The 4th Member Part IV

“Look, Mister Manoch...” he said, grabbing on the other one’s collar firmly. “I've got to admit that you’re so brave for asking such a thing directly to my face. But I'm gonna let this one go since it’s the first time you did this. And you really don’t want to find out about how I've dealt with those who tried to hit on my sisters through many years, right?”

“R... right, sir,” Manoch said as he was gulping down, getting an evil smile on the other's face from seeing this.

“That’s good, little bro. If you still want us to continue getting along, do not flirt with my sisters ever again. You hear me?” Wisana said with a cold voice before he slapped on the forehead of the younger one softly. “And don’t call me in-law. It pisses me off!!”

“Yes, sir!!” Seeing the other being so obedient made him smile so widely with satisfaction.

“Also, go find me another outfit. This one is almost right, but it’s still a bit bulky.”