Chapter 148

Police cars rushed through the rubble, their headlights illuminating the night ahead.

A red dot suddenly appeared on the frequency detection radar screen. The scarlet light flickered, reflecting in Yan Xie's dark eyes.

The next moment, Yan Xie slammed the steering wheel, and the police car drifted amidst the screams, following the red dot.


It should obviously have been a loud impact, but to Qin Chuan's ears, it sounded like a muffled sound across the water.

That's because his ears were covered with blood.

 "F*ck your mother…" A-Jie got up from the ground. His whole body was covered with mud and gravel, and he was coughing and spitting out several mouthfuls of blood-red saliva. He shook his head vigorously, finally focused his eyes, and stared at Qin Chuan, who was panting on the ground not far away.

There was a height difference of eight or nine meters from the place where they rolled down. The ground was full of sharp stones protruding from its surface, along with hard branches like bayonets. It was lucky enough not to be stabbed in the middle of the fall. In comparison, Qin Chuan was unlucky. He half-kneeled on the ground and clutched his stomach tightly, unable to stand up at all. In the dark night, he couldn't see the extent of his injury, but blood was bubbling from between his fingers, constantly spilling on the ground.

"Wait…just wait and see," A-Jie gasped, "I will never…never let you walk out of here alive…"

 Then, without wasting time, he turned around and walked uphill, still wanting to get the cell phone.

Qin Chuan didn't know where the strength in him came from. He suddenly got up and rushed over, like a predatory bird coming from above, strangling A-Jie from behind!


 This time A-Jie was really furious and blurted out a few words in Burmese, then leaned forward and threw Qin Chuan hard onto the ground!

Qin Chuan let out a mouthful of blood as he landed. A-Jie didn't let him take a breather. He grabbed him by the clothes and punched him twice, roaring angrily: "I'll kill you, you bastard! You try to stop; someone will be dead if you stop me again!! Either Cops will die or you!!"


 His ribs and internal organs were squeezed, twisted, and ruptured by the fists, and even his heartbeat almost stopped.

Then A-Jie paused, and his fist was caught by Qin Chuan's blood-stained palm. Immediately, Qin Chuan threw a flying kick at his chest, hitting his sternum quickly and fiercely!

That was the power of the beast bursting out when he was on the verge of death. It was so swift and violent that A-Jie felt that his sternum was hit head-on by a thousand-weight hammer, and he fell ten steps away in an instant!

 "…Then," Qin Chuan said roughly, "I'll die."

He fell to the ground and crawled toward the mobile phone, which was not far away.

It was literally almost crawling, and there were bloodstains on the ground under him. A-Jie stood up with blood streaming down his face, only to feel inexplicable and extremely absurd anger rushing straight to the top of his head. He staggered and rushed up on the gravel, grabbing Qin Chuan when he was only half a step away from the phone and mercilessly pushing back.

 "You still think you're a cop? What are you trying to do, you bastard?!"

"Cough cough…"

The cough made his trachea seem to be twisted into pieces. Qin Chuan gushed out a mouthful of blood as soon as he opened his mouth.

 "You f*cking want to die, don't you? I'll help you!" A-Jie grabbed him and forcibly dragged him to the side of the broken tree trunk. He slammed his head against the tree with his back collar, and the broken wood and dead leaves rustled down: " I will personally send you on your way!"

Then he slammed him on the tree—bang!!

Blood was spilled all over the ground, and the cracking of human bones made the teeth feel cold.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but lose his temper, and the bloody barrier even blocked his sight.

But in a trance, he could still see blue and red interlaced light reflecting the canyon in the distance. He knew that there were countless policemen there, some of whom were strangers, but most of them could be named; they were nervously waiting for the appearance of the big drug traffickers, waiting for the upcoming life-and-death battle, and no one knew that the former traitor was here.

No one came to see off his death.

 But at least, Qin Chuan thought, they had all appeared together in many pre-battle mobilizations, many post-battle celebrations, and even earlier, at the welcome meeting when he first entered the anti-drug division.

Since there had been so many perfections, it didn't matter much if there was an occasional shortcoming.

"Okay, I'll send you down with those cops today." A-Jie picked up a fist-sized sharp stone and said coldly, "Go find your brothers in your next life!" 


The stone fell head-on, and Qin Chuan closed his eyes.

But the expected impact did not come.

—Snap! A-Jie's arm was grabbed from behind, and then he was overturned with great force and fell backward with a punch in the face!

"There is no need for another life," said a familiar male voice, "He has always been my brother."

Qin Chuan's pupils dilated instantly.

 "Yan…" he murmured, "Yan Xie?!"

A-Jie tried to get up, but before he could do it completely, Yan Xie grabbed him, slammed him into the tree, and gave him a hard and fierce punch at lightning speed. Snap! The back of A-Jie's head hit the tree hard, followed by another punch without a breath, and even his temples made a clear squeezing sound!

"…!" Coughing blood, A-Jie grabbed Yan Xie, kicked him away fiercely, and then leaned down with his head in his arms. This reaction was indeed professional, because the next moment the bullet hit the tree trunk behind him with a bang, splashing sawdust all over the sky!

 "Are you okay?!" Yan Xie shouted.

Qin Chuan's head was covered with blood, and he coughed a few times before he could speak: "You… do you have a f*cking dog's nose?"

"Radio wave positioning!" Yan Xie said coldly, "Chief Lu said that since it's a common frequency bomb, it has to be triggered by radio waves, so the command center urgently sent out a batch of positioning devices! Reinforcements are on the way!"

 Qin Chuan smiled weakly and murmured: "But you are the only one who moved so fast… And still saying that it wasn't a dog's nose."

A-Jie dodged behind the tree, only to feel the top of his head almost smash into pieces, and two dirty words burst out from between his teeth on the spot. Countless escapes from death let him know that he couldn't hesitate at this time; he must let the opponent run out of bullets immediately. So he took a breath before Yan Xie could catch up with him, rolled out like a sharp arrow, and went straight somewhere——

Yan Xie shouted: "Stop!"

 That was just his instinctive reaction as a criminal policeman for many years, and he actually shot before his words fell. In the night, a blaze of fire chased A-Jie, and the gravel flew to the ground. Qin Chuan shouted: "Be careful! Knife!"

Seeing the knife lying on the ground not far away, A-Jie rolled on the spot and reached out to catch it. In the next moment, the bullet flew in and sent the knife flying!

The bullet shell fell to the ground with a ding. Yan Xie was about to change the magazine, only to see A-Jie jumping up like a cheetah, kicking him backward in mid-air!

 Qin Chuan: "Can you do it?!"

Yan Xie staggered two steps, and A-Jie tried to kick him for the third time on the nose. At this moment, Yan Xie's fighting style was obviously different from Qin Chuan's. He didn't dodge, but dropped the empty gun at lightning speed and grabbed A-Jie's leg between his elbows —if this were a fighting arena, he would be so fast that his reaction might not even be captured by the camera in time. He had already exerted force with both arms at the same time, clicking and twisting left and right!

 In fact, there shouldn't be any movement, but the severe electric pain when the long bone cracked still caused A-Jie's scalp to explode suddenly.

Thud! A-Jie rolled to the ground, and Yan Xie staggered on his feet: "I've said earlier that I am better than you; why aren't you convinced?!" 

Qin Chuan was gritting his teeth and moving into the distance. Hearing the words, he said weakly: "I have already drained more than half of his stamina! So this time doesn't count!"

Yan Xie: "Don't be so… F*ck!"

 A-Jie's ferocity had been completely aroused to the top, and even in this situation, he could still beat Yan Xie down with a sweeping kick, and the two scuffled together in an instant!

"It's so freaking touching, huh?" A-Jie's face was ashen, and he sneered, "The person who almost poisoned you can still be a brother. Do you think you are very great?"

The palms, elbows, knees, and all other load-bearing points of the two of them were stuck on each other, their muscles tensed, their muscles and bones were bursting, and both of their bones creaked under the weight of the load. Yan Xie's physical strength prevailed, twisting A-Jie's arm inch by inch and pressing him on the ground. A smile appeared on his distorted face due to excessive force, but it looked even more terrifying: "Yeah, what's wrong with being great? Admire me?"

A-Jie : "..."

"Do you want me to sign an autograph for you?!"

If A-Jie could free his hand, Yan Xie's tall and straight-nose bridge would have been broken by now. But at this moment, they were pressing against each other, and A-Jie could only feel the smell of rust rising in his throat. He pressed against Yan Xie's ear, and when he spoke, blood leaked from the gap between his teeth, and he said word by word: "Do you know…"

A few seconds later, Yan Xie suddenly slammed his elbow on A-Jie's forehead!

The stalemate between the two was broken immediately, and in the chaos, A-Jie hit Yan Xie's leg bone, covering the blood on his forehead and rolling out. The soul-stirring change only happened in half a second, and the two separated for a few meters. Yan Xie cursed out something, only to hear A-Jie sneer: "Turn around and see if your brother is still there. He f*cking ran away! Stupid d*ck!"

Yan Xie tilted his head reflexively, and there was an empty space not far away, leaving only a pool of blood.

 At the same time, the cold wind approached his face. Bang! There was a loud bang that echoed in his eardrums, and A-Jie smashed him with a stone, and his face was covered in blood!

"F*ck your mother, Qin Chuan!!" Yan Xie yelled, "Just wait for Laozi to get out of here!!"

The night was dark, black smoke was billowing, and Qin Chuan was completely gone. Yan Xie held A-Jie's hand tightly and was suddenly swept by A-Jie's foot across his ankle. At that time, he lost his balance and fell, almost hitting his head on a rocky cliff.

 In just a few seconds, A-Jie had staggered toward the distance, and the target was flashing in the reflection of the fire in the distance—it was the knife.

"I didn't kill you several times; today is finally the time." In the dark night, A-Jie raised his knife, his eyes gleaming like a wolf: "Let me kill you—"

"Yan Xie!" Suddenly, Qin Chuan's roar sounded from behind: "Here!!"

 An arc crossed the air and swirled, which turned out to be a pistol.

The tacit understanding of many times of life-and-death cooperation was brought to its peak at this moment. Yan Xie seemed to have eyes behind his back, and he didn't look at him at all—

Crack! The Type-92 rotated and was caught, and the bullet was loaded into the chamber.

The bursting wind stopped instantly, and all the scenes froze.

Under the sky, Yan Xie raised the muzzle of the gun and aimed at the target. Bang!!

The spinning bullet shattered time and space, tore apart the night air, and was reflected in A-Jie's pupils.

 In the next moment, the bullet penetrated his forehead and shot out from the back of his head, and the bullet casing bounced off the ground with a clang!

"..." A-Jie's expression finally froze.

This professional killer, who has been in power in China and Myanmar for many years and had long forgotten how many crimes and blood stains he had committed, finally knelt down in this valley full of smoke, and his whole body fell down.

 Smoke and dust splashed all over the ground and then slowly fell.

—He died.

Blood flowed from his widened eyes, but the corpse no longer reacted, and traces of brain matter gradually leaked from the bullet holes.

As soon as Yan Xie loosened his hand, the Type-92 fell to the ground with a clatter, and then he let out a long breath and relaxed.

"Did you scold my mother just now…", Qin Chuan collapsed among the rocks, coughed several times, and then gasped for exhaustion: "If you dare to scold again, Laozi will beat you up."

Yan Xie laughed and said, "Okay, come."

 Yan Xie turned around and staggered up the rocky slope, only to see Qin Chuan leaning against a rock. His face was astonishingly white; his nose, mouth, and half of his face were covered in blood. He was stabbed in the abdomen by a tree branch just now when he was rolling down the rocky cliff with A-Jie. The depth of the wound could not be seen clearly in the dark, but the front of the coat was already wet and sticky, and as he got a little closer, a thick, bloody smell rushed to his face.

 "We couldn't do it," Yan Xie took off his jacket to block the bleeding, and said, "It took a long time to kill that Burmese guy, it's shameful." 

"Do you know how crazy people are in Myanmar? One order is enough to buy a single apartment in Jianning. We two are greasy middle-aged civil servants, it would be nice if we could die… hiss!"

Qin Chuan took a breath from the pain, and it took him a long time to recover, and he said weakly as he lay on the rock, "I originally wanted to borrow Captain Jiang's knife to kill this bastard, then concentrate on dealing with the King of Spades… I even gave surnamed Jiang a strong dose of medicine, who knew that he would be exposed so early, and I wouldn't get the time to do it." 

Yan Xie suspiciously asked: "Strong medicine?"

Qin Chuan didn't speak but suddenly asked: "What did that bastard tell you just now?"

 Yan Xie seemed to have realized something and gave him a condescending look: "It doesn't matter anymore."

But Qin Chuan was smart. Under such a situation of continuous bleeding, he couldn't help but use his elbows to prop up his upper body, stretch his neck, and asked, "Let's talk, let's talk. There is not much time left. We won't have much chance to chat in the future. Do you have any beer and peanuts to give… What are you doing?"

Yan Xie snorted while lowering his head for an emergency rescue signal: "If I were you, I would shut up and rest well. Try to make sure that you are still awake when the reinforcements arrive so that you can see that bastard Wen Shao's being escorted into the police car."

Qin Chuan laughed.

"Captain Yan, Captain Yan, please call back; this is the C91 observation point…"

Yan Xie picked up the phone: "Jack of Diamonds resisted arrest with weapons and was killed by Qin Chuan and me. I just applied for emergency assistance from the command vehicle. What now?"

 "The 'Nail' sent the location of the third wave of explosives to the command center, and the bomb disposal personnel are already in place. Now the main target is only one kilometer away from the explosion zone!"

Yan Xie: "Dammit!"

 Yan Xie got up and ran. After running for a few steps, he seemed to think of something, turned around, and threw a pair of handcuffs at Qin Chuan, warning: "You should handcuff yourself."

Qin Chuan couldn't laugh or cry: "Get lost, you… hey, wait!"

Yan Xie turned his head.

The flames in the distance were still on, and Qin Chuan's face, which didn't look like that of a living person because of excessive blood loss, was flushed red, and his eyes were shining brightly. At this moment, they stared at each other, and across the thorn bushes and rocks, both of their eyes reflected the youthful figure of each other.

"I feel that the King of Spades seems to like to play tricks. Be careful, just in case." After a pause, Qin Chuan said in a deep voice, "Take care." 

Yan Xie took two steps back, nodded, turned around, and ran toward the police car.

The engine roared away, and the night quickly engulfed the red taillights.

Qin Chuan withdrew his gaze and slowly looked at the night sky.

Well, he thought, I'm luckier than my dad.

He didn't know how many times his thoughts gradually drifted away, and he returned to that chaotic and hasty afternoon. Yue Guangping twitched and fell to the ground, staring at him with bloodshot eyes that seemed to contain a thousand words that could not be said, including astonishment, regret, nostalgia, reluctance, unbelievable… but only no hate.

 "Didn't he say that he only needed to delay the time?! Didn't he say that the dose is not enough to kill?!" Qin Chuan stepped back tremblingly and heard a voice in his heart screaming crazily: "How could this be? How could this be?!" 

Surprise and fear tore his mind frantically, making his brain go blank, until the man he had hated for many years and who should be called "father" finally stopped convulsing and collapsed on the ground, completely breathless.

For so many years, he never had a good look at his father's face.

 It wasn't until the moment between Yin and Yang that he realized that the face was so similar to himself.

Until the end, he didn't question the King of Spades about the dose of poison. He seemed to be relatively calm and accepted the fact of Yue Guangping's death with a little bit of reasonable anger. All his performances were so real and natural that no one raised any doubts about him—neither Chief Lu nor the King of Spades, not even the father in countless late-night dreams and the mother in deep memory.

The fangs were hidden at the bottom of the tongue until the last moment when his intentions became apparent.

 It was too cold. Qin Chuan tried his best to bend his legs, but he couldn't move anymore.

He had hoped that the King of Spades would die by his own hands, but it would be the same if he died by the police. If he was shot at the execution ground, he would almost win the lottery. Although there was an accident on the way and he couldn't live to see the lottery drawing with his own eyes, the fellow surnamed Yan could see it for himself.

Qin Chuan's vision became more and more lax. When he closed his eyes, thousands of stars turned into blurred spots of light.

 So sleepy, he thought, I need to sleep for a while…

Just for a while.

The wind swept across the mountain stream, blowing a long whistle, rushing toward the night sky, where the red and blue lights were changing and flickering.

An urgent siren was faintly heard in the distance.


The police car was speeding like lightning, and the glare in the canyon reflected Yan Xie's calm face. He pressed the walkie-talkie channel: "Old Huang, send me the location of the 'Nail'.

"I can't catch up with the signal; let me see…" After a while, Huang Xing sent a location and shouted in the background of the command vehicle: "Where are you going, Old Yan! It's too dangerous! Call and arrange for your investigation team to go to the gorge to protect the experts dismantling the bomb!"

"Protect fart! The detonator can be triggered by an electric spark; is it useful to call in an armed police company to protect them?!"

"Then what else can we do? Let's go as fast as we can!" Huang Xing yelled, "Where are you? Come back quickly! Chief Lu is sending people to cover Nail! It's too dangerous!" 


The cover was to give the undercover a chance to escape, but it didn't apply to Jiang Ting at all. No one in this world knows him better than Yan Xie. "Red Queen of Hearts" was not just a nail planted inside the drug cartel. No matter how calm and handsome his appearance was, no matter how composed and plain his attitude was, it couldn't cover up the real thing deep in his soul—A thorn soaked in the thick blood of hatred and polished by constant rage for three years, so it was extremely sharp.

"I'm going to meet Nail right now." Yan Xie dropped this sentence and casually threw the walkie-talkie onto the passenger seat.

"Hey! Old Yan! If you fight like this, you will die…" 

"Hey, just let him go!" Finally, Chief Lu's helpless scolding came from the other side: "Do you got it?!"

Huang Xing: "…?"

The corners of Yan Xie's lips curled into a fleeting arc, and at the same time, the accelerator was pressed to the end. The police car rushed down the mountain road, screaming, and rushed toward the target!