Unexpected Technique Part V

“...What would you say, Lucy? Should we stop here?”

Finally, Wisana spoke up again, opening his palm at the other as he asked.

“Right now, all your abilities have already been disabled by me. And you’re also having two curses in your status like this, we can count this as a condition for being unable to fight, right?”

Lucy did not say anything in reply, because she could not. And at that moment, she was desperately trying to pull these disgusting knives out of her arm. Her amber eyes which used to look calm were now flashing with burning anger.

“They can’t be pulled out, except it’s me who does it.”

Wisana gave the answer that made Lucy pause, then she gazed up at him.


She groaned out of her throat like she was extremely frustrated. Then she launched herself straight at Wisana instantly. Even though her speed when she did that did not drop at all, she did not have any magic points left, so it was impossible for her to use the Jumper.

“...Unnecessary convictions.”