The First Assemble Part II

“NCP can be scared, too, sir!”

Hearing that, Wisana scratched his cheek, feeling amused by these people so much. ...But if there were someone that did not feel anything, that would be Angie. Even though she could not move any faster because she was sitting on Leonard’s shoulders, she still seemed like she was having fun seeing the people that were older than her fearing ridiculous things like this.

Wisana thought, caught eyes with Maysa, and then shook his head wearily.

“Shin’s going to be pissed off for sure. These people are slower than snails.” The girl sighed.

“What should we do, then?”

The troublemaker sighed out of patheticness. But after continuing to walk only a few steps, a brilliant idea just popped up in his mind. He curled up a smirk, as his amber eyes glanced back at his friend right away.


Maysa raised her eyebrows when she saw her friend making a tricky face somehow.

But Wisana did not hesitate. He pointed at the back of Tunwa’s group instantly.