“Compared with your mother, you can’t even make me drop a sweat.”
One moment later, Lucius’s voice was heard again, before the tall man toweringly stood in front of him. Their eyes caught right after that.
“Now, do you agree to get the hell out of the Pride world, kid?”
Lucius spoke in an emotionless tone. And hearing that, Wisana snorted.
“You think that this will stop me, huh?!”
Wisana said strugglingly because the air being unable to get into his lungs started to be his big problem here. And another problem that was about to follow was that his consciousness was fading out.
“You’re stubborn just like your father, always acting stupid and having some delusions that those people are his family, then serving them like a dog. When will you understand? There are more than enough monsters like you and me in this world. So, quit now. Get out of Pride.”