Chapter 146


The large piece of plastic covering the rows of shelves was violently lifted by Wang Pengfei, and the sharp and weird sound suddenly surfaced amid the dust flying all over the sky, appearing in front of everyone—

 "This, this, this is this?" Wang Pengfei rushed back half a step like a rabbit: "It's you?!"

Wu Tun was tied up with his arms behind his back on the shelf. His whole body was like a corpse, staring at Wang Pengfei with big blood-red eyes, and a strange whimper came from his mouth.

"——F*ck you, King of Spades, what the hell were you trying to do?!" Wang Pengfei was furious: "Come on! Come on!! This business is over!!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. The two henchmen were also stunned, unable to stop them for a while. They saw Wang Pengfei rushing to the door of the warehouse, reaching out to unlock the lock. However, unexpectedly, no matter how hard he yanked the latch, the door panel, which didn't look thick, remained motionless.

 The warehouse was locked from the outside.

With trembling hands, Wang Pengfei snatched his henchman's gun, pointed it at the metal door lock, and bang! bang! shot two shots. With a clattering sound, the bullet casings fell to the ground, and the metal door lock was deformed, but the door still couldn't be opened no matter how hard it was pushed.

"What's going on… this, what's this…" Wang Pengfei finally trembled, and grabbed the henchman indiscriminately: "What the hell is your boss trying to do, ah?!" The henchman was also terrified and couldn't answer.

 Old Cai held his breath and wanted to come up to persuade him, but at this moment he suddenly froze:

"Wait, what's with that light over there?"

Following his line of sight, everyone noticed it——Behind Wu Tun in the shelf, there seemed to be something flashing in the dark, emitting a faint red light.


"F*ck you, King of Spades, what the hell are you doing… What the hell is your boss trying to do, huh?!"

Several pieces of aluminum alloy were nailed to the rear of the warehouse door in disorder, firmly fixing the door panel to the wall. The construction materials of the temporary factory building had a good sound insulation effect, and Wang Pengfei's roar could only be vaguely heard through the wall.

The King of Spades' expression remained unchanged, and he led a few subordinates holding miniature submachine guns as they walked through the corridor in front of the warehouse door, made a few turns in the winding corridor, and suddenly saw a bright light.

——Three black bulletproof jeeps were parked side by side, their fronts facing the outer wall of the factory.

"Boss," a subordinate with night-vision binoculars approached and whispered, "Brother Jie just informed us from the observation post that cops from outside are surrounding us from all directions, and they will outflank our way down the mountain in about five minutes. "

 From this direction, there was only one road down the mountain.

"Just wait for them to come over." The King of Spades snorted: "Has the 3rd line been set up?"

"Yes. In the past few days, the earth pits, tree holes, and stony crevices have been dug up. The 'stuff' has been buried in all the support points on the cliff wall calculated by the experts. As soon as the cops will approach there, Brother Jie will send a signal, and 3rd line over there will immediately—" 

 The subordinate opened the car door. The King of Spades leaned forward and sat down, asking: "How is your Brother Jiang?"

"The driver who is watching over him said that he hasn't woken up yet."

 The King of Spades' eyes were shining with bloodthirsty enjoyment.

 He looked over the high glass windows of the factory building, over the swaying mountain road in the night, and over the vast and prosperous mountain walls and jungles. At the bottom of the mountainside, countless SWAT officers were climbing up the rocks and quickly approaching where he was.

But these people would never be able to touch a hair of him.

"When the 1st line number would be dialed…"

The King of Spades' smiling voice seemed pleasant, but he seemed to be talking to himself:

"He should wake up."


 In the warehouse, as soon as a henchman untied Wu Tun, the surroundings were filled with sounds of deep inhalation—

They saw a bunch of colorful wires fixed behind Wu Tun, and in the middle of the wires was an indistinguishable shape, a bit like a telephone-like device, with a note on the top with the words "Line 2" written on it. The red light was emanating from this device.

Although Wang Pengfei couldn't recognize it, he was an old poisonous insect licking blood from the knife after all, and an extremely ominous premonition arose in his heart: "This, this is, what is this?!"

 The henchman strengthened up: "Telephone?" Immediately after, "Aww!" he was kicked out by Wang Pengfei.

"It's a bomb…" Old Cai's voice rang out in the dead silence amidst the sound of the clattering of his teeth: "…I saw this thing in Myanmar; it's a common frequency bomb…" 

Several henchmen lost their voices at the same time: "F*ck!" "What?" " What thing?!"

Old Cai almost couldn't stand straight. He gritted his teeth before squatting down and almost immediately fainted after a few glances, but he was grabbed by Wang Pengfei: "What common frequency? Say it again?!"

"It-its trigger device works on a common-frequency system, which is the thing that was removed from the cordless phone, and it must have been short-circuited. As long as someone dials this telephone's number, this short-circuited system will burst out an electric spark and ignite the detonator—"

Wang Pengfei roared: "What, detonator?!"

 Old Cai's face was ashen, and he pointed to the "telephone" box tremblingly: "You, look at that…"

Wang Pengfei followed his fingers to look at the ground, and his eyes immediately went dark.

There was some white powder scattered around the bomb, mixed in with the dust all over the floor. If one didn't look carefully, one couldn't see it at all, but as long as one see it, one would definitely not mistake it-

 It wasn't heroin, it was RDX.

Behind the detonator was a box full of C4 high-explosive plastic explosives!

At this moment, outside the factory gate

 The two groups of SWAT officers leaned against the wall, respectively, and the captain of the SWAT team, Kang Shuqiang, made a look from under his helmet. The vice-captain nodded, kicked the door open, and flew back, and Kang Shuqiang rushed in with someone like lightning: "Don't move! Hands up!" "Police!!" 

——There was nothing in front of him.

Behind the gate turned out to be a closed corridor, and the mess left by the hasty retreat was still on the ground. The corridor led straight into the dark depths, and something was faintly reflecting light under the illumination of the police flashlight.

 What's that?

Kang Shuqiang beckoned, and two groups of special policemen rushed in, followed him, and quickly sneaked into the end of the corridor—the road suddenly forked into three. No one knew where the ways on the left and right were leading. But in the middle was a closed door with the words "storage warehouse" written on it.

Eight or nine aluminum alloy seals were nailed to the door, sealing off the warehouse, and at the moment there were vague beating and shouting sounds coming from inside the door.

 Like other SWAT officers, Kang Shuqiang suddenly became suspicious: Is this the transaction site? What the hell is in there?

"Captain," the vice-captain asked in a low voice.

There was no room for hesitation in the on-site action. Kang Shuqiang took a flashlight to look at the seal and found that the nail marks were fresh and not firm. He immediately gestured for the two teams to chase the fork, and at the same time he pointed to the warehouse door in front of him: "Open it!" 

Without him saying it for the second time, the SWAT elites picked up the door breaker and stepped forward—

In the warehouse, some people rushed to shoot at the door in a panic, and some tried to smash the window like crazy. But the ventilation window was as high as three meters from the ground, and it was impossible to get up to it. Everyone was screaming frantically, and the sound of cursing and crying pierced people's eardrums.

Just then a voice came from outside the door—clang!


"The door is opening from outside!" Someone yelled, "The door is opening from outside!!"

All the people who had climbed the window fell down and ran to the door, crying, "Help! Let us out!" Help!!"

Old Cai didn't know where the strength in him came from. He stood up staggeringly, picked up a shelf frame scattered on the ground, and squeezed into the crowd.

 He didn't know how things had come to be like this.

Just like the Burmese village doctor who was suddenly exposed, he certainly didn't know that his fate would be hastily terminated on that day. In short, the situation has developed to the point of no return. It was neither meaningful nor time to investigate the cause. For undercover agents like them, the last few minutes of their lives were very precious.


Old Cai picked up the steel frame and smashed it on the door panel in front of everyone:

"People outside listen! Don't come in!!"

 The screams around him turned silent, but Old Cai didn't care. He slammed the door and yelled: "There's a bomb inside—! Get back, there's a bomb!!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Wang Pengfei rushed up aggressively, strangled Old Cai's neck from behind, and threw him to the ground, and several people jumped up and kicked him like crazy: "Shut up!"

"Or I'll kill you!"

 "Shut up!!"

But Old Cai held his head and struggled desperately. Several big men couldn't even restrain this thin old man. He tried his best to climb to the door and shouted hoarsely: "Retreat quickly! Don't come in! Don't come in——!"


 Qin Chuan stepped on the uneven stones and climbed up the mound.

This high ground was next to the factory area. According to the plan Wen Shao explained before, the motorcyclist who would take him back after the explosion was already waiting there, and when he saw him come up, he called Brother Qin.

Qin Chuan didn't respond. He took the night-vision binoculars and looked down the steep slope in the cold wind.

Except for a drug lord like the King of Spades, who lacked emotional cognition and was naturally crazy, any criminal would definitely feel weak when seeing this scene.

Halfway down the mountain where the factory was located, countless red and blue police lights flashed in the jungle, and several escape routes were blocked. On the open space in front of the factory area, countless safety vests flashed in the night, reflecting that the SWAT was outflanking the trading site at full speed.

The biker's phone rang. He answered and handed over the phone: "Brother Qin, Brother Jie is looking for you." 

 Qin Chuan said casually, "Hey, tell me, where is your brother Jie hiding?"

The motorcyclist said: "We don't know anything about big brother."

"Okay," Qin Chuan took the phone and put it to his ear, "Just don't leave him behind when we retreat later. Hello?"

 A-Jie's voice was mixed with the whistling sound of the wind: "Are you prepared?"

Qin Chuan took out his mobile phone as well as the note Wen Shao gave him. He entered the string of numbers on the note one by one and pressed the dial key. Then he said with a smile, "There is no need to prepare for this; it has already been done."

A-Jie said in a deep voice, "SWAT has broken into the factory gate and is entering the warehouse. I will count down to three, and you call the first extension number."

The first extension number—the first high-intensity co-frequency bomb set up on the mountain road. Its shock amplitude and coverage were enough to trigger a small-scale landslide, thereby preventing the SWAT in the factory from retreating, and at the same time, blocking all the paths of the police for any subsequent reinforcements.

There were countless red and blue lights reflected on the lens. The noisy engine and human voices, even the reflective strips on the bulletproof vest, were all so familiar.

Once, he was one of them.

 Qin Chuan lowered his eyes and said, "Okay."

Immediately, A-Jie's cold countdown came from the phone: "Three——"

"Quick retreat…quick…don't come in…"

 Bang! The last aluminum alloy seal hit the ground, and at the same time, intermittent shouts came from behind the door. Kang Shuqiang's eyebrows twitched, and the vice-captain said softly, "What's that sound?"

"Bomb… retreat quickly…" Someone slammed heavily behind the door, and the voice finally became clear: "There is a bomb! There is a bomb inside!!" 

Kang Shuqiang: "F*ck!!


With their explosion-proof shields placed in front, all SWAT officers retreated at full speed. Several flashlights waved indiscriminately on the walls of the corridor of the factory.

"Informant!" Chief Lu's roar sounded in Kang Shuqiang's earphones: "The informant is inside! The informant is inside!!"

Kang Shuqiang snatched a little soldier's shield, kicked him backward, gritted his teeth, and quickly rushed to the warehouse door—


Qin Chuan connected his cell phone and pressed the extension number 001.


The explosion soared into the sky halfway up the mountain, and the surrounding 100 meters were as bright as daylight. The air wave pushed seven or eight police cars into the jungle at the same time.

The boulder rolled down from the mountain, and the strong shock wave even rushed up to the factory area. The whole warehouse shook in all directions, and Kang Shuqiang, who was caught off guard, slammed into the warehouse door!

 Inside the command vehicle, firelight penetrated the glass, illuminating Chief Lu's reading glasses and everyone's astonished faces.

In the police car, Yan Xie's foot on the accelerator suddenly slowed down, and he turned his head to look out the side window in disbelief.

On the back seat of the jeep on a high ground outside the factory, Jiang Ting slowly opened his eyelids. Half of his cheeks were brightly reflected by the explosion as if he had just woken up from a nightmare and fallen into another one unexpectedly.

"….." Jiang Ting struggled twice in vain, the handcuffs rattling against his wrist bones. The driver heard the movement and turned around from the front seat to say something, but it was in Burmese and indistinct in the afterglow of the explosion.

Jiang Ting gasped hoarsely, "…what?…"

"The boss said, please watch it carefully!" The driver finally changed to blunt Chinese and said, "This is the first time. He'll come to pick you up after three explosions!"

Jiang Ting seemed to have been stunned. His beautifully shaped lips trembled rapidly, and his complexion turned astonishingly white in the flames. Then he suddenly bent down, panicked, as if he didn't dare to look at all.

The driver twitched his lips.

——He only felt that the person sent by the boss was not at all threatening. He was weak and timid. If all the cops were like him, it was no wonder that they were so useless.

But what he didn't see was that Jiang Ting reached for his hiking boots at the moment when he leaned over, pulled out a hairpin from the boot, and poked it accurately into the keyhole of the handcuffs.


"F*ck!" Qin Chuan staggered two steps from the airwave and spit out the sand in his mouth: "This was too damn close! I was almost blown out!"

"After the main number is dialed, there is a distance limit for the transmission of radio waves connected to each extension number. If it is too far away, the co-frequency system of the extension cannot receive it, and the detonating device cannot be triggered. Your position is already the farthest." 

Qin Chuan finally cleaned up the sand: "Okay, what should we do now?"

A-Jie said: "Prepare to trigger Line 2."

The wind on the other side of the call was sharp, and it seemed that A-Jie was walking fast, but he didn't know which cave he was hiding in on the top of the mountain. Qin Chuan straightened up and squinted at the factory warehouse where Wang Pengfei and others were imprisoned. The trigger device for bomb No. 2 was there.

He clearly knew that the SWAT team should be breaking down the door.

Even though it was so dark and so far away, he could call out the names of those SWAT officers without looking, and he even remembered that the nickname of the SWAT group Captain was Master Kong.

He just couldn't remember when everyone came up with this nickname after a celebration drink.

"Big brother, the manpower for the retreat has been prepared. After the explosion on Line 2, the convoy will take advantage of the chaos and rush to the factory building and drive to the retreating mountain road, which is Line 3… Dammit," A-Jie caught a glimpse of something, cursing in a low voice: "Now that the road is full of police cars, it's like going to a market."

"Can you get out?" Qin Chuan asked.

"As long as there is an explosion, we can get out. The C4 buried on Line 3 is enough to kill 18 cops."

Qin Chuan nodded in relief.

"Hey, the SWAT team is going in." A-Jie's voice on the phone vibrated: "Line 2 is about to be detonated, three—two—"

The door suddenly broke open and was torn apart. Before Wang Pengfei's big fist hit Old Cai's face, he froze in mid-air and was immediately kicked out from behind!

"Don't move! Police!"

Countless footsteps came, and countless guns protruded from behind the riot shield. Several drug dealers and henchmen collapsed to the ground in an instant, and they were rushed up by the police and handcuffed without even a little resistance.

"The bomb has exploded! Where is the bomb?" Kang Shuqiang rushed up to help Old Cai, saying incoherently: "Where is the bomb?!" 

What he wanted to say was that the bomb on the mountainside outside had already exploded. What do you mean by "there's a bomb inside" and where? But in the confusion and excitement, his words were not clear at all.

Old Cai's head was covered with blood, and he gasped for breath. He grabbed Kang Shuqiang tightly: "No, not, no explosion…"


Old Cai pointed desperately.

Everyone looked up one after another, and Kang Shuqiang's pupils constricted instantly!

The explosive device on Wu Tun's back was flashing rapidly, becoming more and more urgent. The flashing speed of the red light was as if the god of death was rushing toward the face, and soon it no longer went out and became a line of light——

A-Jie finally stopped and said coldly:


There was a strange smile in Qin Chuan's eyes, and he immediately hung up the phone and threw it off the cliff.

The motorcyclist stepped forward in horror: "——You!"


The gunshot rang out, and the motorcyclist couldn't even see what happened, and there was already a black blood hole between his eyebrows.

"..." He opened his mouth weakly, and his corpse fell down, blood mixed with brains slowly smearing into the ground.

Qin Chuan took off his glasses and threw them away, put on his helmet, and kissed the hot gun barrel. Then he casually put the Type-92 back into the holster and stepped onto the motorcycle.

Going down the steep stone wall, hundreds of meters ahead, behind the factory area—

Three Jeeps turned on their lights at the same time, reflecting the wall in front of the car in pale white. Those were the men of the King of Spades who were preparing to retreat. After the explosion, they would rush out of the factory building, run over the burning police car, rush across the mountain road, and disappear into the vast mountains and forests of the southwest.

Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes, his pupils flickered coldly, and the next moment the engine started suddenly.


The off-road motorcycle turned into a sharp blade, and instantly tore through the cliff!