Level-six, Metal Enova

As tears streamed down her face, Yuri felt as if she was shutting down.

She hadn't even cried when she died in her past life. Now, a heat cycle had reduced her to tears… That was unbelievable.

Yuri laid on the bed, dazed, allowing wave after wave of heat and desire to engulf her. She could feel her body's yearning continuously escalating, reaching a peak, then slowly subsiding. Her emotions followed suit, from intense to calm, then back to intense. The stark contrast and constant shifts were disorienting.

Anyone slightly weaker would probably fall into depression, even harbor suicidal thoughts—

Yuri didn't know how long she'd been spacing out until a message came through, snapping her back to reality. She slowly opened the message, which read: "My pheromone is in the bedside drawer."

Yuri paused. His pheromone?

Seeing the word 'pheromone,' her body, seemingly out of her control, quickly opened the drawer.