The Rough Way Part III

“What the hell is this?!” The screamer asked as he whipped the reins to make the yellow bird run faster.

“That’s my question! This is the third time that you showed yourself and pulled it to us!” Another voice came with a scolding tone, while the owner was rushing the other bird to run after him.


And the last voice was from a 4-meter-tall monster. It had rough skin and massive feet. It was no doubt that if this big guy stepped on the two prey he was chasing just once, both would be flat on the ground like some grilled bananas in a few seconds!

The huge dinosaur let out a loud roar again, before speeding up after the siblings who liked getting into trouble, especially Wisana, who could swear to God that he did not even ask for one!!

Who would have thought that going for a walk while the birds were taking a rest just for a few hours, would make him get bad luck and run into this big guy!!

“Jinnie!!” He groaned.

“Yes, master?”