Chapter 156 extra 1

The matter of getting married was actually proposed by Jiang Ting.

 That night, Yan Xie was making soy milk in the kitchen to have it for breakfast tomorrow with omelets when he suddenly heard Jiang Ting in the bedroom shouting, "Yan Xie!" 


"Gongzhou Police Academy and the S Provincial Police Academy both have entrusted Chief Lu to come and ask me if I would like to give lectures there!"

Jiang Ting had officially left the Gongzhou Municipal Bureau and had been idle at home for two or three months. As his health got better, he couldn't sit idle, so he secretly followed Yan Xie to the scene several times with the tactic consent of Chief Lu. When the word spread, the police academies in both provinces and cities knew that Captain Jiang was famous for criminal investigation, so they started thinking about poaching people.

Yan Xie's ears perked up sensitively: "Gongzhou?"

"Yes!" Jiang Ting stopped, seeming to find it very interesting: "Gongzhou Police Academy gives 2,000 yuan more than S Province every month!"

 Yan Xie opened the cover of the machine and poured soy milk into the bowl while cursing the shamelessness of the Gongzhou Police Academy and the stinginess of the S Provincial Police Academy in his heart, "Then what do you say?" 

There was a lot of noise in the bedroom; it sounded like Jiang Ting had opened the drawer to take out his glasses and was ready to start reading his bedtime book—"Key Points of Steps to Convert Electronic Traces into Evidence" (Author Huang Xing, signed version).

Yan Xie's heart was in his throat, afraid that Jiang would say some godly argument in the next second, for example, "Men should take on the burden of supporting the family, so I decided to earn the extra two thousand yuan," or "Gongzhou is my hometown, and I'm obliged to contribute more to the construction of public security there." However, after waiting for a long time, he only heard Jiang Ting say slowly: 

 "Forget it; let's just save the time that would be wasted flowering the house later!"

Yan Xie: "…Huh?"

"Didn't you say that long-distance marriages don't last long? What to do? I've rejected two thousand yuan for you!" 

 There were loud bangs, and the soy milk machine rolled from the counter to the floor, splashing hot soy milk all over the floor. Yan Xie almost got hit as he jumped three feet high while holding his feet. Jiang Ting sat up from the bed: "What happened?!"

"No, it's nothing, just hit the shelf!" Yan Xie frantically took a rag and covered the soy milk all over the floor, and at the same time he tried to make his voice sound calm and normal: "You just said that you didn't want the two thousand yuan?" 

"It's hard to maintain the family while living separately!"


"Why?" Jiang Ting became alert, "Did I say something wrong?"

Yan Xie used all his strength to restrain himself from blurting out, "When the hell did you agree to get married to me? He used all the strategizing and calmness of his life at this moment. After taking three deep breaths, he finally performed the most perfect, coldest, and most casual voice: 

 "No, it's nothing. Do you want to add sugar to the soy milk?" 

Jiang Ting: "Add a little!"

Yan Xie wiped his hands, puffed up his chest, let out a long breath, and carefully examined himself in the mirror. Although he had a few vicissitudes due to long-term busyness, he had a handsome and tough face, strong arms, and great masculine charm. He ruffled his forehead hair pickily, then stepped back half a step in satisfaction and nodded.

 He poured a glass of warm water, turned, and walked out of the kitchen, then pushed the door in front of the bedroom confidently.

Jiang Ting was leaning on the head of the bed, looking through the signed book Huang Xing gave him, wrapped in a cloud-like wool blanket that looked like a light and soft feather under the orange light. He was now the wild giant panda Chief Lu focused on, and in the city bureau, he was like a moon surrounded by stars. In Yan Xie's words, all the care he was receiving at home now was similar to that of an empress.

The Empress took the cup of warm water and said unhappily: "Why don't you bring soy milk?"

 Yan Xie was thinking about coaxing his wife to ask about the matter, so he perfunctorily said a few sentences saying that you want your husband to feed you or something, and then seemed to ask nonchalantly: "When did the S Provincial Police Academy ask you to report?"

"September, what's the matter?"

"Then let's do it," Yan Xie rubbed his hands and said, "It's a bit tight to have a wedding."

 Jiang Ting raised his eyelids, and Yan Xie held his breath for that moment, fearing that he would react and say, "The two men's marriage won't be successful." However, this worry was in vain, and he heard Jiang Ting say in surprise: "You want to have a wedding?"

With a bang, Yan Xie's heart fell heavily into his chest.

But his control over the micro-expressions was at its peak, and he didn't show a hint of joy on the surface, instantly raising his sword eyebrows in surprise: "You don't want to do it?" 

 Jiang Ting said, "It's not like that. But we're both men…"

Yan Xie lowered his head and covered his eyes with his hands. His shoulders drooped, and even the black hair on the top of his head, which was always domineering and could not be suppressed without wax, was listless, drooping, and swaying in an arc.

Jiang Ting was dumbfounded, and the air fell into silence.

 "Since I was very young, I have always imagined that my future wedding must be held abroad. Flowers, lawn, fountain, white pigeons… Under the witness of relatives and friends, I will make a lifelong vow." Yan Xie closed his eyes, shook his head for a while, and said solemnly: "It's fine if you don't want to."

He paused and stood up: "After all, you are more concerned about worldly eyes."

He walked out of the room with a trace of helplessness and forbearance on his back, like the dying man covered in blood on the bank of the river in Jiangyang County, dragging his heavy steps slowly into the distance.


Sure enough, the next second, his hand was grabbed.

"Okay, okay…" Jiang Ting was defeated, and his face was full of despair: "Where do you want to have a wedding? Let's do it now!" 


"So?" Han Xiaomei stared in disbelief: "All our preparations for a surprise proposal in the past two months, they were all just a waste of time?"

In the corridor of the Jianning City Bureau, Yan Xie wore a police uniform jacket on one shoulder, held a large glass of extra-concentrated skim latte in one hand, and shrugged bluntly. The smug expression on his face made people really want to beat him with a shoe. It was unknown how Jiang Ting could kiss him every day:

 "Your brother Jiang loves~ me~ understand? In your brother Jiang's heart, I am his only companion, the destined husband, the destination of fate! Who else can he marry besides me? Proposal? Do I still need to ask?! "

Han Xiaomei's face was blank, and she watched Yan Xie walk forward with his tail raised as if the one who yelled at Ma Xiang some time ago–"No! The flowers at the proposal scene must be red! All red! Red is the most festive and richest color, symbolizing my love for your brother Jiang!"—that neurosis was not the same as him.

"Oh, that's right," Yan Xie suddenly stopped, turned around as if he suddenly remembered something, and patted her on the top of her head with a folder, making Han Xiaomei stagger.

 "For the sake of your meritorious service in planning the proposal, your brother Yan will reward you with a wedding invitation with an all-inclusive first-class air ticket and a five-star hotel. Remember to dress nicely." 

Han Xiaomei: "!!!" 

Yan Xie's image in Han Xiaomei's heart suddenly grew tall, soaring straight into the sky, and she wagged her tail amidst her grateful send-off.


"You children are really ignorant. If you say you want to have a wedding, then there will be a wedding? Is there enough time? Is the place fixed? How many people are you going to invite? Jewelry, rings, suits, venues, wedding cars, flowers, emcee band…" 

Jiang Ting put one leg on the other, holding Director Huang's latest book in his hand and a Bluetooth headset in his ear. He kept "hmming" between Madam Zeng Cuicui's chatter.

 "So why didn't you say that in advance?!" Mother Yan was about to have a heart attack, "It's already April! It's only five months away from September, your reporting time! This time isn't even enough to make clothes, how can you do the wedding?!" 

Jiang Ting finally came to his senses: "What?"

Mother Yan: "…"

"Oh, Yan Xie said that this was his wish since he was a child. When he was eighteen years old, he dreamed of going to a foreign country to hold a wedding, so that's why…" 

The resentment in Mother Yan's heart turned to dumbfoundedness: "You listened to him. When he was eighteen years old, all he could think about was being a gangster. His only wish in life was to be the boss of the underworld in Jianning. A wedding? What is a wedding? Can a wife be eaten?"

Jiang Ting: "..."

 Mother Yan spoke earnestly, and her love and affection almost overflowed through the microphone: "Silly boy, he fooled you."

Jiang Ting raised his hand to cover his eyes; his posture was exactly the same as that of Yan Xie, who was pretending to be well-behaved that night. After a while, he raised his head and let out a long breath; his face was as if he was free from every worldly affair, and he said: "We don't have to go abroad, just finding a seafood stall at the door of the city bureau to have a meal will be fine."

"How can that be?! Our family's wedding can't be so perfunctory! I don't want the next generation to repeat the regrets that I had with your Uncle Yan back then!" Mother Yan said seriously: "Back then, I was a young lady from a rich family, and your Uncle Yan was just a high school Chinese teacher. Our marriage was opposed by everyone, so we were only able to hold a hasty wedding…" 

 Jiang Ting instantly made up a series of events: abandonment of family property, elopement to get married, then starting from scratch—a deeply moving epic love story in an instant. But he hadn't even finished his imagination when he heard Mother Yan's next words: 

"Even the cars at our wedding were only Xiali1, Xiali! Where were the Ferrari, Porsche, Rolls-Royce, and Lamborghini that we agreed upon?!" 

"I swore to myself since then that when my child would get married, I would find 88 Ferraris to drive around Jianning City! I would give my daughter-in-law a diamond crown when she gave birth to a son or a daughter, and I would never wear a diamond weighing less than five carats! Old Yan, did you hear that? Old Yan?!"

Father Yan held the notebook: "All the arrangements are in place!"

Jiang Ting: "..."


 We don't need to travel through Jianning City; if we did, I fear the Ministry of Public Security would contact us and criticize us. Yan Xie laughed and said, "Listen to me, let's just go abroad, prepare a venue with a lawn, a fountain, and a self-service barbecue, and only invite the nearest relatives and friends. The total number of people should be between 30 to 40. Also, don't charter flights; Chief Lu, Chief Wei, and all others want to book the air tickets themselves. After all, they all have their own reputation."

Yan Xie lay on the sofa half-crooked, with one arm around Jiang Ting. The two cuddled up to each other and watched a drama on TV. They heard Mother Yan gritting her teeth on the phone, wishing she could reach out her hand to slap her son on the head: "You little bastard, do you think all these things can be done in time? Tomorrow, I will have the tailor come to your door to discuss suits, wine, flowers, venues, jewelry…"

As Jiang Ting watched the heroine run wildly in the rainstorm in the TV series, he also read director Huang Xing's latest work. His glasses were squeezed crooked by Yan Xie, who laughed when he heard her mother: "Why do we need jewelry? We are not girls."

 Mother Yan said happily: "You think too much. It's your old lady's jewelry. Isn't the fact that the son I worked so hard to raise is getting married a good reason for me to buy new jewelry?!" 

 Jiang Ting: "..." 

On the other end of the phone, wearing presbyopic glasses, Father Yan, who was watching martial arts dramas and financial newspapers at the same time: "..." 

 "Come on, Mom, just do as you want, and I'll talk to the wedding company later." Yan Xie watched as Jiang Ting's attention shifted more and more from professional books to TV drama. His heart was on fire, and he was about to hang up the phone with a few words: "All right, all right, you can do whatever you want, and your son will honor you with a five-carat pigeon-egg diamond later. I love you, bye!"

"Where would you get the five carats? Is your salary even enough to buy you a pair of shoes? You good-for-nothing son…"

Madam Zeng Cuicui's scolding was cut off with a click, and Yan Xie leaned down and pressed Jiang Ting on the sofa, tightly wrapping the whole person under him: "What are you looking at?" 

The two of them were close to each other, from the chest and abdomen to the waist and hips to the four legs, and even their breath was barely separated by a distance of half a palm.

Jiang Ting's cheeks were slightly hot, but he still said calmly: "Reading a book." 

"Reading, huh? Who kept looking at the TV just now?"


"No? What were you looking at? Is the male protagonist more handsome than me?"

As soon as Jiang Ting opened his mouth, his mouth was covered by Yan Xie's hand, who lowered his head and approached with a very intimidating force. Yan Xie's lips almost stuck to the tip of Jiang Ting's nose when he opened and closed them, which was a distance of malicious flirting: 

 "Think again, is the leading actor as handsome as your husband?"

 Jiang Ting murmured, shaking his head vigorously.

"Is your husband the most handsome man in China?"

Jiang Ting nodded without saying a word.

"Then what were you looking at?"


 Yan Xie let go of his hand a little bit. Jiang Ting took a breath, immediately suppressed a smile, and said seriously: "Looking at you."

The eyelashes of the two were only separated by a few centimeters, and a trace of familiar evil gradually appeared in Yan Xie's eyes. Then—

Jiang Ting clearly felt something against the inside of his thigh, and that thing gradually became more vivid and hotter and soon developed into a serious threat that could not be ignored.

"Yan Xie!" Jiang Ting was angry and funny, turning over and running: "What're you trying to do, you…"

Yan Xie had sharp eyes and quick hands. Like an unreasonable bandit kidnapping a bride, he grabbed Jiang Ting and pressed him back under his body. The weather was getting warmer, and the thin home clothes fell off as soon as they were pulled. In the blink of an eye, Jiang Ting was like a fresh and tender snack whose wrapping had been peeled off. His na-ked skin was full of the warm fragrance after bathing. His thighs were separated by Yan Xie's knees, and the er*ct, hard thing couldn't wait to squeeze in immediately.

"You bastard… ah!"

 Jiang Ting panted heavily, trying to relax and relieve the intense pressure of being suddenly entered, but it was useless. Yan Xie was too big, and he squeezed in recklessly. The dry entrance made the friction feel clearer, even to the point of making him tremble.

Yan Xie lowered his head to kiss him. His lips and tongue were lingering and gentle, but his movements were hot and tough. The muscles inside Jiang Ting's thighs couldn't help twitching; he clenched his teeth and couldn't make a sound. It wasn't until the murder weapon finally entered completely inside that he finally exhaled tremblingly.

"If…you killed me here…this, this will be a murder scene…"

 Yan Xie laughed: "How could it be a murder scene?"

Before his words fell, he suddenly withdrew a little and then thr-usted back hard!

"It's clearly the scene of a love affair," he said with a smile amidst Jiang Ting's sharp inhalation.

The sofa kept creaking, and the sound was getting faster and more urgent. The initial physiological instinct of resistance became the past, and the fiery and tender passage began to convulse to welcome the intruder. Every time it was inserted to the end, it would be tightly clamped, and when the murder weapon was drawn out, there would be a reluctant squelching sound.

The sense of security of embracing a large area of ​​naked arms and the deadly pleasure of being hollowed out by total possession was like layers of electric grids, wrapping Jiang Ting from head to toe. There was buzzing in his ears, and the lines of the drama on TV became very blurred, and he could only hear his own panting, broken and hasty, and the violent heartbeat made the blood continuously hit the eardrum.

"Welcoming me like this?" Yan Xie kissed Jiang Ting's hot ear tip, but his actions were fierce and ruthless. He withdrew forcefully from the strong sucking and then forcibly thr-usted again, so fast that even the sound of the sofa squeezing together became one. He asked with a smile, "Squeezing so tightly, you don't want me to go out, huh?"

Jiang Ting's fingers trembled, scratching the sofa under him, but Yan Xie grabbed his wrist and pressed it on the pillow beside his ear. With no outlet to vent the overwhelming pleasure, Jiang Ting moaned a little with red eyes, and the deep part of his pupils flickered with broken light, staring tightly at Yan Xie's black eyes.

"Don't grab it," Yan Xie said with a hoarse smile, "What if a guest came home and saw these marks on the sofa? Won't they know that you like to grab things?" 


Jiang Ting closed his eyes. His eyelashes got darker from the water, and he hugged Yan Xie's neck tremblingly, pulling him down forcefully and pressing him against his wet lips.

He had always been tough, calm, and full of vigilance, but this small gesture revealed infinite trust and dependence, like a child who was actively reaching out for candy. Yan Xie kissed his hot lips as if his heart was hit hard by an electric current. The unspeakable excitement hit the lower body along the nerves, and his genitals became hard and painful during the thru-sting.

He suddenly withdrew completely. Then he sat up and picked up Jiang Ting, turning him over, and filling the impatient little opening again from behind. The body's position and gravity made the fierce weapon penetrate to a very terrifying level. Jiang Ting was so stimulated that his whole body went numb, and he let out an "ah" in an instant. As he leaned back completely in Yan Xie's arms, his thin and rigid back shoulders trembled continuously as he gasped for breath.

 "Do you want me to shoot it in?" Yan Xie whispered behind his ear.

Jiang Ting didn't answer; his eyelashes were densely covered with watery eyes, trembling with every slight thr-ust.

Yan Xie wrapped his arms around his thin waist and pinched his fingers deeply into the side waist muscles, "I asked you something?" 


Jiang Ting clenched his teeth as if he would let out cries of collapse as soon as he opened his mouth. But Yan Xie seemed to suddenly have infinite interest in this question. He pressed against the deepest and most sensitive point of the passage, squeezing and grinding desperately, repeatedly asking at the same time: "Do you want me to c*m in?"

"Do you want me to, huh?"

"Speak, do you dislike me so much?"

Just as the words fell, Jiang Ting turned around suddenly, looking at Yan Xie. This action moved the genitals deep into his body, and the internal movement made him unable to breathe. His upright nose was wet, and one could only see his snow-white teeth clenched tightly, and he could only utter one word: 


 Yan Xie thought he was going to scold him and thought he heard it wrong: "What?"  

Jiang Ting gritted his teeth, "Yes!"

He stopped and picked him up, walked through the corridor from the living room in two steps, kicked open the door of the bedroom, and fell on the big bed. The next moment, Yan Xie thr*sted again, pulling out and thr*ting again like a storm. Each stroke was as if he was madly venting some kind of strong emotion. He penetrated the deepest part of Jiang Ting amidst his rapid and uncontrollable moans, and at last, he burst out!

They reached their climax at the same time. Jiang Ting's mind went blank, and he almost lost consciousness for several seconds.

"..." Yan Xie murmured some love words that no one could hear clearly except himself, and he started thr*sting slightly after he eja-cula-ted, kissing the drenched hair and the back of the neck of the person under him over and over again. He didn't know how long it took before Jiang Ting finally regained his sanity from the dizziness and struggled to turn his head.

They looked at each other from a close distance; their gasps intertwined, and their pupils reflected each other's eyes.

After a long time, Jiang Ting exerted his strength and raised his head slightly, and they kissed closely together like this.