Hot Pursuit and the Trap

The word about Yuri and Tuss showing up at the transfer station got out. Folks figured out their end goal from the path they were traveling—Planet Alpha.

It was pretty easy to put together. Planet Alpha was home base for Yuri and Tuss. It was where their friends and teachers were. It was the only place they'd head to.

Now, everyone who was interested in the starstone was getting ready to fight, planning to either stop Yuri and Tuss before they made it to Planet Alpha, or grab them as soon as they landed.

"We'll make it to Planet Alpha by tomorrow," Tuss said out of the blue.

"I've picked up on that. The amount of spaceships and mechas we've seen in the past few hours has really gone up," Yuri replied, while examining some rocks. "Should I crack these open now?"

"If you feel like it. If there are gems inside, you can use them to make jewelry," Tuss answered.

Yuri shook her head. "We'll see. I might not be into the gems inside."