Nemesis (2) Part II

“It was a quest in a dungeon around Nasen to hunt this guy.” He finished, before he pointed his finger to the sky, making everyone’s eyes look up at the same time.

A few moments later, there was a huge hot air balloon floating above the dome. But the thing that was more surprising was that the balloon was pulling a body of a large red monster with it, too. When everyone could process what kind of monster it was, they gasped.

“A dragon?!” GM June yelled out in surprise, as did the audience, who started making a sensation.

“What level are you exactly, Mister Vincent? How could you complete a dragon hunting quest all by yourself like this?” She turned to ask with an amazed expression. And Vincent just hushed her with a finger on her mouth, winking the amber eyes behind the mask at her.

“Well, you have a point. How many levels do I have exactly? Do you want to take a guess?”