The New Test Part IV

“No but!” She snapped. “Man… how could you agree with this guy, Nam? You already know how dangerous it could be. And about hunting Ouroboros, too. Don't you know how vicious the boss is?!!”

“I do, but, well, I agreed to come along just because I want to help Shin. His deadline for delivering the boss to the office is tomorrow already. If he doesn’t make it, he’ll be expensively charged, you know.” Getting his name mentioned in the argument made him flinch a little when he got involved, too. The emotionless face flashed a trace of surprise for a second before it faded away quickly. Shindanai let out a long sigh in a way that only Waree understood the meaning.

However, it seemed like Waree’s reason was valid enough because the head of staff did not continue to complain more as she expected.