Nemesis (1) Part II

“What? Or does this trick to get Vincent to come out have something else going on, too?” His guess was right to the point. The pair of pretty eyes looked down, being anxious by Thada’s plan. That was how Toei knew right away that his friend had some shady plan apart from enticing the player out with the prizes. He knew his friend well. Thada might look kind, but the guy could be a stubborn bully, too!

“Well!” The young DJ cut it off. “I don’t really care what he’s been up to, just make sure the board members don’t know about this, or our team will get reprimanded. And what should I call this plan? Entice the tiger to leave its lair?”

Rattana let out a quick laugh.

“Yes, something like that. Entice the tiger,” she said with a dry smile while her eyes were still looking anxious. So, the older one just patted the serious girl on the shoulder softly.

“Then, I have to leave first, still have plenty to discuss with the team. I'll see you outside the game later.”