The 5th Member Part II

“What’d you say?”

“I said I stuffed it in Na’s inventory myself.”

“Moron!!” The little one yelled, making the others at the table jump. “I was going to give that item to Orn. And what were you thinking, putting it in that guy’s inventory!!?”

“Well, I didn’t know you were going to give it to this girl!” Manoch yelled back, not giving up either. “I thought you wanted him to have it for his long trip. Wasn't it counted as the necessary he should have?!”

“The necessary your dad, Ae! That was an item for alchemist class, what would you think he could do with it?!”

“And how the heck was I supposed to know that?!”

“Be smarter!”

“You guys! Please calm down.” The same pretty girl was like a voice from heaven to stop them from fighting. She was holding hands in between them quickly. So, both sides gnarred at each other for a moment, before turning away in the opposite direction.

Aw, and I thought there was only one couple in the world who could start an argument in every situation!