Chapter 140


The door curtain was lifted suddenly, and the short subordinate who had gone out to explore the way just now stepped in: "It seems that outside… huh?!" 

The dead body was staring straight at him.

The subordinate abruptly stopped and subconsciously turned around. But at this moment, Jiang Ting, who was hiding behind the door, suddenly stepped forward and slashed the side of his neck with a knife!

The people who followed Jiang Ting were all selected by A-Jie himself, and their professional level was not the same as that of ordinary henchmen. The subordinate felt the sharp wind during that critical period of time. He suddenly turned around, and the blade slid across the side of his neck!

The blood splashed out and hit the door panel. Jiang Ting didn't expect that the knife would miss. In an instant, the subordinate clutched his neck and roared. Then he turned around and knocked the knife away with a clang!

 Jiang Ting's brows twitched slightly. He smoothly pulled out the dirty towel with which he had just wiped his hands on the dead body and wrapped it around his hand as well as around the subordinate's neck like lightning. Then he kicked him in the vest and knees, followed by strangling him with both his hands.


The subordinate's entire face quickly turned red and purple, and he scratched the life-threatening cord around his neck with trembling hands. The horrible sound of bones slowly beginning to dislocate erupted from his throat.

 Jiang Ting's hands and fingers all changed color, but his face was expressionless as he tightened his grip. The subordinate's struggle gradually weakened, and at this critical moment, another sound came from outside the door—

"You!" Gong A-Chi rushed in and shouted angrily, "Stop!" 

As soon as the words fell, "Crack!"

 The crunching sound of the neck bone twisting was very loud, clear, and creepy. The subordinate's neck was crooked, blood was bleeding from his seven orifices, and his head was hanging at an indescribable angle.

Jiang Ting pulled back the towel, and the body fell limply in front of Gong A-Chi.

Suddenly there were two fresh corpses in the not-so-spacious back room, and the air froze to the point of suffocation. Gong A-Chi gritted his teeth and stared at Jiang Ting, saying word by word: "It's you—"

 Jian Ting didn't answer but saw the other party touching his waist with his hand, so he immediately dodged to grab the knife from the ground!

However, Gong A-Chi moved faster than him, and at the moment when Jiang Ting's finger was about to touch the handle of the knife, he kicked it away, "Ding Dong!" It crashed into the corner of the wall!

Jiang Ting's hand touched the empty air, but his actions were completely opposite to his appearance—fierce and ruthless. Seeing that Gong A-Chi was about to take out the thing from his back waist, his first reaction was not to run out of the house but to hit his shoulder hard. 

 Gong A-Chi was caught off guard, and the gun in his arms was knocked away as soon as he took it out. The inertia caused the two of them to smash into the wooden boxes that had been piled up at the same time. The momentum immediately crushed the wooden crates to pieces, and the drug packets were scattered on the ground! 


Glass shards, broken wooden boards, and sealed packets were all over the floor. Jiang Ting slid two or three meters before hitting the corner of the wall, and his eyes immediately turned black. 

 He gritted his teeth and got up staggeringly. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the gun falling on the ground not far away. He rushed to grab it, but it was too late. The wind roared in his ears, and in the next second, Gong A-Chi roared and rushed forward, knocking him over with a punch. The two rolled and crushed several packets of methamphetamine! 

"You called the police!" Gong A-Chi looked like an enraged giant bull: "I'll kill you, I'll kill you——" 


 The sound of the wooden crate being crushed came from the back room to the front room. Old Zhang, who was talking eloquently, was taken aback, and several people looked at him at the same time.  

What happened? Han Xiaomei was frightened and asked Ma Xiang with her eyes. 

Ma Xiang shook his head, feeling quite suspicious in his heart. Just as he was thinking about asking a question, he saw the village chief's wife hurry in with a look of panic on her face. Without even looking at anyone else, she went straight to the village chief and whispered a few words.

 In this instant, Ma Xiang saw the village chief's face change drastically.  

—What happened? Are we discovered? Could their accomplice still be hiding in the back room?!

As Ma Xiang's mind turned, he saw the village chief forcibly calm down, get up, and say with a smile: "Sorry, sorry, our kitchen has collapsed; I have to go and have a look. You drink tea first." As he spoke, he hurriedly followed his wife out.

 An unreasonable palpitation suddenly hit his heart, and Ma Xiang blurted out: "Wait!" 

The village chief didn't stop when the words fell, but panicked and quickened his pace.


 Ma Xiang jumped over the coffee table with a bang, causing the entire table to overturn, and then almost pounced on the village chief and grabbed him!

The teapot and teacup fell all over the floor, and Old Zhang stood up tremblingly, only to hear the woman start screaming in an instant: "What are you doing? Let go! Let go!"

"Stop!" Han Xiaomei reacted quickly, striding across the tea-soaked ground and seizing the woman, whose waist was two times thicker than hers. The spatula in her hand narrowly passed by Ma Xiang's head, but Ma Xiang didn't have the time to be startled and broke out in a cold sweat. While grabbing the village chief, who was struggling and shouting at him, he yelled: "Old Zhang, go out and call the police! Hurry up!"

Only then did Old Zhang realize what had happened. He hurriedly rushed out of the front room, but hurried back in a few seconds: "The front yard is locked! Damn it! Where's the key?!"

"Damn you dogs, don't even try to run away!" Seeing that they were exposed, the village chief didn't hide it at all and yelled at the top of his throat: "Brother Ghost! Brother Ghost——!!"


 Buzz! Wuhong Lingguang flew down the mountain road; its whole body almost fell apart as it landed. Then it galloped forward non-stop, crushing the wood branches and weeds on the barren field in front into fine powder.

"I am leading a reconnaissance team to the location of the 'key'. I repeat that I am leading a reconnaissance team to the location of the 'key'. Attention everyone: no police cars or sirens are allowed! Surround and break in, and stay alert. All put on silencers to avoid alerting the nearby drug gangs. Do you understand?!"

There was a chorus from the walkie-talkie: "Team 1 got it!"

 "The support team got it!"

Yan Xie let go of the walkie-talkie, grasped the steering wheel with both hands, and drifted down the mountain road. After a while, the wheels stopped abruptly amidst the ear-piercing sound of friction, and a small, three-story concrete building came into view outside the car window. Yan Xie got out of the car with a gun in one hand, and as soon as he looked up, he saw that the gate to the front yard was firmly locked. His heart sank immediately.

The neighbors in this kind of village were close, so they generally didn't lock the courtyard door so firmly in broad daylight, unless no one was at home for a long time, or——

 They didn't want people inside to go out.

Ma Xiang never sent out any text messages again. Could it be that the people inside have been exposed?!

The roar of the engine of the vehicle came from the mountain road in the distance, and it was approaching rapidly. It was the reinforcements from the investigation team.

 Yan Xie pondered for half a second, stepped back, and ran up the wall like a vigorous leopard. He rolled on the ground, then held the gun in one hand, bend against the wall, and walked quickly through the empty front yard to the closed door——


Brother Ghost?

 Ma Xiang reacted the moment the village chief yelled: "Be careful! There are people in the back!"

Before he finished speaking, the village chief's wife went berserk, grabbed Han Xiaomei's hand, and threw her away!

Han Xiaomei's body was useless even after she had undergone special training in the police academy. As the saying goes, all strategies are useless in the face of absolute strength. Without a weapon, she was no match for such a tough shrew. She bumped into the overturned coffee table on the spot. The woman took advantage of this gap to turn around and run out of the house. The village chief stretched his neck and screamed: "Go and call Brother Ghost! Call Brother Ghost to help kill these scoundrels, hurry up!——Aw!"

 Ma Xiang raised his feet, kicked the village chief away, and rushed toward the woman to stop her from bringing rescuers, but suddenly the village chief, who was in pain, grabbed his ankle. He staggered and nearly fell, and the woman screamed and rushed out of the house in the blink of an eye.

"F*ck, stop her!"

"Stop!" Han Xiaomei endured the pain and sprinted out.

 The village chief wanted to stop Han Xiaomei, but Ma Xiang turned around and ruthlessly kicked him down. He went to him and held him down, punching him ruthlessly with two iron fists, which made the village chief see stars and bleed from his ears. Then he casually picked up the lid of the broken teapot on the ground and smashed it down with a loud roar!


The village chief's head tilted to one side, and the lid of the teapot smashed against his temple and fell to the ground, shattering on the spot.

 "F*ck your ancestors!!" The village chief yelled furiously, overturned Ma Xiang, and punched him. Unexpectedly, his upper body was pushed forward by a huge force, and he almost spurted out blood. It turned out that Old Zhang picked up the stool with its legs and smashed it against his back so hard that his stomach almost spewed out of his throat.

Ma Xiang: "Good job!"

However, Old Zhang had worked at the grassroots level all his life and had never seen a police situation more intense and bloody than a drunken fight. He was stunned by the current battle, and he did not even take advantage of the victory in the chaos. In that short two seconds of being in a daze, the village chief took the opportunity to get up on the ground, took out something from behind the sofa in the room, and yelled frantically: "Damn it, I'll kill you bastards—" 

It was a shotgun!

Ma Xiang's mind went blank, but his body had already reacted automatically. He twisted his body and threw the stunned old Zhang away.


 With the first loud bang, the bullet pierced through the coffee table and hit the ground, and the bullet casing flew across Ma Xiang's upper arm, shooting out bleeding lines.


With the second loud bang, the door was suddenly kicked open, and the visitor raised his hand like lightning and fired a shot. The village chief was shot in the arm, and the gun slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.


The third sound was shot from the shotgun, and the bullet hit the wall close to the side of the visitor!

Ma Xiang looked up and wept with joy: "Brother Yan!"

 It was Yan Xie who broke into the door. The next moment, more than a dozen plainclothes criminal police rushed in from behind him, and countless black muzzles of guns were raised in an instant: "Hands up! Don't move!"

The village chief was rolling on the ground, holding his bleeding hand, and wailing painfully. Two police officers quickly stepped forward and kicked away the shotgun involved. After searching, they picked him up and escorted him out with his mouth gagged—for fear that he would shout and alarm the possible drug traffickers nearby. Someone came up to help Ma Xiang check his injuries, but Ma Xiang didn't care about it and waved his hand: "Brother Yan, they have people behind! His wife ran out to call for rescue just now, and Han Xiaomei chased her out!"

Yan Xie's eyebrows twitched, and he pointed to a few people with his eyes: "You follow me to take a look."



"Brother Ghost! Ghost—ah! Get away! You bitch! Get away!!" 

 The screams of the village chief's wife came from afar. At the same time in the back room, Jiang Ting pushed Gong A-Chi up with all his strength, and before he could stand still, he felt a punch coming on the back of his head.

Gong A-Chi's arms were thicker than a person's thighs, and this punch was enough to shatter a human skull. Jiang Ting didn't turn his head back for a split second, then he grabbed the other party's wrist with his backhand and did an extremely beautiful over-the-shoulder throw. The killer's weight of more than 100 kilograms plus inertia crushed the wooden box to pieces amidst a loud noise!

"F*ck!" Gong A-Chi yelled in pain. He never expected Jiang Ting, who seemed so fragile, to be so agile. Seeing that he was going to grab the gun on the ground, he immediately got up and held him from behind. He lifted his whole body up and threw him to the ground.

 Crash! The momentum caused the two of them to fall to the ground at the same time, rolling and crashing into the wall, and countless pieces of dust and rubble fell down.

Gong A-Chi was extremely angry: "You bastard, you—"

During the scuffle, Jiang Ting was hit by his elbow on the forehead, and the blood immediately blinded his vision. But Jiang Ting unexpectedly resisted the blow, and even in excruciating pain, he didn't utter a single word. He fumbled on the ground with his hand and grabbed half of the broken glass wine bottle and slammed it on Gong A-Chi's head!

Blood mixed with broken glass gushed out, and Gong A-Chi fell backward. Jiang Ting took advantage of the gap to break free, and before he could stand up, he heard the noise of footsteps outside the house, followed by several roars at the same time:

"Squat down and don't move! Raise your hands!"


 Han Xiaomei screamed: "Brother Yan!"

Jiang Ting froze suddenly.

Behind him, Gong A-Chi stood up staggeringly with blood on his face and caught Jiang Ting's neck with his elbow unexpectedly!


Jiang Ting's eyes turned black, and blood rushed to the top of his head, but he couldn't utter a word. The muscles of Gong A-Chi's whole arm swelled. The terrifying, demonic strength was still increasing little by little, which made Jiang Ting's throat creak unbearably.

The oxygen was quickly evacuated out of his lungs, and his eardrums buzzed.

 But even in such a critical situation, he could still hear a vaguely familiar voice from outside the room: "Take her down and surround her… don't let any of them go…" 

It was Yan Xie.

Jiang Ting's five fingers twitched and trembled, and he scratched out twisted white marks on the floor.

"No one has been found hiding for the time being. The investigation team will continue to surround and search. Repeating, the investigation team will continue to surround and search…" 

The outside of the backyard had been surrounded layer by layer, and only Yan Xie led a few criminal police officers into the courtyard with guns. He let go of the walkie-talkie, stuck it against the base of the inner wall, and made a gesture. The criminal police immediately understood, followed the direction he was pointing, and walked quickly to the firewood shed. He flipped through the window neatly and then made a signal to indicate that there had been a major discovery.

Sure enough, the household drug-making workshop was inside.

 "Send someone to guard the scene, and don't move anything for the time being to avoid attracting attention." Yan Xie lowered his voice: "The rest of the team reported the situation; what did you find?"

A reply came from the channel: "Reporting Captain Yan, there is no one on the second floor; it's safe for the time being!"

"Drug tools and a small number of guns and drugs were found on the third floor! It's safe for now!"

 Yan Xie nodded and looked around the entire backyard.

The firewood shed, kitchen, utility room, vegetable shed, and chicken and duck shed were all messy, and there was a possibility that people were hiding everywhere. There was a small door at the end of a corridor built along the back building, which should lead to the back room on the first floor. At this moment, the curtain seemed to be shaking slightly.

Yan Xie's eyes fell on it, and suddenly there was a palpitation in his heart that came from nowhere.

"Brother Yan?" Ma Xiang called softly behind him.

Yan Xie took a few steps forward as if in a trance, and then stood still.

At the same time, the back room

The standoff went by minute by minute. The police had surrounded the place, and time was running out—Gong A-Chi knew this clearly.

His arm was tightly wrapped around Jiang Ting's neck, and at the same time, he reached for the gun on the ground as hard as he could. In his desperation, he just wanted to use Jiang Ting as a hostage to escape from the net again, but he didn't know if his fate was destined, and the gun happened to be stuck behind the shattered wooden crate. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach the handle of the gun in this position.

"…Huh, huh…" Gong A-Chi panted heavily, and he burst out while gritting his teeth: "You f*cking… don't even try to run away. Even if you go to hell, I will drag you with me, Laozi will drag you to death together—"

Crack! Jiang Ting's neck bone cracked softly.

Jiang Ting's lips were half open as if he was trying his best to open and close them slightly and call for someone, but he couldn't make any sound at all. The dizziness caused by extreme ischemia and hypoxia was encroaching on his consciousness, and his soul seemed to be gradually breaking free from the pain, floating away from the body, and flying uncontrollably into the void.

Even someone as thoughtful and contemplative as Jiang Ting had never imagined that his life would end here.

Everything was so unexpected and so fast that it was too late to say goodbye.

Yan Xie… he thought vaguely in his mind.

The last scene was in the valley of Yuanlong Gorge. When Yang Mei pointed infrared rays at his head, he actually wanted to look back at Yan Xie again—even if it was just a glance. But he knew that no matter how elaborate a fake performance was, it could be ruined by the most insignificant details. Fate was just arranged in such a way that things that were not cherished in ordinary times would become unattainable luxury at the end of life.

Jiang Ting let go of his stiff, white fingers gripping the floor little by little.

Yan Xie…

He stared straight at the gray ceiling; his eyes were distracted, his lips moved, and only he himself could hear his own last words.

Yan, Xie——

At the same time, outside the door curtain, Yan Xie suddenly stopped: "Someone called me." 

Ma Xiang said subconsciously: "What?"

Before his words came out, Yan Xie turned around and stared straight ahead at the end of the quiet corridor not far away: "Didn't you hear?"

Ma Xiang was about to lead someone to search the kitchen, but before he realized what was going on, Yan Xie suddenly rushed over in that direction!

"Brother Yan!"


The door curtain was lifted suddenly, and the pile of boxes was knocked open by a huge force. Gong A-Chi tilted his head, and before he had time to see who was coming, he was dragged backward and was hit by the oncoming punch so hard that his mouth and nose spurted out blood!

"Your motherX…" Gong A-Chi yelled loudly, but before he finished cursing, someone grabbed his hair and lifted him up, slamming his head against the wall!

No matter how hard the human head was, it couldn't be compared to a wall. A large stream of blood fell down along with the cement fragments. Gong A-Chi struggled frantically on the verge of death, but soon he felt that his opponent was unimaginable in terms of explosiveness and ruthlessness. He grabbed his entire head like cast iron and slammed into the concrete wall again!

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

Large areas of the wall were cracked, and blood gushed out. Finally, more policemen rushed into the room and snatched the twitching Gong A-Chi with all their might. Amidst the noise, Ma Xiang shouted: "Brother Yan, he'll die if you hit him again! He'll really be dead!! "

 Gong A-Chi's head and face were covered with wall dust mixed with blood. He was detained by several criminal policemen and finally saw the face of the visitor clearly in a haze.

——The policeman was held up by someone, and his face was tough and cold. He was tall, and his knuckles were soaked in blood on the back of his hands. He was obviously expressionless, but he looked even scarier than a life-threatening devil crawling out of hell.

Gong A-Chi's head was completely covered from behind, and he was pushed and shoved out.

"Wake up, Jiang Ting…"

 "Jiang Ting! Wake up, look at me!"


 A gust of fresh air rushed into his throat suddenly, and Jiang Ting's convulsed body seemed to be electrified, and he coughed violently!

This cough was so heavy that Jiang Ting's whole body curled up, and the blood sprayed all over the ground little by little. It took a long time for him to stop coughing from exhaustion, but his hands and feet were still convulsing uncontrollably, and he couldn't even lift his upper body up.

"It's okay… You look at me, Jiang Ting. Look at me…"

——Who is calling my name?

Jiang Ting's eyes were full of double images, and he only felt that the room was full of people in a daze.

 It's the police, he thought.

What to do now? Got caught? Did the action fail? What should I do next?

It's so embarrassing. At the same time, he clearly realized that his appearance was really embarrassing. Maybe he had never had such an ugly time in his life, and he didn't know what people who saw it would think.

He wanted to raise his hands to cover his face, but his wrists were separated even more forcefully. Only then did he finally feel in a trance that he was not actually lying on the ground but was being hugged in someone's arms, and the heat was continuously being pressed into his limbs and bones from the place where the large skin touched.

"..." Jiang Ting subconsciously wanted to say something, but he couldn't see clearly. As soon as he opened his trembling lips, he felt that he was tightly surrounded by the familiar smell.

"It's me, Jiang Ting." Yan Xie buried his cold face tightly in the crook of his neck, and his voice trembled: "I'm here to pick you up, I'm here to pick you up at last… Look at me again, hey? Jiang Ting?"

Jiang Ting finally heard whose voice was next to his ear and slowly froze.