Thada’s Warning (1) Part I

“Cheers!!” A shout came in the middle of a joyful scene. The four cups bumped against each other formally, before people who were holding them drank up the pink drink inside.

“I still can’t believe that our plan would be so successful like this!” A joyful voice came from the same old sassy one as he was smiling so happily that it started to look annoying now.

“Me neither, bro. When that Marcus jumped up to pick a fight, I really thought that you would get killed there.” The younger one across from him said slowly. His eyes behind the glasses looked spaced out somehow.

“Hey, you underestimated me, Ae. How could I lose to some noob like that?!”

“Wait, you’re right. You never lose. Even that Inferno boss, you’ve already kicked his butt, too!”

“That’s how you say it, lil bro. So, bottom up.”

“Bottom up!”