fae looked basically human, didn't they?

Victoria had curtsied a little awkwardly to the new woman, and smiled, "May I help you? Are you looking for someone? A friend or relative?"

The woman had looked herself up and down, blinking in surprise.

"Do you have a mirror?" She asked in a clear, but emotionally laden voice. "I am curious."

"A mirror?" Victoria went to get a small mirror sometimes used to see if someone was breathing shallowly. Held next to their nose or mouth, it would fog up if they were.

The woman took it eagerly, examining her features. "How interesting! Am I pretty?"

"Pardon?" Victoria began to think the woman looked familiar.

"I don't look like one of your young offspring anymore, but I do not know how beauty is judged. One of the books on the subject in Klain said that beauty is important in love."

"AGATHA?!" Victoria finally exclaimed. The features were very similar, now that she pinned it down, but now womanly instead of childlike. Her ancient-seeming eyes were the same. She wasn't a tall woman now, but definitely human-sized, with the top of her head reaching Victoria's nose.

"Yes, am I too different?" The former halfling frowned.

"How did this happen?" The nurse was flabbergasted. "Did you… fall in love? Was that the solution??"

"I chose to love David. He told me yesterday that spending time with me brought him joy. He did not say he loved me, but I decided I should love him, and that I was unlikely to find any man better. My limbs lengthened when I made the decision, but I had not seen myself until now, and have not shown myself to him… Would he… do you think he will love me?" The woman's face crumpled with concern, and moisture pooled in her eyes.

"I will," A voice from behind them caused both ladies to whirl.

"You will?" Agatha squeaked as she spotted David. "Truly?"

He strode forward, pausing to look her up and down. "You are as I pictured you in my mind, when the fog obscured you. A woman, beautiful and fair. It will take some getting used to, but… yes, I love you. Your determination to help others even when you had no emotional connection to them. Your steadiness and perseverance, your eyes… Your eyes are the same. I'm glad."

With his fingers, he brushed a lock of hair back from Agatha's face and began to lower his head.

Victoria gasped and made a quick escape into the medical tent lest she be present for such an important moment to both of them.

Inside, she covered her mouth with one hand. What a strange thing! Agatha was human now!

She had to tell someone, didn't she? Or everyone? What was the significance of all this? What had… Victoria was flabbergasted. The stoic, off putting female halfling who had said barely half a dozen words to Victoria the whole journey from the Northwest was now a human. And in love!

Running a hand down her face and shaking her head, she tried to let that sink in. Heat crept up her cheeks as she thought about the scenario of a doctor and nurse falling in love. It was something she'd had occasion to think about before, but had never thought… Agatha and David!

"What are you blushing over?" Gabriel rolled on his cot toward Victoria. She pressed her cool hands to her cheeks to try and calm the burning sensation there.

"Something that… happened outside," She hedged, a little embarrassed over how much affection she'd just witnessed.

Gabriel sat up with a bit of effort, and patted next to him, inviting her to sit down.

"Tell me more." He encouraged.

"I've heard of doctors and nurses falling in love, I just never expected it to happen out here…" She shook her head.

Gabriel's eyebrows creased together. "Are you talking about David?"

"How did you know? Did you suspect before?" She turned to him in a rush, "I mean, I had an inkling while you were sick and the rest of us were working together to find a cure, but the fog made things difficult to understand, you know, not being able to see people, but just now, it couldn't have been clearer!"

"What happened?" The man looked at her closely while she continued.

"I can't even describe it! Oh, it's all so shocking, did you overhear any of it?" She asked, and he hesitated.

"I think I can guess a fair amount," He frowned.

"But it's wonderful, isn't it?" She gushed. "A completely unexpected 'happily ever after'."

"Very… unexpected," Gabriel agreed uncertainly.

"But aren't you happy? I know it may take some getting used to, but isn't it for the best?" She was confused by his reaction.

"If you're happy, I'm happy," He attempted a smile, but it fell a little flat.

"What's wrong? Are you tired?" She lifted a hand to feel his forehead. Maybe the fever had come back?

He caught her wrist before she could touch him, and lowered her hand. "I'm not tired. Just surprised."

"Me too!" She agreed. "I didn't even recognize Agatha at first! Was she in here looking for me before I ran into her outside?"

"Agatha?" Gabriel stared at her blankly for a moment.

"She's nearly as tall as I am! It's so different. They say love changes people, but I suppose this time it changed her into a person!" Victoria laughed at her own joke.

Gabriel held up a hand and closed his eyes. "Hold on a moment. We're talking about Agatha… and David…falling in love with each other?"

"What did you think we were talking about?" Victoria asked, trying to replay the conversation in her head from his side.

"That's not important," He waved her off, "Agatha's human now??"

"Yes! She's beautiful!" Victoria warmed to her subject. "Her features are nearly the same, but without the babyish quality to them. She looks all grown up, and it's because she loves David! And he loves her back!"

"That's wonderful," Gabriel smiled genuinely.

Her eyes narrowed as his demeanor changed. "You're not going to distract me for long. You looked like I'd eaten the last tea cake a moment ago, and now you're happy for them. What was going on in your mind?"

He looked at the ground and took a deep breath. "You talked about a nurse falling in love with David. I hadn't really considered Agatha a nurse. She arrived here almost right when I fell ill, and honestly I'd mostly forgotten she was around…" He trailed off.

"And the only other nurse is me." Victoria finished. She eyed him for a moment and then smacked him on the shoulder.

"OW!" He complained. "What was that for? You shouldn't hit an invalid!"

"That's for thinking I would be so fickle. Ugh, Gabriel, you're so dense sometimes, you know that?" She stood in frustration and whirled on him. "You should know me far better than that. I'll give you a pass this time because you've been sick, but honestly! I can't believe you!"

"You met him a long time ago, I didn't know how well you were acquainted–" He tried to explain, but she glared at him and he froze, "I'm making it worse, I can tell."

"How perceptive," She frowned.

"Oh, no, suddenly I'm feeling so tired," He put his hand to his head, "and maybe a little dizzy. I'm delirious. I should definitely not have anything I'm saying be taken seriously. My poor fevered brain…" He groaned lightly and closed his eyes as he dramatically laid back down on his cot.

"Your fever broke days ago," She reminded him.

"Ah! My mind is so confused I can't even remember when my fever broke!" He complained, peeking one eye open to peer at her.

She snatched a small pillow off an empty bed and threw it at him, hitting his stomach. Though Victoria shook her head in disapproval of his antics, she couldn't quite suppress the laughter that rose to her lips as she went about her duties.