Start Hunting! Part VII

“Don’t worry about that. I've summoned them out, and with the numbers that were enough to destroy this town in the blink of an eye.”

Allen smiled at those words as he looked out in front of him with a happy face...

The image in front of him was an enormous magic district sealing Dores firmly in a way that no one could get in and out. ...And this district surrounded the town only, not including the Light Ring stand that was floating above the town.

Allen thought, then smiled widely as he looked up to the massive ring-shaped stage like he was satisfied.

“If there’s not that guy, things will get easier now, that Thada,” Allen said with a pleased voice.

Nero chuckled at his friend’s words.

“Your plan’s brilliant. Not only that it can keep Thada out of it 100%, but it also creates the stage for testing Vincent’s abilities as well.”