Chapter 89

Warning!! This chapter contains NSFW content!! Skip it, if you feel uncomfortable!

The kiss went from the palm to the base of his finger, to the pulp, and then Jiang Ting felt that the tip of his finger was being bitten. The stinging pain from the canine teeth and the slight itchy feeling of the tongue licking were transmitted to his nerves at the same time. He reflexively broke away from the confinement of Yan Xie's teeth and looked down, only to see a faint wet gleam on his ring finger and a few clearly visible teeth marks.

"Are you a dog… umph!…"

Jiang Ting's thighs were separated by Yan Xie's knees, and he forcibly squeezed himself between his legs. Although the two of them maintained a close standing position, their lower bodies were entangled in a dangerously intimate posture, and the hard thing was extraordinarily prominent despite being separated by a layer of fabric from their pants.

"I'm here to ask for my birthday present," Yan Xie whispered in Jiang Ting's ear.

Jiang Ting gritted his teeth and said, "…I'll go to buy you a present tomorrow."

"No, I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Then what do you want?"

Yan Xie's laughed amidst the gurgling sound of the boiling water, and through his pants, he pushed forward a little with evil intention and aggression. He had been hard since he entered the house, and there seemed to be no tendency to soften at all. Instead, he was getting more and more congested and hot, and even the frequency of the pulsation of the blue veins was clearly transmitted to Jiang Ting's skin through the fabric.

"Not much," He said, "I'll give you a present instead."

Jiang Ting pulled away to leave, but Yan Xie moved faster. He bent down and lifted his knees, carried him on his shoulders, and walked out of the pantry to the master bedroom in a few steps. He didn't stop at the bedside but directly entered the bathroom, kicked the door shut, and then put Jiang Ting down on the ground, pushing him into the corner and holding him firmly.

With Yan Xie's stature, he felt extremely oppressive in the relatively small space of the bathroom, leaving Jiang Ting with no way to escape. He was directly clamped on the waist and hips and was forced to stare at the other in this face-to-face position.

"Why run?"


"Don't you like me?"

Jiang Ting's lips moved but he pursed them again.

Yan Xie's facial features were indeed a bit different from the current popular aesthetics. He had pure male aggression with sharp and tough lines, handsome and spirited but not very honest-looking. When he looked at someone from top to bottom, his eyes would narrow slightly; the small bone at the bridge of his nose was straighter than the back of a knife, and every pore on his body exuded the fierceness and banditry that he had cultivated in his career as a criminal policeman for more than ten years.

"Speak." Yan Xie approached slowly, his lips almost touching Jiang Ting's lips when he spoke: "Don't you like me?"

Jiang Ting opened his mouth to answer something but was suddenly grabbed by the neck.

This kiss was different from every previous one. In the close entanglement, the organ of Yan Xie's lower body that was so hard that it almost jumped out, kept pressing against Jiang Ting's thighs. At the same time, the tongue also imitated this frequency and slammed into his mouth. The exact same movement on the top and bottom made Jiang Ting suddenly have an extremely absurd and erotic feeling, as if a barrier that he had always guarded cautiously suddenly cracked, and Yan Xie's overwhelming lust slammed into every crack, pouring his fiery breath into his body.

"Don't move, let me do it." Yan Xie spoke eagerly and vaguely while holding Jiang Ting's elbow with his five fingers. His other hand easily broke through and struggled, pulling apart Jiang Ting's shirt buttons from top to bottom, with a few of them falling to the ground. Then he inserted his hand into the waistband of his pants, and asked with a smile, "Is it hard?"

It was not just hard, it was hard and hot enough to explode.

From Yan Xie's point of view, Jiang Ting's ears were as red as blood, but his face was extremely pale. His jet-black brows were tightly wrinkled making a strict fine line, and his cheeks showed an unnatural tension because he was clenching his back molars.

His forehead was sweating, but Yan Xie knew that it was definitely not because of the heat — because his elbows were shaking slightly.

He was nervous.

Yan Xie himself could not have imagined that Jiang Ting's calm face regardless of the situation, which was sometimes even indifferent, would show such a restrained and nervous expression because of himself. This gave Yan Xie considerable psychological stimulation. If the evil fire in his heart was only faintly burning just now, it suddenly rose against the storm, and there was not even the last trace of undetectable hesitation left.

"Can we go to bed later?" Yan Xie asked in a low voice.

Jiang Ting grabbed Yan Xie's wrist while trembling and said, "You will regret it later…"

Yan Xie was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled, and his eyes narrowed: "Never."

Jiang Ting still wanted to struggle, but his cold fingers were immediately pulled apart by Yan Xie and held in the palm of his hand. The hand on the pants was withdrawn and the pants silently fell to the ground along his ankles. Yan Xie turned him over and pushed him against the tiled wall. Like a beast in estrus eager to court, and unable to restrain himself, he pushed him, pressed against him, then began to bite Jiang Ting's hair, and then bit along his temples, reaching his ears and cheeks. He breathlessly suck and kissed his warm and delicate side neck, at the same time, he pulled open his pants, and the murder weapon popped out at once, impatient and unruly trying to push in.

The moment that rough and terrifying thing touched the flesh, Jiang Ting's back tensed, the whole person stepped forward to touch the wall, and squeezed out a sentence between his teeth: "…Yan Xie——"

His final note changed because Yan Xie's fingertips were suddenly stuffed in.

As if the sandpaper was rubbed on the insides, Jiang Ting's fingers suddenly grasped the tile wall, leaving five fingerprints abruptly. Yan Xie tried to move his fingers, but he was so tight that he could barely move. He took a few heavy breaths, then suddenly pulled out his hand and grabbed the cream on the side of the washbasin. In a hurry, he only bothered to check that it wasn't expired, and then he quickly smeared it on his fingers and squeezed in again.

This time it was much easier for his finger to get in and out, but Jiang Ting's tense back did not relax. Yan Xie stretched out his hand over his shoulder to him, pulled his chin closer to him, and kept kissing the slightly wet forehead.

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt. Don't be afraid…"

Jiang Ting gritted his teeth and felt the fingers increasing, but he couldn't tell how many, and he soon began to feel unbearable pain. He was about to reach out and grab Yan Xie's arm when suddenly the pressure in his body lightened, and the rough and tough fingers were withdrawn.

"Yan Xie…"

"Yeah." Yan Xie replied in a low voice, "I love you."

Jiang Ting was startled for a while, only to hear him say again, "I just wanted you to know."

These words instantly gave Jiang Ting a sense of confusion, but before he had time to respond, something thicker, longer, and hotter than his fingers, with bulging blue veins, touched the hole and suddenly squeezed in!

In an instant, Jiang Ting's eyes went black, his mind went blank, and his ears buzzed. Before he realized what he was doing, he had already grabbed Yan Xie's hand on his waist, and the back of his hand immediately burst into blue veins: "Pull out… pull out!"

That ferocious thing was only forced in halfway, and the intense pleasure was already smashing head-on like a boulder. Yan Xie's temples jumped suddenly. He couldn't stop. The psychological stimulation, which was more ferocious and surging than physiological, was mixed with satisfaction, infatuation, and more desires, and quickly climbed to the brain along the central nervous system.

He reached from Jiang Ting's left shoulder to the front of him, grabbed his right shoulder, and pressed the unclothed prey into his arms, while gasping for breath, he kept kissing Jiang Ting's hair.

"…No," Jiang Ting's voice trembled: "You're too…you're too big…"

"Not much."


The next sound was drowned in the kiss. Yan Xie's solid shoulder muscles were shaking, because of the uncontrollable stimulation and excitement. He pushed Jiang Ting completely against the wall and inserted it a bit more from behind. He felt that he had cut open the tender and tight inner walls, just like breaking through the heart of Jiang Ting which was always hidden behind the fog, and from then on holding him firmly in his powerful palm.

"I like you." Yan Xie gasped sharply: "I don't know why this is happening, it's really… It's a really strange thing."

But Jiang Ting couldn't hear anything now. If there was only buzzing tinnitus caused by the rapid rush of blood all over his body just now, then now his entire eardrum was rumbling loudly.

He tried his best to lift his head and try to escape the terrifying pressure that was getting deeper and deeper into his body. This action was subconscious but to no avail. The feeling of being controlled and penetrated was so clear that it was almost piercing. The insertion process was so long that it seemed to be endless, and at the same moment when Yan Xie finally inserted the explosive weapon completely, Jiang Ting's whole body burst into a cold sweat.

From the fragile throat to the chest and the abdomen through the barely hanging shirt, they all seemed to be soaked in water, glowing with subtle light.

It's really too embarrassing, he thought involuntarily, struggling to turn his head away from Yan Xie's restraint and to not look at the mirror on the washbasin beside him.

This look was so weak, absurd, and embarrassing, that even he couldn't feel good about it in his heart.

But Yan Xie laughed and whispered, "You are so beautiful."

He pulled out a little bit, and before Jiang Ting could let out a slightly relieved breath, he slammed back deeper and harder, cutting open the tight inner walls!


"You are so beautiful." Yan Xie kept saying, as if using some invisible force to build a transparent security fortress, and said repeatedly: "I like you, Jiang Ting, you are so beautiful…"

The squelching sounds caused by the quick thrusts overlapped and accumulated in the bathroom, and the excitement continued to pile up, reaching an incredible height, but it seemed as if the liberation after the peak would never be achieved. Jiang Ting was tortured so much that his whole body became weak, and he couldn't even stand up. All his weight was held tightly by Yan Xie's arms, and he used this to pound his insides even more fiercely, even ignoring the contraction of the tender flesh in the deepest part of the inner wall, making a creaking sound.

"Does it still hurt?" Yan Xie gasped and asked in his ear, "Does it hurt, huh?"

Jiang Ting was completely unable to answer a single word, his breathing was hitched, and moans of extreme endurance and collapse kept leaking from his teeth.

Cold sweat soaked through his always handsome, cold, and calm face, and the skin on his side cheeks was like porcelain washed with water, extraordinarily smooth and pale. Only the half-opened lips were bright red, and he couldn't even stop them from trembling when the thing was inserted in.

Yan Xie stared at him as if enchanted. He put two fingers into his mouth and hooked his lips, tongue, and mouth as his lower body thrust wildly.

"Look at me, Jiang Ting, look at me… Who am I?"

Jiang Ting's consciousness was crushed to pieces by the vicious organ of his lower body, and he couldn't make a sound.

"Who do you say I am?" But the abominable instigator kept asking as if he was determined to take out an answer from his mouth: "Look at me, what's my name?"

Jiang Ting frowned tightly and shook his head to struggle, but the unfamiliar pleasure slowly rose from the inside of his constantly ravaged body, spreading to his limbs and bones, and even his fingers were vaguely numb.


This brief ending was choked up in his throat, but Yan Xie felt as if he had been hit with a tube of stimulants. The pores in his body were stimulated to open, and the huge expectation he had never had before made his mind confused for a while.

"Yan Xie…"

Yan Xie's first reaction was not to believe his ears, and it wasn't until a few seconds later that joy came suddenly like a storm. He suddenly pulled out the organ that was on the verge of eruption, carried Jiang Ting out of the bathroom, and fell directly onto the big bed in the master bedroom. Then he lifted Jiang Ting's slender leg and put it on his shoulder, straightened up again, and inserted it all the way!

This face-to-face gesture left Jiang Ting's face with nowhere to hide but had no choice but to be exposed to Yan Xie's gaze. Every subtle expression on that face was imprinted in Yan Xie's heart, and even pain and forbearance became the best aphrodisiac.

"I love you, Jiang Ting," He repeated over and over again, "I love you."

After an unknown number of extraordinarily violent and frantic thrusts, the genitalia finally sprinted to a terrifying depth, and a large amount of thick semen burst out. During the ejaculation process, the genitalia was still twitching and was sucked repeatedly by the fiery internal trembling. At the same time, Jiang Ting was tightly twisting the sheets, the knuckles of his fingers were white, and he did not say a word. He raised his head and was bitten fiercely by Yan Xie on his adam's apple.

Breathing and heartbeat intertwined like the sound of beating drums, blood roaring out of the heart, slamming into the brain.

"It's really strange," Yan Xie suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

"Obviously It was me who bit his fragile throat, but the one who really offered his most fatal weakness with both hands was also me."

The setting sun slowly sank, casting golden light from between the gaps in the curtains. The clothes and bedding on the big bed were messy and intertwined. Finally, the rough breathing gradually calmed down into two hoarse breaths, which gradually merged into one.

Yan Xie was still pressing on Jiang Ting, both of them had taken off their clothes, and the skin on their bodies was very close to each other. Jiang Ting finally lifted his eyelids tiredly.

"What's wrong?" Yan Xie asked softly.

Jiang Ting didn't answer and looked at Yan Xie's facial features little by little as if he was depicting the prototype of a sculpture made with a fine brush. He looked at him very carefully and very seriously. After a long time, he raised his hand, his fingertips still carrying slight numbness after the pleasure, and lightly touched Yan Xie's sweaty face.