Chapter 28

In the evening rush hour the police cars roared all the way driving in the direction of the hospital under the curious gazes of countless pedestrians on the crowded streets.

The author of "To see the obvious" is Australian chemist Arthur Burch whose most famous achievement is developing the Birch reduction that bears his name. "Description of a method for factory representation of amorphous phosphorus" is a book published by Austrian chemist Anton Schrötter von Kristelli in 1848.

Schrötter's main achievement was the discovery that white phosphorus heated to 250 ° c in an inert gas produced a red allotrope, also known as red phosphorus. Otto Wallach, the author of "Terpenes and Camphor," is a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry in 1910. He has another discovery named after him, called the Leuckart reaction, that's the chemical reaction that converts aldehydes or ketones to amines by reductive amination in the presence of heat.

Yan Xie held the steering wheel and glanced at the person sitting in the front passenger seat.

He couldn't help but ask: "What does this have to do with the kidnapping?"

"Birch reduction reaction, red phosphorus method, and Leuckart reaction, these three have one thing in common."

Jiang Ting looked up from the notes left by Chu Ci and said: "--They currently are three main methods used by drug gangs in the synthesis of methamphetamine. "

Yan Xie driving: "..."

Han Xiaomei in the back seat: "..."

Both of them had an expression of a sudden enlightenment.

"But this hint is too academic, even his own professor didn't react to it. Are you sure you understand it correctly?" Han Xiaomei couldn't help asking, ""Is there any possibility that he himself participated in the drug manufacturing, so he was looking into those books?"

Jiang Ting's answer was very smooth: "There are two main reasons why this is impossible. Firstly, the production of methamphetamine is very simple. Chu Ci, who has a great talent for chemistry, won't need any reference materials. He may be able to synthesize it in his own "kitchen"."

"Secondly, I read Chuci's notes. He has a mild anxiety disorder, also known as obsessive-compulsive disorder. When he writes, he will force his strokes to stop on the horizontal line of the notebook page. For example, the second stroke of "T" will always face the horizontal line, forming an extremely accurate right angle. If you look through his notes, you will notice that every vertical line is the same. If the right angle is not straight enough, it will be forcibly altered by him. "

After a while, Han Xiaomei looked up and said in amazement, "It's true!"

"It's normal." Jiang Ting said, "Chu Ci lives in a very stressful environment. He has to win the highest prize for his thesis, and experiment every year. Feng Yuguang, his roommate, made him feel stressed for a long time. Emotional disorders are almost tailor-made for this kind of person, so it 's not surprising to have an obsessive-compulsive disorder."

He motioned to Han Xiaomei: "Look at the mobile photo album again."

Han Xiaomei wasn't sure what he meant, so she opened the album. The latest photos were of the outlet of the storage tank taken by Jiang Ting.

"I compared Chu Ci's experiment notes from this week and found the storage tank that he might have moved, and noticed that all the discharge ports were placed like vertical lines, exactly against the edge of the floor tile, at a precise 90-degree angle. That 's right, it's his obsessive-compulsive disorder, but look at the storage tanks that were stolen this morning. "

Jiang Ting took the phone from Han Xiaomei and gestured to Yan Xie. Yan Xie turned sideways while driving, his eyes glanced at the phone screen. The silver car roared and changed the lanes, like a scalpel, cutting through the traffic steadily, accurately and ruthlessly.

"These outlets are placed casually," Jiang Ting said, pointing to the photo album picture. "They are just thrown on the ground after being used."


"Your hands are pretty," casually said Yan Xie.

Jiang Ting: "..."

Jiang Ting's expression turned blank for a moment, and Han Xiaomei in the back seat was caught off guard, almost exploding into a firework in the sky.

Yan Xie's eyes returned to the road: "That is to say, if the person who stole the controlled chemicals was most likely not Chu Ci, he was framed?"

"..." Jiang Ting agreed: "... Um."

The police car in front rushed through the hospital front gates on the red light. Yan Xie put on the headlights and changed lanes. He didn't step on the brakes at the turn. As a flash of lightning, he stopped in front of the emergency department gates.

Yan Xie pushed the door to get off the car, and five or six criminal policemen jumped down from the police car in front of him, attracting constant chatter among the surrounding doctors, nurses and family members of patients, and casting tense looks from all directions.

Yan Xie said: "But I don't understand one thing."

He sprinted to the emergency building, followed by the police. Jiang Ting's original pace was more stable than that of ordinary people, but now he was unable to keep up. Yan Xie slowed down and grabbed him, almost half holding and half hugging him.

"The triangular positioning performed by the technical investigation shows that Chu Ci's last call was received near the warehouse. With the current criminal investigation technology, the positioning error can be as accurate as 20 meters."

Yan Xie leaned close to Jiang Ting's ear and asked : "--You said that he was kidnapped, then why did he go to the warehouse in the middle of the night, could it be that he had been kidnapped from the very start?"

Jiang Ting frowned slightly, his face was obviously leaning in the other direction, and Yan Xie forced him back, making him lean his head against his own.

"If a kidnapping had taken place before, it would've been impossible not to cause any noise, so he went into the warehouse by himself." After battling for a while, Jiang Ting finally gave up, and said helplessly: "If your chemists extract the trace of Chu Ci's DNA from the back of the victim Nian Bowen, it would be enough to prove that Chu Ci was the one who destroyed the monitoring and power system last night."

With a ding, the elevator doors closed slowly, and Yan Xie asked: "Why did he go to the warehouse?" The hospital elevator was extremely spacious, even with several criminal policemen inside it was not crowded at all. Everyone was looking at the metal wall in unison, and peeping at Yan Xie and Jiang Ting from all angles.

Jiang Ting asked in a low voice: "Let's talk. Can you not be so close?"

Yan Xie frowned with his thick and sharp brows, "What? What's wrong with that? Are you a little girl?"

Jiang Ting: "..."

Yan Xie found Jiang Ting particularly cute at the moment. He put the suspect in his hands before the police could find him. He found all kinds of clues from the kidnapping case and even looked very cute while he was desperately trying to tilt his head at that moment. So Yan Xie encouraged him with a warm tone: "Continue, police flower."

Jiang Ting could not be considered short at all. In this place where the average height is generally moderate, he was the owner of a relatively rare 1.80 cm.

But as an intellectual athlete who was still very weak after recovering from his serious illness, his physique could not be compared to Yan Xie's. It was good that the two were not standing very close to each other. Once they stuck to each other, it was really a tragic gap between the captain of the criminal investigation and the long-legged policeman flower.

Jiang Ting pressed the center of his eyebrows, but Yan Xie is sure that it's not the center of the eyebrows that he wants to press and squeeze, but his throat.

"On May 5, Chu Ci came to the Municipal Bureau for questioning, returned to the chemical factory, and suddenly gave up on his experiment despite being halfway through it, and began to conduct a lot of tests on the density of the solution. That day was the day when he found out that Feng Yuguang had been killed, and that was the reason for Chu Ci's change. "

Yan Xie asked, "What did he want to do?"

The elevator stopped and the metal door slowly opened.

Jiang Ting finally broke free from Yan Xie, straightened his clothes, and said, "He wanted to verify whether Feng Yuguang's death had something to do with chemical company secrets."

Jiang Ting strode out of the elevator and Yan Xie sped up two steps to walk beside him, followed by several police officers through the bustling corridors of the hospital building.

"What are you doing? Can the police arrest anyone at will, huh? Can the police handcuff people up at will?! " A roar came from the emergency room at the end of the corridor: "I am a patient and a victim, and this is what you're doing to me?" I'm going to report you! "

A group of people gathered outside the emergency room, the whispers of "What's going on" and "The police are so violent these days" could be heard from a distance.

"Get out of the way, come on, ask the crowd to get out of the way!"

The criminal police forcibly made a way for them, Yan Xie came forward and pushed the door open; Jiang Ting slowly walked directly into the emergency room. On the hospital bed could be seen a sturdy bandaged man who was handcuffed. It must be Diao Yong, the head of security who had been stabbed. Gou Li, with two small trainee policemen, was in the ward.

Under the double attack of Diao Yong's accusation with grievances and the loud discussion of the masses that couldn't be even blocked by the door plank, everyone's faces looked the shades of blue and red..


"Brother Yan!"

When Diao Yong saw Yan Xie, he knew that the leader was coming, and the volume of his voice suddenly increased: "Who doesn't know that if you enter the Public Security Bureau, you can get out without peeling off your skin? The police just can't solve the case so they make powerless ordinary people take the blame for it! You officials don't know how many dirty tricks there are! "

The trainee policeman said angrily, "you--"

The criminal police shouted for the crowd in the corridor to disperse and wanted to close the door of the emergency room, but unexpectedly, they only heard Jiang Ting say to Yan Xie,

"Let them leave the door open."

Yan Xie asked in a low voice, "Are you sure you can do it?"

Jiang Ting nodded.

Yan Xie gave a wink to his men and motioned to two criminal policemen to guard at the door.

The onlookers got excited. They stretched their necks and rushed to look inside. The words "Do the police catch people at random?" And "Receive money" could repeatedly be heard.

Diao Yong with a flushed neck tugged at the handcuffs with a loud bang. The patient who had been knocked out by a flashlight for several hours could not be seen anymore: "I am a witness, I am innocent! Hurry up and catch the thieves to quickly recover the controlled chemical materials. What's the point of keeping me here!? "

Jiang Ting instructed: "Uncuff him."

The police were all stunned. The trainee policeman nearly blurted out "What?"

But when he looked around, he found that Yan Xie's expression was clearly tacit, and he hesitantly stepped forward to open Diao Yong's handcuffs with the key.

"Diao Yong?" Jiang Ting confirmed.Diao Yong rubbed his hands and replied angrily: "Yes! I say you police ..."

"I think you shouted quite loudly just now. So you must have no problem standing up."

"...." Diao Yong was vigilant and said, "What do you want?"

Jiang Ting turned a blind eye to his attitude and said lightly: "I read your transcript. When you were patrolling around the warehouse at 2:30 this morning, you found that the suspect

Chu Ci was committing a theft. You stepped forward and tried to stop him but ended up being stabbed with a fruit knife in the fight, and fell to the ground after being hit on the head, right? "

Diao Yongli sounded very confident: "Yes! How could I guess he carried a knife with him?"

"What kind of tool is it, how long is it, and is the blade part curved?"

"Just ... an ordinary fruit knife, it's quite small." Diao Yong stretched out his hand and gestured. "It's so long, not curved."

Jiang Ting picked up the ballpoint pen left by the doctor on duty at the head of the bed: "It's about the same size as this?"

Diao Yong nodded without hesitation.

"Then if I asked Mr. Diao to repeat the situation at that time, there would be no problem?"

Diao Yong swallowed and said, "Of course, there's no problem!"

Jiang Ting stood behind several policemen and waved to Han Xiaomei, "Come here."

"Ah?" Han Xiaomei was slightly stunned and hesitated to take the pen.

Diao Yong, supported by the trainee policeman, got up from the hospital bed and stood opposite Han Xiaomei. Jiang Ting stood beside him with his arms folded and asked, "How far was the suspect from you at that time? Is that the distance?".

The difference between Jiang Ting and the criminal police is that his voice is light, heavy, and slightly hoarse, which is a sign of poor health. But each word is spoken clearly, so it sounds like there is a calm atmosphere that is hard to describe.

Diao Yong looked at it and hummed: "Almost...Something like that. "

"Then what were you doing at that time?"

"I walked over and asked who was there. He heard the sound, and immediately stood up and turned off the flashlight. I ... I knew it was not a good person, and I was a little scared in my heart. "

Diao Yong tilted his body slightly, opened his arms, and flew at Han Xiaomei.

Jiang Ting asked: "How did the suspect stab you, would you show it to us on this policewoman?"

Diao Yong's ribs were still bandaged. Han Xiaomei didn't dare to really poke him, so she mimicked the posture described by Diao Yong waving the ballpoint pen from top to bottom, the tip of which could be stopped on the top of the stabbed part.

"Stay in this position, what about criminal videography?" Jiang Ting pointed and said, "Take a picture."

The technical staff brought by Gou Li who was responsible for criminal photographs and assisted in the identification of injuries quickly stepped forward and photographed Diao Yong and Han Xiaomei at the moment.

The unstoppable discussion in the hallway got more heated. Gou Li moved a few steps to Yan Xie's side and asked softly, "Are you sure your friend can do it? In case of too big a step, we might be killed by the angry crowd..."

Yan Xie didn't answer.

Gou Li raised his head and unexpectedly found Yan Xuan staring closely at Jiang Ting, with an indescribable light flashing in his eyes.

"Old Yan?"


He is right." Yan Xiao said in a low voice, "It's such a simple truth but we failed to figure it out.."

Gou Li: "???

Diao Yong was injured after all, and it was a bit tiring to maintain that position. Impatiently, he asked Jiang Ting, "Is it okay now? What else are you police dissatisfied with?"

"There's no hurry." Jiang Ting answered indifferently and asked Gou Li back: "---- How tall is Chu Ci?"

With this sentence, Gou Li was enlightened and understood everything in an instant!

"Not as tall as you-- about the same!" Gou Li almost stuttered: "Yes, more than half a head taller than Han Xiaomei!"

Jiang Ting took the pen, and according to Han Xiaomei's posture, the tip of the pen was from top to bottom, but instead of stopping just in front of the bandage as Han Xiaomei just did, he stopped above Diao Yong's chest.

"The wound has a triangular shape, the ridge is on the top, and the blade is down, so the position of holding the knife must not be reverse grip. You said that Chu Chi stood up and stabbed you, then I want to know how Chu Chi, who is more than half a head taller than the policewoman, managed to stab so low with his forehand in a standing posture. Did you grow 20 centimeters out of thin air? "

Diao Yong's face instantly turned pale!

Jiang Ting turned and threw the pen away, and only heard Diao Yong tremble behind him and say, "I, I remembered it wrong!" He didn't all stand up. It happened so fast that I didn't think clearly when I was giving my testimony. "

Then there are too many things you didn't think about clearly. "Jiang Ting interrupted him and said," You claimed that Chu Ci turned off the flashlight when he heard the voice. The scene of the crime was very dark; how did you see that the weapon was an ordinary fruit knife, almost the length of a ballpoint pen, and the blade was not curved? "


Diao Yong was completely softened, shivering, he stepped forward, and pinned down on the ground by several young intern policemen.

"You must have made a mistake. I didn't lie! Wait, I am injured. I can apply for medical treatment outside the bail!"

Diao Yong was still violently struggling despite being pressed down by several police officers. The blood penetrated the bandage, which looked quite scary. But Jiang Ting remained unmoved and said lightly: "Take him away, he can't die."

"After we set off, we will leave two people behind to check the phones, and make the onlookers delete all the photos and videos, not to mention any internet uploads." Yan Xie ordered his men in a low voice, then turned to Jiang Ting, and laughed playfully: Ah, Yuan Fang. "

Jiang Ting moved his shoulder and ignored him.

Yan Xie followed him and asked: "But the premise of your inferences is that Diao Yong did not think his testimony through. If he had been a little smarter and had prepared it in advance, how would we be able to find a weak point?"

"There is no foolproof perjury in this world, only criminal investigators who are not meticulous enough." Jiang Ting ignored the countless gazes across the corridor. The haze mask made his voice sound calm and a little dull: "The wound on Diao Yong's head is large in diameter, even if it was caused by a flashlight." It was also a traditional household large-caliber aluminum alloy flashlight. Chu Ci went to the warehouse to steal chemical materials. It would not be convenient to take such a large flashlight. In addition, no one can roar so vividly after a few hours of coma, so the depth of the wound must be fake, and the edge of the wound may be hard ground out - of course, it can also be found out after the forensic examination, just a little later than half a day to a day. "

They walked into the elevator, and at the end of the corridor in the distance, the criminal police escorted Diao Yong, who was struggling with anger, out of the emergency room.

"A day and a half of the delay could get a kidnapped person killed," Yan Xie murmured.

Jiang Ting hummed.

The elevator slowly closed and descended, and Yan Xie suddenly said, "I just heard someone applauding outside."


"It should be for you," Yan Ting said to Jiang Ting with a smile.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Ting who stood by his side, with no expression on his face, indifferent enough to the point where it could be described as cold, replied: "So what?"

"At least the next time someone scolds the police for arresting people and pleading guilty..."

"The onlookers who can scold like this will not be moved for more than five seconds.." Jiang Ting said lightly, "Go back to the City Bureau, I will be ready to stay up again tonight."

Yan Xie whispered: "Yeah."

The elevator reached the first floor, the door opened slowly, the wind poured in, and the two walked out side by side.