Qualifying Round Part II

“What’s this qualifying round again?”

Maysa complained tiredly after she found out about the special round. The light gray eyes were looking down at many people that were crowded in many spots outside of Dores. She was sitting on the Light ring grandstand right now. The face that was bending down to see the town through the transparent floor beneath her feet looked worried a little that it made the one sitting next to her let out a chuckle.

“Don’t worry May. Na’s going to pass this qualifying round just fine.”

Waree said smilingly with a box of popcorn in her hand for little Angie to grab and put in her mouth enjoyingly. ...And after Maysa heard that, she let out a long sigh, glancing at one of the large screens that were floating in the middle of the Light ring, then she sighed again.

“I’m not worried about Wisana’s skill. I'm worried about the rules of the competition.”